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* And as they came out , they found a man of Cyrene , Simon by name : they compelled him to bear his cross . * And when they had come to a place called Golgotha , that is to say , place of a skull , * They gave him wine to drink mixed with gall : and when he had tasted it , he would not drink . * And they crucified him , and divided his garments among them by casting lots . * And sitting down they watched him there ; * And set up over his head the accusation against him , which read , THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS . * At that time there were two robbers crucified with him , one on the right hand , and another on the left . * And those who passed by reviled him , wagging their heads , * Saying , You who would destroy the temple , and build it in three days , save yourself . If you are the Son of God , come down from the cross . * Likewise the chief priests , with the scribes and elders , mocked him , saying , * He saved others ; he cannot save himself . If he is the King of Israel , let him now come down from the cross , and we will believe in him . * He trusted in God ; let him deliver him now , if he will have him : for he said , I am the Son of God . * The robbers also , who were crucified with him , cast the same insult at him . * Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour . * And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice , saying , Eli , Eli , lama sabachthani ? that is to say , My God , my God , why have you forsaken me ? * Some of those who stood there , when they heard that , said , This man calls for Elijah . * And immediately one of them ran , and took a sponge , and filled it with vinegar , and put it on a reed , and gave it to him to drink . * The rest said , Wait , let us see whether Elijah will come to save him . * Jesus , when he had cried out again with a loud voice , yielded up the spirit . * And , behold , the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom ; and the earth quaked , and the rocks were split ; * And the graves were opened ; and many bodies of the saints who slept arose , * And came out of the graves after his resurrection , and went into the holy city , and appeared to many . * Now when the centurion , and those who were with him , watching Jesus , saw the earthquake , and those things that were done , they feared greatly , saying , Truly this was the Son of God . * And many women were there , beholding from afar . They had followed Jesus from Galilee , ministering to him . * Among them was Mary Magdalene , and Mary the mother of James and Joseph , and the mother of the sons of Zebedee . * When evening had come , there came a rich man from Arimathaea , named Joseph , who had himself also become a disciple of Jesus . * He went to Pilate , and asked for the body of Jesus . Then Pilate commanded it be delivered to him . * And when Joseph had taken the body , he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth , * And laid it in his own new tomb , which he had cut out in the rock : and he rolled a great stone over the door of the tomb , and departed . * And Mary Magdalene , and the other Mary , were there , sitting opposite the tomb . * Now the next day , which followed the day of preparation , the chief priests and Pharisees came together before Pilate , * Saying , Sir , we remember that while he was yet alive that deceiver said , After three days I will rise again . * Therefore , command that the tomb be made secure until the third day , lest his disciples come by night , and steal him away , and say to the people , He has risen from the dead : so the last deception shall be worse than the first . * Pilate said to them , You have a guard : go your way ; make it as secure as you can . * So they went , and made the tomb secure , sealing the stone and posting a guard .

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[BookofMatthew] [Matthew:26] [Matthew:27] [Matthew:28] [Discuss] Tag Matthew:27:32-66 [Audio][Presentation]