
orthjbc@Matthew:28:1 @ Now after Shabbos, at the time of Shacharit on Yom Rishon (note:)the first day of the week(:note), Miryam of Magdala and the other Miryam came to look at the kever.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:2 @ And--hinei!--a great earthquake had occurred, for a malach Adonoi (note:)an angel of Hashem(:note) descended from Shomayim and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:3 @ And his appearance was like lightning and his garment as white as snow.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:4 @ And the shomrim shook for fear of him and became like dead men.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:5 @ And the malach, in reply, said to the nashim, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are seeking Yehoshua, who has been hanged on HaAitz. *

orthjbc@Matthew:28:6 @ "He is not here. For to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has come the Techiyas HaMesim, just as he said. Come, see the place where he was lying.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:7 @ "And go quickly, tell his talmidim about Moshiach's Techiyas HaMesim. And--hinei!--he is going ahead of you into the Galil. There you will see him. Hinei! I have told you!"

orthjbc@Matthew:28:8 @ And they departed quickly from the kever with fear and great simcha and ran to report everything to Moshiach's talmidim.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:9 @ And--hinei!--Moshiach met them, saying" Shalom Alechem." And they came up and took hold of his feet and fell prostrate before Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:10 @ Then he said to them, "Do not be afraid; go and take word to my achim that they may go away to the Galil, and there they shall see me."

orthjbc@Matthew:28:11 @ Now while they were on their way--hinei!--some of the shomrim came into the city and reported to the Rashei Hakohanim all the things that had happened.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:12 @ And when they had assembled with the Zekenim and counseled together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers,

orthjbc@Matthew:28:13 @ and said, "You are to say, `His talmidim came by night and stole him away while we were asleep,`

orthjbc@Matthew:28:14 @ "And if this should come to the Governor's ears, we will win him over and keep you out of trouble."

orthjbc@Matthew:28:15 @ And the ones who took the kesef did as they had been instructed, and this story was widely spread among the Yehudim to this day.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:16 @ But the Achad Asar Talmidim proceeded to the Galil, to the mountain which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had designated.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:17 @ And when they saw him, they prostrated themselves before Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, but some were doubtful. MOSHIACH'S PROGRAM OF KIRUV RECHOKIM (note:)BRINGING NEAR THE FAR AWAY ONES(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:28:18 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came up and spoke to them, saying, "All samchut (note:)authority(:note) has been given to me in Shomayim and on haAretz. MOSHIACH'S GZERAH MIN HASHOMAYIM

orthjbc@Matthew:28:19 @ Go, therefore, make talmidim for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach of all the nations, giving them a tevilah in a mikveh mayim in Hashem, the Name of HaAv, HaBen, and HaRuach haKodesh,

orthjbc@Matthew:28:20 @ teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And --hinei!--I [Moshiach] am with you always, even unto the Ketz HaOlam Hazeh."

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