
rwp@Matthew:4:18 @{Casting a net into the sea} (\ballantas amphiblˆstron eis tˆn thalassan\). The word here for net is a casting-net (compare \amphiball“\ in strkjv@Mark:1:16|, casting on both sides). The net was thrown over the shoulder and spread into a circle (\amphi\). In strkjv@4:20| and strkjv@4:21| another word occurs for nets (\diktua\), a word used for nets of any kind. The large drag-net (\sagˆnˆ\) appears in strkjv@Matthew:13:47|.

rwp@Matthew:4:19 @{Fishers of men} (\haleeis anthr“p“n\). Andrew and Simon were fishers by trade. They had already become disciples of Jesus (John:1:35-42|), but now they are called upon to leave their business and to follow Jesus in his travels and work. These two brothers promptly (\euthe“s\) accepted the call and challenge of Jesus.

rwp@Matthew:4:21 @{Mending their nets} (\katartizontas ta diktua aut“n\). These two brothers, James and John, were getting their nets ready for use. The verb (\katartiz“\) means to adjust, to articulate, to mend if needed (Luke:6:40; strkjv@Romans:9:22; strkjv@Galatians:6:1|). Songs:they promptly left their boat and father and followed Jesus. They had also already become disciples of Jesus. Now there are four who follow him steadily.

rwp@Matthew:4:23 @{Went about in all Galilee} (\periˆgen en holˆi tˆi Galilaiai\). Literally Jesus "was going around (imperfect) in all Galilee." This is the first of the three tours of Galilee made by Jesus. This time he took the four fishermen whom he had just called to personal service. The second time he took the twelve. On the third he sent the twelve on ahead by twos and followed after them. He was teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom in the synagogues chiefly and on the roads and in the streets where Gentiles could hear. {Healing all manner of diseases and all manner of sickness} (\therapeu“n pƒsan noson kai pƒsan malakian\). The occasional sickness is called \malakian\, the chronic or serious disease \noson\.

rwp@Matthew:4:24 @{The report of him went forth into all Syria} (\apˆlthen hˆ akoˆ autou eis holˆn tˆn Syrian\). Rumour (\akoˆ\) carries things almost like the wireless or radio. The Gentiles all over Syria to the north heard of what was going on in Galilee. The result was inevitable. Jesus had a moving hospital of patients from all over Galilee and Syria. "{Those that were sick}" (\tous kak“s echontas\), literally "those who had it bad," cases that the doctors could not cure. "{Holden with divers diseases and torments}" (\poikilais nosois kai basanois sunechomenous\). "Held together" or "compressed" is the idea of the participle. The same word is used by Jesus in strkjv@Luke:12:50| and by Paul in strkjv@Phillipians:1:23| and of the crowd pressing on Jesus (Luke:8:45|). They brought these difficult and chronic cases (present tense of the participle here) to Jesus. Instead of "divers" say "various" (\poikilais\) like fever, leprosy, blindness. The adjective means literally many colored or variegated like flowers, paintings, jaundice, etc. Some had "torments" (\basanois\). The word originally (oriental origin) meant a touchstone, "Lydian stone" used for testing gold because pure gold rubbed on it left a peculiar mark. Then it was used for examination by torture. Sickness was often regarded as "torture." These diseases are further described "in a descending scale of violence" (McNeile) as "demoniacs, lunatics, and paralytics" as Moffatt puts it, "demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics" as Weymouth has it, (\daimonizomenous kai selˆniazomenous kai paralutikous\), people possessed by demons, lunatics or "moon-struck" because the epileptic seizures supposedly followed the phases of the moon (Bruce) as shown also in strkjv@Matthew:17:15|, paralytics (our very word). Our word "lunatic" is from the Latin _luna_ (moon) and carries the same picture as the Greek \selˆniazomai\ from \selˆnˆ\ (moon). These diseases are called "torments."

rwp@Matthew:4:25 @{Great multitudes} (\ochloi polloi\). Note the plural, not just one crowd, but crowds and crowds. And from all parts of Palestine including Decapolis, the region of the Ten Greek Cities east of the Jordan. No political campaign was equal to this outpouring of the people to hear Jesus and to be healed by Jesus.

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