
rwp@Matthew:5:18 @{One jot or one tittle} (\i“ta hen ˆ mia kerea\). "Not an iota, not a comma" (Moffatt), "not the smallest letter, not a particle" (Weymouth). The iota is the smallest Greek vowel, which Matthew here uses to represent the Hebrew _yod_ (jot), the smallest Hebrew letter. "Tittle" is from the Latin _titulus_ which came to mean the stroke above an abbreviated word, then any small mark. It is not certain here whether \kerea\ means a little horn, the mere point which distinguishes some Hebrew letters from others or the "hook" letter _Vav_. Sometimes _yod_ and _vav_ were hardly distinguishable. "In _Vay_. R. 19 the guilt of altering one of them is pronounced so great that if it were done the world would be destroyed" (McNeile).

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