
rwp@Matthew:5:31 @{A writing of divorcement} (\apostasion\), "a divorce certificate" (Moffatt), "a written notice of divorce" (Weymouth). The Greek is an abbreviation of \biblion apostasiou\ (Ma strkjv@19:7; strkjv@Mark:10:4|). Vulgate has here _libellum repudii_. The papyri use \suggraphˆ apostasiou\ in commercial transactions as "a bond of release" (see Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_, etc.) The written notice (\biblion\) was a protection to the wife against an angry whim of the husband who might send her away with no paper to show for it.

rwp@Matthew:5:32 @{Saving for the cause of fornication} (\parektos logou porneias\). An unusual phrase that perhaps means "except for a matter of unchastity." "Except on the ground of unchastity" (Weymouth), "except unfaithfulness" (Goodspeed), and is equivalent to \mˆ epi porneiƒi\ in strkjv@Matthew:19:9|. McNeile denies that Jesus made this exception because Mark and Luke do not give it. He claims that the early Christians made the exception to meet a pressing need, but one fails to see the force of this charge against Matthew's report of the words of Jesus. It looks like criticism to meet modern needs.

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