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* And it came to pass in these days , that he went out into the mountain to pray ; and he continued all night in prayer to God . * And when it was day , he called his disciples ; and he chose from them twelve : * Simon , who is called Peter , and Andrew his brother ; and James the [son ] of Zebedee , and John his brother ; Philip , and Bartholomew ; * Thomas , and Matthew the publican ; James the [son ] of Alphaeus , and Thaddaeus ; Simon the Cananaean , and Judas Iscariot , who also delivered him up . * And he came down with them , and stood on a level place with a great multitude of his disciples and the people who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases . And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples , and said , * Blessed [are ] you (note :){+}(:note ) poor : for yours {+} is the kingdom of God . * Blessed [are ] you (note :){+}(:note ) who hunger now : for you {+} will be filled . * Blessed [are ] you (note :){+}(:note ) who weep now : for you {+} will laugh . * Blessed are you (note :){+}(:note ), when men will hate you {+}, and when they will separate you {+} [from their company ], * Rejoice in that day , and leap [for joy ]: for look , your (note :){+}(:note ) reward is great in heaven ; for in the same manner their fathers did to the prophets . * But woe to you (note :){+}(:note ) who are rich ! For you {+} have received your {+} consolation . * Woe to you (note :){+}(:note ), you {+} who are full now ! For you {+} will hunger . * Woe [to you (note :){+}(:note )], you {+} who laugh now ! For you {+} will mourn and weep . * Woe [to you (note :){+}(:note )], when all men will speak well of you {+}! For in the same manner their fathers did to the false prophets . * But I say to you (note :){+}(:note ) who hear , * Love your (note :){+}(:note ) enemies , do good to those who hate you {+}, * bless those who curse you (note :){+}(:note ), pray for those who despitefully use you {+}. * To him who strikes you on the [one ] cheek offer also the other ; * and from him who takes away your cloak don 't withhold your coat also . * Give to everyone who asks you ; and of him who takes away your goods don 't ask [for them ] back . * And as you (note :){+}(:note ) would that men should do to you {+}, do {+} to them likewise . * And if you (note :){+}(:note ) love those who love you {+}, what thanks do you {+} have ? For even sinners love those who love them . * For even if you (note :){+}(:note ) do good to those who do good to you {+}, what thanks do you {+} have ? Even sinners do the same . * And if you (note :){+}(:note ) lend to them of whom you {+} hope to receive , what thanks is it to you {+}? Even sinners lend to sinners , to receive again as much . * But love your (note :){+}(:note ) enemies , and do [them ] good , and lend , never despairing ; and your {+} reward will be great , and you {+} will be sons of the Most High : for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil . * Be (note :){+}(:note ) merciful , even as your {+} Father is merciful . * And do not judge , and you (note :){+}(:note ) will not be judged : and do not condemn , and you {+} will not be condemned : release , and you {+} will be released : * give , and it will be given to you (note :){+}(:note ); good measure , pressed down , shaken together , running over , they will give into your {+} bosom . For with what measure you {+} mete it will be measured to you {+} again .

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