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* "Beware of false prophets , who come to you in sheep 's clothing , but inwardly are ravening wolves . * By their fruits you will know them . Do you gather grapes from thorns , or figs from thistles ? * Even so , every good tree produces good fruit ; but the corrupt tree produces evil fruit . * A good tree can 't produce evil fruit , neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit . * Every tree that doesn 't grow good fruit is cut down , and thrown into the fire . * Therefore by their fruits you will know them . * Not everyone who says to me , 'Lord , Lord ,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven ; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven . * Many will tell me in that day , 'Lord , Lord , didn 't we prophesy in your name , in your name cast out demons , and in your name do many mighty works ?' * Then I will tell them , 'I never knew you . Depart from me , you who work iniquity .'

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[BookofMatthew] [Matthew:6] [Matthew:7] [Matthew:8] [Discuss] Tag Matthew:7:15-23 [Audio][Presentation]