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* Nowe when he was come downe from the mountaine , great multitudes followed him . * * And Iesus putting foorth his hand , touched him , saying , I will , be thou cleane : and immediately his leprosie was clensed . * Then Iesus saide vnto him , See thou tell no man , but goe , and shewe thy selfe vnto the Priest , and offer the gift that Moses commanded , for a witnesse to them . * * And saide , Master , my seruant lieth sicke at home of the palsie , and is grieuously pained . * And Iesus saide vnto him , I will come and heale him . * But the Centurion answered , saying , Master , I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe : but speake the worde onely , and my seruant shall be healed . * For I am a man also vnder the authoritie of an other , and haue souldiers vnder me : and I say to one , Goe , and he goeth : and to another , Come , and he commeth : and to my seruant , Doe this , and he doeth it . * When Iesus heard that , he marueiled , and said to them that folowed him , Verely , I say vnto you , I haue not found so great faith , euen in Israel . * And I say unto you , That many shall come from the east and west , and shall (note :)A metaphor taken of banqueters , for they that sit down together are fellows in the banquet .(:note ) sit down with Abraham , and Isaac , and Jacob , in the kingdom of heaven . * But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into (note :)Who are outside the kingdom : For in the kingdom is light , and outside the kingdom is darkness .(:note ) outer darkness : there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth . * Then Iesus saide vnto the Centurion , Goe thy way , and as thou hast beleeued , so be it vnto thee , And his seruant was healed the same houre . * * And he touched her hande , and the feuer left her : so she arose , and ministred vnto them . * When the even was come , they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils : and he cast out the spirits with [his ] word , and healed (note :)Of all sorts .(:note ) all that were sick : * That it might be fulfilled , which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet , saying , He tooke our infirmities , and bare our sickenesses . * Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him , he gave commandment to depart unto the (note :)For Capernaum was situated upon the lake of Tiberias .(:note ) other side . * * And Jesus saith unto him , The foxes have holes , and the birds of the air [have ] (note :)Literally , ยซshades made with boughs ยป.(:note ) nests ; but the Son of man hath not where to lay [his ] head . * * But Iesus said vnto him , Followe me , and let the dead burie their dead . * * And beholde , there arose a great tempest in the sea , so that the ship was couered with waues : but he was a sleepe . * Then his disciples came , and awoke him , saying , Master , saue vs : we perish . * And he said vnto them , Why are ye fearefull , O ye of litle faith ? Then he arose , &amp ; rebuked the winds &amp ; the sea : &amp ; so there was a great calme . * And the men marueiled , saying , What man is this , that both the windes and the sea obey him ! * * And beholde , they cryed out , saying , Iesus the sonne of God , what haue we to do with thee ? Art thou come hither to tormet vs before ye time ? * And there was (note :)On a hill , as Mark and Luke witness : Now Gederah , as Josephus records , book seventeen chapter thirteen , lived after the order of the Greeks and therefore we must not be surprised if there were swine there .(:note ) a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding . * And the deuils besought him , saying , If thou cast vs out , suffer vs to goe into the heard of swine . * And he said vnto them , Go . So they went out and departed into the heard of swine : and beholde , the whole heard of swine ranne headlong into the sea , and died in the water . * Then the heardmen fled : and when they were come into the citie , they tolde all things , and what was become of them that were possessed with the deuils . * And , behold , the whole city came out to meet Jesus : and when they saw him , they besought [him ] that he would (note :)Where men live as swine , there Christ does not abide , but demons .(:note ) depart out of their coasts .

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