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ylt @Nehemiah:9:1 @And in the twenty and fourth day of this month have the sons of Israel been gathered , with fasting , and with sackcloth , and earth upon them ; ylt @Nehemiah:9:2 @and the seed of Israel are separated from all sons of a stranger , and stand and confess concerning their sins , and the iniquities of their fathers , ylt @Nehemiah:9:3 @and rise up on their station , and read in the book of the law of Jehovah their God a fourth of the day , and a fourth they are confessing and bowing themselves to Jehovah their God . ylt @Nehemiah:9:4 @And there stand up on the ascent , of the Levites , Jeshua , and Bani , Kadmiel , Shebaniah , Bunni , Sherebiah , Bani , Chenani , and they cry with a loud voice unto Jehovah their God . ylt @Nehemiah:9:5 @And the Levites say , [even ] Jeshua , and Kadmiel , Bani , Hashabniah , Sherebiah , Hodijah , Shebaniah , Pethahiah , 'Rise , bless Jehovah your God , from the age unto the age , and they bless the name of Thine honour that [is ] exalted above all blessing and praise . ylt @Nehemiah:9:6 @Thou [art ] He , O Jehovah , Thyself -- Thou hast made the heavens , the heavens of the heavens , and all their host , the earth and all that [are ] on it , the seas and all that [are ] in them , and Thou art keeping all of them alive , and the host of the heavens to Thee are bowing themselves . ylt @Nehemiah:9:7 @'Thou [art ] He , O Jehovah God , who didst fix on Abraham , and didst bring him out from Ur of the Chaldeans , and didst make his name Abraham , ylt @Nehemiah:9:8 @and didst find his heart stedfast before Thee , so as to make with him the covenant , to give the land of the Canaanite , the Hittite , the Amorite , and the Perizzite , and the Jebusite , and the Girgashite , to give [it ] to his seed . 'And Thou dost establish Thy words , for Thou [art ] righteous , ylt @Nehemiah:9:9 @and dost see the affliction of our fathers in Egypt , and their cry hast heard by the sea of Suph , ylt @Nehemiah:9:10 @and dost give signs and wonders on Pharaoh , and on all his servants , and on all the people of his land , for Thou hast known that they have acted proudly against them , and Thou makest to Thee a name as [at ] this day . ylt @Nehemiah:9:11 @And the sea Thou hast cleaved before them , and they pass over into the midst of the sea on the dry land , and their pursuers Thou hast cast into the depths , as a stone , into the strong waters . ylt @Nehemiah:9:12 @And by a pillar of cloud Thou hast led them by day , and by a pillar of fire by night , to lighten to them the way in which they go . ylt @Nehemiah:9:13 @'And on mount Sinai Thou hast come down , even to speak with them from the heavens , and Thou dost give to them right judgments , and true laws , good statutes and commands . ylt @Nehemiah:9:14 @And Thy holy sabbath Thou hast made known to them , and commands , and statutes , and law , Thou hast commanded for them , by the hand of Moses Thy servant ; ylt @Nehemiah:9:15 @and bread from the heavens Thou hast given to them for their hunger , and water from a rock hast brought out to them for their thirst , and dost say to them to go in to possess the land that Thou hast lifted up Thy hand to give to them . ylt @Nehemiah:9:16 @'And they and our fathers have acted proudly , and harden their neck , and have not hearkened unto Thy commands , ylt @Nehemiah:9:17 @yea , they refuse to hearken , and have not remembered Thy wonders that Thou hast done with them , and harden their neck and appoint a head , to turn back to their service , in their rebellion ; and Thou [art ] a God of pardons , gracious , and merciful , long-suffering , and abundant in kindness , and hast not forsaken them . ylt @Nehemiah:9:18 @'Also , when they have made to themselves a molten calf , and say , this [is ] thy god that brought thee up out of Egypt , and do great despisings , ylt @Nehemiah:9:19 @and Thou , in Thine abundant mercies , hast not forsaken them in the wilderness -- the pillar of the cloud hath not turned aside from off them by day , to lead them in the way , and the pillar of the fire by night , to give light to them and the way in which they go . ylt @Nehemiah:9:20 @'And Thy good Spirit Thou hast given , to cause them to act wisely ; and Thy manna Thou hast not withheld from their mouth , and water Thou hast given to them for their thirst , ylt @Nehemiah:9:21 @and forty years Thou hast nourished them in a wilderness ; they have not lacked ; their garments have not worn out , and their feet have not swelled . ylt @Nehemiah:9:22 @'And Thou givest to them kingdoms , and peoples , and dost apportion them to the corner , and they possess the land of Sihon , and the land of the king of Heshbon , and the land of Og king of Bashan . ylt @Nehemiah:9:23 @And their sons Thou hast multiplied as the stars of the heavens , and bringest them in unto the land that Thou hast said to their fathers to go in to possess . ylt @Nehemiah:9:24 @'And the sons come in , and possess the land , and Thou humblest before them the inhabitants of the land , the Canaanites , and givest them into their hand , and their kings , and the peoples of the land , to do with them according to their pleasure . ylt @Nehemiah:9:25 @And they capture fenced cities , and fat ground , and possess houses full of all good , digged-wells , vineyards , and olive-yards , and fruit-trees in abundance , and they eat , and are satisfied , and become fat , and delight themselves in Thy great goodness . ylt @Nehemiah:9:26 @'And they are disobedient , and rebel against Thee , and cast Thy law behind their back , and Thy prophets they have slain , who testified against them , to bring them back unto Thee , and they do great despisings , ylt @Nehemiah:9:27 @and Thou givest them into the hand of their adversaries , and they distress them , and in the time of their distress they cry unto Thee , and Thou , from the heavens , dost hear , and , according to Thine abundant mercies , dost give to them saviours , and they save them out of the hand of their adversaries . ylt @Nehemiah:9:28 @'And when they have rest , they turn back to do evil before Thee , and Thou dost leave them in the hand of their enemies , and they rule over them ; and they turn back , and call Thee , and Thou from the heavens dost hear , and dost deliver them , according to Thy mercies , many times , ylt @Nehemiah:9:29 @and dost testify against them , to bring them back unto Thy law ; and they -- they have acted proudly , and have not hearkened to Thy commands , and against Thy judgments have sinned , -- which man doth and hath lived in them -- and they give a refractory shoulder , and their neck have hardened , and have not hearkened . ylt @Nehemiah:9:30 @'And Thou drawest over them many years , and testifiest against them by Thy Spirit , by the hand of Thy prophets , and they have not given ear , and Thou dost give them into the hand of peoples of the lands , ylt @Nehemiah:9:31 @and in Thine abundant mercies Thou hast not made them a consumption , nor hast forsaken them ; for a God , gracious and merciful , [art ] Thou . ylt @Nehemiah:9:32 @'And now , O our God -- God , the great , the mighty , and the fearful , keeping the covenant and the kindness -- let not all the travail that hath found us be little before Thee , for our kings , for our heads , and for our priests , and for our prophets , and for our fathers , and for all Thy people , from the days of the kings of Asshur unto this day ; ylt @Nehemiah:9:33 @and Thou [art ] righteous concerning all that hath come upon us , for truth Thou hast done , and we have done wickedly ; ylt @Nehemiah:9:34 @and our kings , our heads , our priests , and our fathers , have not done Thy law , nor attended unto Thy commands , and to Thy testimonies , that Thou hast testified against them ; ylt @Nehemiah:9:35 @and they , in their kingdom , and in Thine abundant goodness , that Thou hast given to them , and in the land , the large and the fat , that Thou hast set before them , have not served Thee , nor turned back from their evil doings . ylt @Nehemiah:9:36 @'Lo , we -- to-day -- [are ] servants , and the land that Thou hast given to our fathers , to eat its fruit and its good -- lo , we [are ] servants on it , ylt @Nehemiah:9:37 @and its increase it is multiplying to the kings whom Thou hast set over us in our sins ; and over our bodies they are ruling , and over our cattle , according to their pleasure , and we [are ] in great distress .

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