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* And Jehovah spoke to Moses , saying , * Speak unto the children of Israel , and say unto them , When ye come into the land of your dwellings , which I give unto you , * and will make an offering by fire to Jehovah , a burnt-offering or a sacrifice for the performance of a vow , or as a voluntary offering , or in your set feasts , to make a sweet odour to Jehovah , of the herd or of the flock , * then shall he that presenteth his offering to Jehovah bring as oblation a tenth part of fine flour mingled with a fourth part of a hin of oil ; * and of wine for a drink-offering shalt thou offer the fourth part of a hin with the burnt-offering , or with the sacrifice , for one lamb . * And for a ram thou shalt offer as oblation two tenth parts of fine flour mingled with oil , a third part of a hin , * and of wine for a drink-offering shalt thou offer the third part of a hin ; for a sweet odour to Jehovah . * And when thou offerest a bullock for a burnt-offering , or a sacrifice for the performance of a vow , or for a peace-offering to Jehovah , * then shall they present with the bullock as oblation three tenth parts of fine flour mingled with half a hin of oil ; * and of wine shalt thou present half a hin , for a drink-offering , as an offering by fire , of a sweet odour to Jehovah . * Thus shall it be done for one ox , or for one ram , or for a lamb , or for a kid ; * according to the number that ye offer , so shall ye do to every one according to their number . * And all that are born in the land shall do these things thus , in presenting an offering by fire of a sweet odour to Jehovah . * And if a stranger sojourn with you , or whoever be among you throughout your generations , and will offer an offering by fire of a sweet odour to Jehovah , -- as ye do , so shall he do . * As to the congregation , there shall be one statute for you , and for the stranger that sojourneth with you , an everlasting statute throughout your generations : as ye are , so shall the stranger be , before Jehovah . * One law and one ordinance shall be for you , and for the stranger that sojourneth with you . * And Jehovah spoke to Moses , saying , * Speak unto the children of Israel , and say unto them , When ye come into the land whither I bring you , * then it shall be , when ye eat of the bread of the land , that ye shall offer a heave-offering to Jehovah ; * the first of your dough shall ye offer , a cake , for a heave-offering ; as the heave-offering of the threshing-floor , so shall ye offer this . * Of the first of your dough ye shall give to Jehovah a heave-offering throughout your generations . * And if ye sin inadvertently , and do not all these commandments , which Jehovah hath spoken unto Moses , * all that Jehovah hath commanded you through Moses , from the day that Jehovah gave commandment , and henceforward throughout your generations ; * then it shall be , if ought be committed by inadvertence [hid ] from the eyes of the assembly , that the whole assembly shall offer one young bullock for a burnt-offering , for a sweet odour to Jehovah , and its oblation and its drink-offering according to the ordinance , and one buck of the goats for a sin-offering . * And the priest shall make atonement for the whole assembly of the children of Israel , and it shall be forgiven them ; for it was a sin of inadvertence , and they have brought before Jehovah their offering , as an offering by fire to Jehovah , and their sin-offering for their [sin of ] inadvertence ; * and it shall be forgiven the whole assembly of the children of Israel , and the stranger that sojourneth among them ; for with all the people there was [a sin of ] inadvertence . * And if one soul sin through inadvertence , then he shall present a yearling she-goat for a sin-offering . * And the priest shall make atonement for the soul that hath done inadvertently , when he sinneth by inadvertence before Jehovah , to make atonement for him ; and it shall be forgiven him . * For him that is born in the land among the children of Israel , and for the stranger that sojourneth among them -- there shall be one law for you , for him who doeth anything through inadvertence . * But the soul that doeth ought with a high hand , whether born in the land , or a stranger , he reproacheth Jehovah ; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people . * For he hath despised the word of Jehovah , and hath broken his commandment : that soul shall surely be cut off ; his iniquity is upon him .

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[BookofNumbers] [Numbers:14] [Numbers:15] [Numbers:16] [Discuss] Tag Numbers:15:1-31 [Audio][Presentation]