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ylt @Numbers:29:1 @'And in the seventh month , in the first of the month , a holy convocation ye have , ye do no servile work ; a day of shouting it is to you ; ylt @Numbers:29:2 @and ye have prepared a burnt-offering , for sweet fragrance to Jehovah : one bullock , a son of the herd , one ram , seven lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:3 @and their present , flour mixed with oil , three-tenth deals for the bullock , two-tenth deals for the ram , ylt @Numbers:29:4 @and one-tenth deal for the one lamb , for the seven lambs ; ylt @Numbers:29:5 @and one kid of the goats , a sin-offering , to make atonement for you ; ylt @Numbers:29:6 @apart from the burnt-offering of the month , and its present , and the continual burnt-offering , and its present , and their libations , according to their ordinance , for sweet fragrance , a fire-offering to Jehovah . ylt @Numbers:29:7 @'And on the tenth of this seventh month a holy convocation ye have , and ye have humbled your souls ; ye do no work ; ylt @Numbers:29:8 @and ye have brought near a burnt-offering to Jehovah , a sweet fragrance , one bullock , a son of the herd , one ram , seven lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones they are for you , ylt @Numbers:29:9 @and their present , flour mixed with oil , three-tenth deals for the bullock , two-tenth deals for the one ram , ylt @Numbers:29:10 @a several tenth deal for the one lamb , for the seven lambs , ylt @Numbers:29:11 @one kid of the goats , a sin-offering ; apart from the sin-offering of the atonements , and the continual burnt-offering , and its present , and their libations . ylt @Numbers:29:12 @'And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month a holy convocation ye have ; ye do no servile work ; and ye have celebrated a festival to Jehovah seven days , ylt @Numbers:29:13 @and have brought near a burnt-offering , a fire-offering , a sweet fragrance , to Jehovah ; thirteen bullocks , sons of the herd , two rams , fourteen lambs , sons of a year ; perfect ones they are ; ylt @Numbers:29:14 @and their present , flour mixed with oil , three-tenth deals to the one bullock , for the thirteen bullocks , two-tenth deals to the one ram , for the two rams , ylt @Numbers:29:15 @and a several tenth deal to the one lamb , for the fourteen lambs , ylt @Numbers:29:16 @and one kid of the goats , a sin-offering ; apart from the continual burnt-offering , its present , and its libation . ylt @Numbers:29:17 @'And on the second day twelve bullocks , sons of the herd , two rams , fourteen lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:18 @and their present , and their libations , for the bullocks , for the rams , and for the sheep , in their number , according to the ordinance ; ylt @Numbers:29:19 @and one kid of the goats , a sin-offering ; apart from the continual burnt-offering , and its present , and their libations . ylt @Numbers:29:20 @'And on the third day eleven bullocks , two rams , fourteen lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:21 @and their present , and their libations , for the bullocks , for the rams , and for the lambs , in their number , according to the ordinance ; ylt @Numbers:29:22 @and one goat , a sin-offering ; apart from the continual burnt-offering , and its present , and its libation . ylt @Numbers:29:23 @'And on the fourth day ten bullocks , two rams , fourteen lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:24 @their present , and their libations , for the bullocks , for the rams , and for the lambs , in their number , according to the ordinance ; ylt @Numbers:29:25 @and one kid of the goats , a sin-offering , apart from the continual burnt-offering , its present , and its libation . ylt @Numbers:29:26 @'And on the fifth day nine bullocks , two rams , fourteen lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:27 @and their present , and their libations , for the bullocks , for the rams , and for the lambs , in their number , according to the ordinance ; ylt @Numbers:29:28 @and one goat , a sin-offering ; apart from the continual burnt-offering , and its present , and its libation . ylt @Numbers:29:29 @'And on the sixth day eight bullocks , two rams , fourteen lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:30 @and their present , and their libations , for the bullocks , for the rams , and for the lambs , in their number , according to the ordinance ; ylt @Numbers:29:31 @and one goat , a sin-offering ; apart from the continual burnt-offering , its present , and its libation . ylt @Numbers:29:32 @'And on the seventh day seven bullocks , two rams , fourteen lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:33 @and their present , and their libations , for the bullocks , for the rams , and for the lambs , in their number , according to the ordinance ; ylt @Numbers:29:34 @and one goat , a sin-offering ; apart from the continual burnt-offering , its present , and its libation . ylt @Numbers:29:35 @'On the eighth day a restraint ye have , ye do no servile work ; ylt @Numbers:29:36 @and ye have brought near a burnt-offering , a fire-offering , a sweet fragrance , to Jehovah ; one bullock , one ram , seven lambs , sons of a year , perfect ones ; ylt @Numbers:29:37 @their present , and their libations , for the bullock , for the ram , and for the lambs , in their number , according to the ordinance ; ylt @Numbers:29:38 @and one goat , a sin-offering ; apart from the continual burnt-offering , and its present , and its libation . ylt @Numbers:29:39 @'These ye prepare to Jehovah in your appointed seasons , apart from your vows , and your free-will offerings , for your burnt-offerings , and for your presents , and for your libations , and for your peace-offerings .' ylt @Numbers:29:40 @And Moses saith unto the sons of Israel according to all that Jehovah hath commanded Moses . ylt @Numbers:30:1 @And Moses speaketh unto the heads of the tribes of the sons of Israel , saying , 'This [is ] the thing which Jehovah hath commanded : ylt @Numbers:30:2 @'When a man voweth a vow to Jehovah , or hath sworn an oath to bind a bond on his soul , he doth not pollute his word ; according to all that is going out from his mouth he doth . ylt @Numbers:30:3 @'And when a woman voweth a vow to Jehovah , and hath bound a bond in the house of her father in her youth , ylt @Numbers:30:4 @and her father hath heard her vow , and her bond which she hath bound on her soul , and her father hath kept silent at her , then have all her vows been established , and every bond which she hath bound on her soul is established . ylt @Numbers:30:5 @'And if her father hath disallowed her in the day of his hearing , none of her vows and her bonds which she hath bound on her soul is established , and Jehovah is propitious to her , for her father hath disallowed her . ylt @Numbers:30:6 @'And if she be at all to a husband , and her vows [are ] on her , or a wrongful utterance [on ] her lips , which she hath bound on her soul , ylt @Numbers:30:7 @and her husband hath heard , and in the day of his hearing , he hath kept silent at her , then have her vows been established , and her bonds which she hath bound on her soul are established . ylt @Numbers:30:8 @'And if in the day of her husband 's hearing he disalloweth her , then he hath broken her vow which [is ] on her , and the wrongful utterance of her lips which she hath bound on her soul , and Jehovah is propitious to her . ylt @Numbers:30:9 @'As to the vow of a widow or cast-out woman , all that she hath bound on her soul is established on her . ylt @Numbers:30:10 @'And if [in ] the house of her husband she hath vowed , or hath bound a bond on her soul with an oath , ylt @Numbers:30:11 @and her husband hath heard , and hath kept silent at her -- he hath not disallowed her -- then have all her vows been established , and every bond which she hath bound on her soul is established . ylt @Numbers:30:12 @'And if her husband doth certainly break them in the day of his hearing , none of the outgoing of her lips concerning her vows , or concerning the bond of her soul , is established -- her husband hath broken them -- and Jehovah is propitious to her . ylt @Numbers:30:13 @'Every vow and every oath -- a bond to humble a soul -- her husband doth establish it , or her husband doth break it ; ylt @Numbers:30:14 @and if her husband certainly keep silent at her , from day unto day , then he hath established all her vows , or all her bonds which [are ] upon her ; he hath established them , for he hath kept silent at her in the day of his hearing ; ylt @Numbers:30:15 @and if he doth at all break them after his hearing , then he hath borne her iniquity .' ylt @Numbers:30:16 @These [are ] the statutes which Jehovah hath commanded Moses between a man and his wife , between a father and his daughter , in her youth , [in ] the house of her father . ylt @Numbers:31:1 @And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses , saying , ylt @Numbers:31:2 @'Execute the vengeance of the sons of Israel against the Midianites -- afterwards thou art gathered unto thy people .' ylt @Numbers:31:3 @And Moses speaketh unto the people , saying , 'Be ye armed some of you for the host , and they are against Midian , to put the vengeance of Jehovah on Midian ; ylt @Numbers:31:4 @a thousand for a tribe -- a thousand for a tribe , to all the tribes of Israel -- ye do send to the host .' ylt @Numbers:31:5 @And there are given out of the thousands of Israel a thousand for a tribe , twelve thousand armed ones of the host ; ylt @Numbers:31:6 @and Moses sendeth them , a thousand for a tribe , to the host , them and Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest , to the host ; and the holy vessels , and the trumpets of the shouting , in his hand . ylt @Numbers:31:7 @And they war against Midian , as Jehovah hath commanded Moses , and slay every male ; ylt @Numbers:31:8 @and the kings of Midian they have slain , besides their pierced ones , Evi , and Rekem , and Zur , and Hur , and Reba , five kings of Midian ; and Balaam son of Beor , they have slain with the sword . ylt @Numbers:31:9 @And the sons of Israel take captive the women of Midian , and their infants ; and all their cattle , and all their substance , and all their wealth they have plundered ; ylt @Numbers:31:10 @and all their cities , with their habitations , and all their towers , they have burnt with fire . ylt @Numbers:31:11 @And they take all the spoil , and all the prey , among man and among beast ; ylt @Numbers:31:12 @and they bring in , unto Moses , and unto Eleazar the priest , and unto the company of the sons of Israel , the captives , and the prey , and the spoil , unto the camp , unto the plains of Moab , which [are ] by Jordan , [near ] Jericho . ylt @Numbers:31:13 @And Moses , and Eleazar the priest , and all the princes of the company , go out to meet them , unto the outside of the camp , ylt @Numbers:31:14 @and Moses is wroth against the inspectors of the force , chiefs of the thousands , and chiefs of the hundreds , who are coming in from the host of the battle . ylt @Numbers:31:15 @And Moses saith unto them , 'Have ye kept alive every female ? ylt @Numbers:31:16 @lo , they -- they have been to the sons of Israel , through the word of Balaam , to cause a trespass against Jehovah in the matter of Peor , and the plague is in the company of Jehovah . ylt @Numbers:31:17 @'And now , slay ye every male among the infants , yea , every woman known of man by the lying of a male ye have slain ; ylt @Numbers:31:18 @and all the infants among the women , who have not known the lying of a male , ye have kept alive for yourselves . ylt @Numbers:31:19 @'And ye , encamp ye at the outside of the camp seven days -- any who hath slain a person , and any who hath come against a pierced one , ye cleanse yourselves on the third day , and on the seventh day -- ye and your captives ; ylt @Numbers:31:20 @and every garment , and every skin vessel , and every work of goats ' [hair ], and every wooden vessel , ye yourselves cleanse .' ylt @Numbers:31:21 @And Eleazar the priest saith unto the men of the host who go in to battle , 'This [is ] the statute of the law which Jehovah hath commanded Moses : ylt @Numbers:31:22 @only , the gold , and the silver , the brass , the iron , the tin , and the lead , ylt @Numbers:31:23 @every thing which may go into fire , ye cause to pass over through fire , and it hath been clean ; only , with the water of separation it is cleansed , and all that may not go into fire , ye cause to pass over through water ; ylt @Numbers:31:24 @and ye have washed your garments on the seventh day , and have been clean , and afterwards ye come in unto the camp .' ylt @Numbers:31:25 @And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses , saying , ylt @Numbers:31:26 @'Take up the sum of the prey of the captives , among man and among beast , thou , and Eleazar the priest , and the heads of the fathers of the company ; ylt @Numbers:31:27 @and thou hast halved the prey between those handling the battle who go out to the host and all the company ; ylt @Numbers:31:28 @and thou hast raised a tribute to Jehovah from the men of war , who go out to the host , one body out of five hundred , of man , and of the herd , and of the asses , and of the flock ; ylt @Numbers:31:29 @from their half ye do take , and thou hast given to Eleazar the priest -- the heave-offering of Jehovah . ylt @Numbers:31:30 @'And from the sons of Israel 's half thou dost take one possession out of fifty , of man , of the herd , of the asses , and of the flock , of all the cattle , and thou hast given them to the Levites keeping the charge of the tabernacle of Jehovah .' ylt @Numbers:31:31 @And Moses doth -- Eleazar the priest also -- as Jehovah hath commanded Moses . ylt @Numbers:31:32 @And the prey , the residue of the spoil which the people of the host have spoiled , is of the flock six hundred thousand , and seventy thousand , and five thousand ; ylt @Numbers:31:33 @and of the herd two and seventy thousand ; ylt @Numbers:31:34 @and of asses one and sixty thousand ; ylt @Numbers:31:35 @and of human beings -- of the women who have not known the lying of a male -- all the persons [are ] two and thirty thousand . ylt @Numbers:31:36 @And the half -- the portion of those who go out into the host -- the number of the flock is three hundred thousand , and thirty thousand , and seven thousand and five hundred . ylt @Numbers:31:37 @And the tribute to Jehovah of the sheep is six hundred five and seventy ; ylt @Numbers:31:38 @and the herd [is ] six and thirty thousand , and their tribute to Jehovah [is ] two and seventy ; ylt @Numbers:31:39 @and the asses [are ] thirty thousand and five hundred , and their tribute to Jehovah [is ] one and sixty ; ylt @Numbers:31:40 @and the human beings [are ] sixteen thousand , and their tribute to Jehovah [is ] two and thirty persons . ylt @Numbers:31:41 @And Moses giveth the tribute -- Jehovah 's heave-offering -- to Eleazar the priest , as Jehovah hath commanded Moses . ylt @Numbers:31:42 @And of the sons of Israel 's half , which Moses halved from the men who war -- ylt @Numbers:31:43 @and the company 's half is , of the flock three hundred thousand , and thirty thousand , seven thousand and five hundred ; ylt @Numbers:31:44 @and of the herd six and thirty thousand ; ylt @Numbers:31:45 @and of asses thirty thousand and five hundred ; ylt @Numbers:31:46 @and of human beings sixteen thousand -- ylt @Numbers:31:47 @Moses taketh from the sons of Israel 's half the one possession from the fifty , of man and of beast , and giveth them to the Levites keeping the charge of the tabernacle of Jehovah , as Jehovah hath commanded Moses . ylt @Numbers:31:48 @And the inspectors whom the thousands of the host hath , (heads of the thousands and heads of the hundreds ), draw near unto Moses , ylt @Numbers:31:49 @and they say unto Moses , 'Thy servants have taken up the sum of the men of war who [are ] with us , and not a man of us hath been missed ; ylt @Numbers:31:50 @and we bring near Jehovah 's offering , each that which he hath found , vessels of gold -- chain , and bracelet , seal-ring , [ear ]-ring , and bead -- to make atonement for ourselves before Jehovah .' ylt @Numbers:31:51 @And Moses receiveth -- Eleazar the priest also -- the gold from them , every made vessel , ylt @Numbers:31:52 @and all the gold of the heave-offering which they have lifted up to Jehovah is sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels , from heads of the thousands , and from heads of the hundreds ; ylt @Numbers:31:53 @(the men of the host have spoiled each for himself ); ylt @Numbers:31:54 @and Moses taketh -- Eleazar the priest also -- the gold from the heads of the thousands and of the hundreds , and they bring it in unto the tent of meeting -- a memorial for the sons of Israel before Jehovah . ylt @Numbers:32:1 @And much cattle hath been to the sons of Reuben and to the sons of Gad , very many ; and they see the land of Jazer , and the land of Gilead , and lo , the place [is ] a place [for ] cattle ; ylt @Numbers:32:2 @and the sons of Gad , and the sons of Reuben , come in and speak unto Moses , and unto Eleazar the priest , and unto the princes of the company , saying : ylt @Numbers:32:3 @'Ataroth , and Dibon , and Jazer , and Nimrah , and Heshbon , and Elealeh , and Shebam , and Nebo , and Beon -- ylt @Numbers:32:4 @the land which Jehovah hath smitten before the company of Israel , is a land for cattle , and thy servants have cattle .' ylt @Numbers:32:5 @And they say , 'If we have found grace in thine eyes , let this land be given to thy servants for a possession ; cause us not to pass over the Jordan .' ylt @Numbers:32:6 @And Moses saith to the sons of Gad and to the sons of Reuben , 'Do your brethren go in to the battle , and ye -- do ye sit here ? ylt @Numbers:32:7 @and why discourage ye the heart of the sons of Israel from passing over unto the land which Jehovah hath given to them ? ylt @Numbers:32:8 @'Thus did your fathers in my sending them from Kadesh-Barnea to see the land ; ylt @Numbers:32:9 @and they go up unto the valley of Eshcol , and see the land , and discourage the heart of the sons of Israel so as not to go in unto the land which Jehovah hath given to them ; ylt @Numbers:32:10 @and the anger of Jehovah burneth in that day , and He sweareth , saying , ylt @Numbers:32:11 @They do not see -- the men who are coming up out of Egypt from a son of twenty years and upward -- the ground which I have sworn to Abraham , to Isaac , and to Jacob , for they have not been fully after Me ; ylt @Numbers:32:12 @save Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenezite , and Joshua son of Nun , for they have been fully after Jehovah ; ylt @Numbers:32:13 @and the anger of Jehovah burneth against Israel , and He causeth them to wander in the wilderness forty years , until the consumption of all the generation which is doing the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah . ylt @Numbers:32:14 @'And lo , ye have risen in the stead of your fathers , an increase of men -- sinners , to add yet to the fury of the anger of Jehovah toward Israel ; ylt @Numbers:32:15 @when ye turn back from after Him , then He hath added yet to leave him in the wilderness , and ye have done corruptly to all this people .' ylt @Numbers:32:16 @And they come nigh unto him , and say , 'Folds for the flock we build for our cattle here , and cities for our infants ; ylt @Numbers:32:17 @and we -- we are armed hasting before the sons of Israel till that we have brought them in unto their place ; and our infants have dwelt in the cities of defence because of the inhabitants of the land ; ylt @Numbers:32:18 @we do not turn back unto our houses till the sons of Israel have inherited each his inheritance , ylt @Numbers:32:19 @for we do not inherit with them beyond the Jordan and yonder , for our inheritance hath come unto us beyond the Jordan at the [sun ]-rising .' ylt @Numbers:32:20 @And Moses saith unto them , 'If ye do this thing : if ye are armed before Jehovah for battle , ylt @Numbers:32:21 @and every armed one of you hath passed over the Jordan before Jehovah , till his dispossessing His enemies from before Him , ylt @Numbers:32:22 @and the land hath been subdued before Jehovah -- then afterwards ye do turn back , and have been acquitted by Jehovah , and by Israel ; and this land hath been to you for a possession before Jehovah . ylt @Numbers:32:23 @'And if ye do not so , lo , ye have sinned against Jehovah , and know ye your sin , that it doth find you ; ylt @Numbers:32:24 @build for yourselves cities for your infants , and folds for your flock , and that which is going out from your mouth do ye .' ylt @Numbers:32:25 @And the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben speak unto Moses , saying , 'Thy servants do as my lord is commanding ; ylt @Numbers:32:26 @our infants , our wives , our cattle , and all our beasts , are there in cities of Gilead , ylt @Numbers:32:27 @and thy servants pass over , every armed one of the host , before Jehovah , to battle , as my lord is saying .' ylt @Numbers:32:28 @And Moses commandeth concerning them Eleazar the priest , and Joshua son of Nun , and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the sons of Israel ; ylt @Numbers:32:29 @and Moses saith unto them , 'If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben pass over with you the Jordan , every one armed for battle , before Jehovah , and the land hath been subdued before you , then ye have given to them the land of Gilead for a possession ; ylt @Numbers:32:30 @and if they do not pass over armed with you , then they have possessions in your midst in the land of Canaan .' ylt @Numbers:32:31 @And the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben answer , saying , 'That which Jehovah hath spoken unto thy servants -- so we do ; ylt @Numbers:32:32 @we -- we pass over armed before Jehovah [to ] the land of Canaan , and with us [is ] the possession of our inheritance beyond the Jordan .' ylt @Numbers:32:33 @And Moses giveth to them , to the sons of Gad , and to the sons of Reuben , and to the half of the tribe of Manasseh son of Joseph , the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorite , and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan , the land by its cities , in the borders , the cities of the land round about . ylt @Numbers:32:34 @And the sons of Gad build Dihon , and Ataroth , and Aroer , ylt @Numbers:32:35 @and Atroth , Shophan , and Jaazer , and Jogbehah , ylt @Numbers:32:36 @and Beth-Nimrah , and Beth-Haran , cities of defence , and sheepfolds . ylt @Numbers:32:37 @And the sons of Reuben have build Heshbon , and Elealeh , and Kirjathaim , ylt @Numbers:32:38 @and Nebo , and Baal-Meon (changed in name ), and Shibmah , and they call by [these ] names the names of the cities which they have built . ylt @Numbers:32:39 @And sons of Machir son of Manasseh go to Gilead , and capture it , and dispossess the Amorite , who [is ] in it ; ylt @Numbers:32:40 @and Moses giveth Gilead to Machir son of Manasseh , and he dwelleth in it . ylt @Numbers:32:41 @And Jair son of Manasseh hath gone and captureth their towns , and calleth them 'Towns of Jair ;' ylt @Numbers:32:42 @and Nobah hath gone and captureth Kenath , and its villages , and calleth it Nobah , by his own name . ylt @Numbers:33:1 @These [are ] journeys of the sons of Israel who have come out of the land of Egypt , by their hosts , by the hand of Moses and Aaron ; ylt @Numbers:33:2 @and Moses writeth their outgoings , by their journeys , by the command of Jehovah ; and these [are ] their journeys , by their outgoings : ylt @Numbers:33:3 @And they journey from Rameses in the first month , on the fifteenth day of the first month , on the morrow of the passover have the sons of Israel gone out with a high hand , before the eyes of all the Egyptians -- ylt @Numbers:33:4 @and the Egyptians are burying those whom Jehovah hath smitten among them , every first-born , and on their gods hath Jehovah done judgments -- ylt @Numbers:33:5 @and the sons of Israel journey from Rameses , and encamp in Succoth . ylt @Numbers:33:6 @And they journey from Succoth , and encamp in Etham , which [is ] in the extremity of the wilderness ; ylt @Numbers:33:7 @and they journey from Etham , and turn back on Pi-Hahiroth , which [is ] on the front of Baal-Zephon , and they encamp before Migdol . ylt @Numbers:33:8 @And they journey from Pi-Hahiroth , and pass over through the midst of the sea , into the wilderness , and go a journey of three days in the wilderness of Etham , and encamp in Marah . ylt @Numbers:33:9 @And they journey from Marah , and come in to Elim , and in Elim [are ] twelve fountains of waters , and seventy palm trees , and they encamp there ; ylt @Numbers:33:10 @and they journey from Elim , and encamp by the Red Sea . ylt @Numbers:33:11 @And they journey from the Red Sea , and encamp in the wilderness of Sin ; ylt @Numbers:33:12 @and they journey from the wilderness of Sin , and encamp in Dophkah . ylt @Numbers:33:13 @And they journey from Dophkah , and encamp in Alush ; ylt @Numbers:33:14 @and they journey from Alush , and encamp in Rephidim ; and there was there no water for the people to drink . ylt @Numbers:33:15 @And they journey from Rephidim , and encamp in the wilderness of Sinai ; ylt @Numbers:33:16 @and they journey from the wilderness of Sinai , and encamp in Kibroth-Hattaavah . ylt @Numbers:33:17 @And they journey from Kibroth-Hattaavah , and encamp in Hazeroth ; ylt @Numbers:33:18 @and they journey from Hazeroth , and encamp in Rithmah . ylt @Numbers:33:19 @And they journey from Rithmah , and encamp in Rimmon-Parez ; ylt @Numbers:33:20 @and they journey from Rimmon-Parez , and encamp in Libnah . ylt @Numbers:33:21 @And they journey from Libnah , and encamp in Rissah ; ylt @Numbers:33:22 @and they journey from Rissah , and encamp in Kehelathah . ylt @Numbers:33:23 @And they journey from Kehelathah , and encamp in mount Shapher ; ylt @Numbers:33:24 @and they journey from mount Shapher , and encamp in Haradah . ylt @Numbers:33:25 @And they journey from Haradah , and encamp in Makheloth ; ylt @Numbers:33:26 @and they journey from Makheloth , and encamp in Tahath . ylt @Numbers:33:27 @And they journey from Tahath , and encamp in Tarah ; ylt @Numbers:33:28 @and they journey from Tarah , and encamp in Mithcah . ylt @Numbers:33:29 @And they journey from Mithcah , and encamp in Hashmonah ; ylt @Numbers:33:30 @and they journey from Hashmonah , and encamp in Moseroth . ylt @Numbers:33:31 @And they journey from Moseroth , and encamp in Bene-Jaakan ; ylt @Numbers:33:32 @and they journey from Bene-Jaakan , and encamp at Hor-Hagidgad . ylt @Numbers:33:33 @And they journey from Hor-Hagidgad , and encamp in Jotbathah ; ylt @Numbers:33:34 @and they journey from Jotbathah , and encamp in Ebronah . ylt @Numbers:33:35 @And they journey from Ebronah , and encamp in Ezion-Gaber ; ylt @Numbers:33:36 @and they journey from Ezion-Gaber , and encamp in the wilderness of Zin , which [is ] Kadesh . ylt @Numbers:33:37 @And they journey from Kadesh , and encamp in mount Hor , in the extremity of the land of Edom . ylt @Numbers:33:38 @And Aaron the priest goeth up unto mount Hor , by the command of Jehovah , and dieth there , in the fortieth year of the going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt , in the fifth month , on the first of the month ; ylt @Numbers:33:39 @and Aaron [is ] a son of a hundred and twenty and three years in his dying in mount Hor . ylt @Numbers:33:40 @And the Canaanite -- king Arad -- who is dwelling in the south , in the land of Canaan , heareth of the coming of the sons of Israel . ylt @Numbers:33:41 @And they journey from mount Hor , and encamp in Zalmonah ; ylt @Numbers:33:42 @and they journey from Zalmonah , and encamp in Punon . ylt @Numbers:33:43 @And they journey from Punon , and encamp in Oboth ; ylt @Numbers:33:44 @and they journey from Oboth , and encamp in Ije-Abarim , in the border of Moab . ylt @Numbers:33:45 @And they journey from Iim , and encamp in Dibon-Gad ; ylt @Numbers:33:46 @and they journey from Dibon-Gad , and encamp in Almon-Diblathaim . ylt @Numbers:33:47 @And they journey from Almon-Diblathaim , and encamp in the mountains of Abarim , before Nebo ; ylt @Numbers:33:48 @and they journey from the mountains of Abarim , and encamp in the plains of Moab , by Jordan , [near ] Jericho . ylt @Numbers:33:49 @And they encamp by the Jordan from Beth-Jeshimoth , unto Abel-Shittim , in the plains of Moab . ylt @Numbers:33:50 @And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses , in the plains of Moab , by Jordan , [near ] Jericho , saying , ylt @Numbers:33:51 @'Speak unto the sons of Israel , and thou hast said unto them , When ye are passing over the Jordan unto the land of Canaan , ylt @Numbers:33:52 @then ye have dispossessed all the inhabitants of the land from before you , and have destroyed all their imagery , yea , all their molten images ye destroy , and all their high places ye lay waste , ylt @Numbers:33:53 @and ye have possessed the land , and dwelt in it , for to you I have given the land -- to possess it . ylt @Numbers:33:54 @'And ye have inherited the land by lot , by your families ; to the many ye increase their inheritance , and to the few ye diminish their inheritance ; whither the lot goeth out to him , it is his ; by the tribes of your fathers ye inherit . ylt @Numbers:33:55 @'And if ye do not dispossess the inhabitants of the land from before you , then it hath been , those whom ye let remain of them , [are ] for pricks in your eyes , and for thorns in your sides , and they have distressed you on the land in which ye are dwelling , ylt @Numbers:33:56 @and it hath come to pass , as I thought to do to them -- I do to you .' ylt @Numbers:34:1 @And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses , saying , ylt @Numbers:34:2 @'Command the sons of Israel , and thou hast said unto them , When ye are coming in unto the land of Canaan -- this [is ] the land which falleth to you by inheritance , the land of Canaan , by its borders -- ylt @Numbers:34:3 @then hath the south quarter been to you from the wilderness of Zin , by the sides of Edom , yea , the south border hath been to you from the extremity of the Salt Sea , eastward ; ylt @Numbers:34:4 @and the border hath turned round to you from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim , and hath passed on to Zin , and its outgoings have been from the south to Kadesh-Barnea , and it hath gone out at Hazar-Addar , and hath passed on to Azmon ; ylt @Numbers:34:5 @and the border hath turned round from Azmon to the brook of Egypt , and its outgoings have been at the sea . ylt @Numbers:34:6 @'As to the west border , even the great sea hath been to you a border ; this is to you the west border . ylt @Numbers:34:7 @'And this is to you the north border : from the great sea ye mark out for yourselves mount Hor ; ylt @Numbers:34:8 @from mount Hor ye mark out to go in to Hamath , and the outgoings of the border have been to Zedad ; ylt @Numbers:34:9 @and the border hath gone out to Ziphron , and its outgoings have been at Hazar-Enan ; this is to you the north border . ylt @Numbers:34:10 @'And ye have marked out for yourselves for the border eastward , from Hazar-Enan to Shepham ; ylt @Numbers:34:11 @and the border hath gone down from Shepham to Riblah , on the east of Ain , and the border hath gone down , and hath smitten against the shoulder of the sea of Chinnereth eastward ; ylt @Numbers:34:12 @and the border hath gone down to the Jordan , and its outgoings have been at the Salt Sea ; this is for you the land by its borders round about .' ylt @Numbers:34:13 @And Moses commandeth the sons of Israel , saying , 'This [is ] the land which ye inherit by lot , which Jehovah hath commanded to give to the nine tribes and the half of the tribe ; ylt @Numbers:34:14 @for the tribe of the sons of Reuben have received , by the house of their fathers ; and the tribe of the children of Gad , by the house of their fathers ; and the half of the tribe of Manasseh have received their inheritance ; ylt @Numbers:34:15 @the two tribes and the half of the tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan , [near ] Jericho , eastward , at the [sun ]-rising .' ylt @Numbers:34:16 @And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses , saying , ylt @Numbers:34:17 @'These [are ] the names of the men who give to you the inheritance of the land : Eleazar the priest , and Joshua son of Nun , ylt @Numbers:34:18 @and one prince -- one prince -- for a tribe ye do take to give the land by inheritance . ylt @Numbers:34:19 @'And these [are ] the names of the men : of the tribe of Judah , Caleb son of Jephunneh ; ylt @Numbers:34:20 @and of the tribe of the sons of Simeon , Shemuel son of Aminihud ; ylt @Numbers:34:21 @of the tribe of Benjamin , Elidad son of Chislon ; ylt @Numbers:34:22 @and of the tribe of the sons of Dan , the prince Bukki son of Jogli ; ylt @Numbers:34:23 @of the sons of Joseph , of the tribe of the sons of Manasseh , the prince Hanniel son of Ephod ; ylt @Numbers:34:24 @and of the tribe of the sons of Ephraim , the prince Kemuel son of Shiphtan ; ylt @Numbers:34:25 @and of the tribe of the sons of Zebulun , the prince Elizaphan son of Parnach ; ylt @Numbers:34:26 @and of the tribe of the sons of Issachar , the prince Paltiel son of Azzan ; ylt @Numbers:34:27 @and of the tribe of the sons of Asher , the prince Ahihud son of Shelomi ; ylt @Numbers:34:28 @and of the tribe of the sons of Naphtali , the prince Pedahel son of Ammihud .' ylt @Numbers:34:29 @These [are ] those whom Jehovah hath commanded to give the sons of Israel inheritance in the land of Canaan . ylt @Numbers:35:1 @And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses , in the plains of Moab , by Jordan , [near ] Jericho , saying , ylt @Numbers:35:2 @'Command the sons of Israel , and they have given to the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to inhabit ; also a suburb for the cities round about them ye do give to the Levites . ylt @Numbers:35:3 @And the cities have been to them to inhabit , and their suburbs are for their cattle , and for their goods , and for all their beasts . ylt @Numbers:35:4 @'And the suburbs of the cities which ye give to the Levites [are ], from the wall of the city and without , a thousand cubits round about . ylt @Numbers:35:5 @And ye have measured from the outside of the city , the east quarter , two thousand by the cubit , and the south quarter , two thousand by the cubit , and the west quarter , two thousand by the cubit , and the north quarter , two thousand by the cubit ; and the city [is ] in the midst ; this is to them the suburbs of the cities . ylt @Numbers:35:6 @'And the cities which ye give to the Levites [are ] the six cities of refuge , which ye give for the fleeing thither of the man-slayer , and besides them ye give forty and two cities ; ylt @Numbers:35:7 @all the cities which ye give to the Levites [are ] forty and eight cities , them and their suburbs . ylt @Numbers:35:8 @And the cities which ye give [are ] of the possession of the sons of Israel , from the many ye multiply , and from the few ye diminish ; each , according to his inheritance which they inherit , doth give of his cities to the Levites .' ylt @Numbers:35:9 @And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses , saying , ylt @Numbers:35:10 @'Speak unto the sons of Israel , and thou hast said unto them , When ye are passing over the Jordan to the land of Canaan , ylt @Numbers:35:11 @and have prepared to yourselves cities -- cities of refuge they are to you -- then fled thither hath a man-slayer , smiting a person unawares , ylt @Numbers:35:12 @and the cities have been to you for a refuge from the redeemer , and the man-slayer doth not die till his standing before the company for judgment . ylt @Numbers:35:13 @'As to the cities which ye give -- six [are ] cities of refuge to you ; ylt @Numbers:35:14 @the three of the cities ye give beyond the Jordan , and the three of the cities ye give in the land of Canaan ; cities of refuge they are . ylt @Numbers:35:15 @To sons of Israel , and to a sojourner , and to a settler in their midst , are these six cities for a refuge , for the fleeing thither of any one smiting a person unawares . ylt @Numbers:35:16 @'And if with an instrument of iron he hath smitten him , and he dieth , he [is ] a murderer : the murderer is certainly put to death . ylt @Numbers:35:17 @'And if with a stone [in ] the hand , wherewith he dieth , he hath smitten him , and he dieth , he [is ] a murderer : the murderer is certainly put to death . ylt @Numbers:35:18 @'Or with a wooden instrument [in ] the hand , wherewith he dieth , he hath smitten him , and he dieth , he [is ] a murderer : the murderer is certainly put to death . ylt @Numbers:35:19 @'The redeemer of blood himself doth put the murderer to death ; in his coming against him he doth put him to death . ylt @Numbers:35:20 @'And if in hatred he thrust him through , or hath cast [anything ] at him by lying in wait , and he dieth ; ylt @Numbers:35:21 @or in enmity he hath smitten him with his hand , and he dieth ; the smiter is certainly put to death ; he [is ] a murderer ; the redeemer of blood doth put the murderer to death in his coming against him . ylt @Numbers:35:22 @'And if , in an instant , without enmity , he hath thrust him through , or hath cast at him any instrument , without lying in wait ; ylt @Numbers:35:23 @or with any stone wherewith he dieth , without seeing , and causeth [it ] to fall upon him , and he dieth , and he [is ] not his enemy , nor seeking his evil ; ylt @Numbers:35:24 @then have the company judged between the smiter and the redeemer of blood , by these judgments . ylt @Numbers:35:25 @'And the company have delivered the man-slayer out of the hand of the redeemer of blood , and the company have caused him to turn back unto the city of his refuge , whither he hath fled , and he hath dwelt in it till the death of the chief priest , who hath been anointed with the holy oil . ylt @Numbers:35:26 @'And if the man-slayer at all go out [from ] the border of the city of his refuge whither he fleeth , ylt @Numbers:35:27 @and the redeemer of blood hath found him at the outside of the border of the city of his refuge , and the redeemer of blood hath slain the man-slayer , blood is not for him ; ylt @Numbers:35:28 @for in the city of his refuge he doth dwell till the death of the chief priest ; and after the death of the chief priest doth the man-slayer turn back unto the city of his possession . ylt @Numbers:35:29 @'And these things have been to you for a statute of judgment to your generations , in all your dwellings : ylt @Numbers:35:30 @whoso smiteth a person , by the mouth of witnesses doth [one ] slay the murderer ; and one witness doth not testify against a person -- to die . ylt @Numbers:35:31 @'And ye take no atonement for the life of a murderer who [is ] condemned -- to die , for he is certainly put to death ; ylt @Numbers:35:32 @and ye take no atonement for him to flee unto the city of his refuge , to turn back to dwell in the land , until the death of the priest . ylt @Numbers:35:33 @'And ye profane not the land which ye [are ] in , for blood profaneth the land ; as to the land , it is not pardoned for blood which is shed in it except by the blood of him who sheddeth it ; ylt @Numbers:35:34 @and ye defile not the land in which ye are dwelling , in the midst of which I do tabernacle , for I Jehovah do tabernacle in the midst of the sons of Israel .' ylt @Numbers:36:1 @And the heads of the fathers of the families of the sons of Gilead , son of Machir , son of Manasseh , of the families of the sons of Joseph , come near , and speak before Moses , and before the princes , heads of the fathers of the sons of Israel , ylt @Numbers:36:2 @and say , Jehovah commanded my lord to give the land for inheritance by lot to the sons of Israel , and my lord hath been commanded by Jehovah to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our brother to his daughters . ylt @Numbers:36:3 @'And -- they have been to one of the sons of the [other ] tribes of the sons of Israel for wives , and their inheritance hath been withdrawn from the inheritance of our fathers , and hath been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs , and from the lot of our inheritance it is withdrawn , ylt @Numbers:36:4 @and if it is the jubilee of the sons of Israel , then hath their inheritance been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs , and from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers is their inheritance withdrawn .' ylt @Numbers:36:5 @And Moses commandeth the sons of Israel , by the command of Jehovah , saying , 'Rightly are the tribe of the sons of Joseph speaking ; ylt @Numbers:36:6 @this [is ] the thing which Jehovah hath commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad , saying , To those good in their eyes let them be for wives ; only , to a family of the tribe of their fathers let them be for wives ; ylt @Numbers:36:7 @and the inheritance of the sons of Israel doth not turn round from tribe unto tribe ; for each to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers , do the sons of Israel cleave . ylt @Numbers:36:8 @'And every daughter possessing an inheritance , of the tribes of the sons of Israel , is to one of the family of the tribe of her father for a wife , so that the sons of Israel possess each the inheritance of his fathers , ylt @Numbers:36:9 @and the inheritance doth not turn round from [one ] tribe to another tribe ; for each to his inheritance do they cleave , the tribes of the sons of Israel .' ylt @Numbers:36:10 @As Jehovah hath commanded Moses , so have the daughters of Zelophehad done , ylt @Numbers:36:11 @and Mahlah , Tirzah , and Hoglah , and Milcah , and Noah , daughters of Zelophehad , are to the sons of their fathers ' brethren for wives ; ylt @Numbers:36:12 @[to men ] of the families of the sons of Manasseh , son of Joseph , they have been for wives , and their inheritance is with the tribe of the family of their father . ylt @Numbers:36:13 @These [are ] the commands and the judgments which Jehovah hath commanded , by the hand of Moses , concerning the sons of Israel , in the plains of Moab , by Jordan , [near ] Jericho .

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