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* Then if there is any comfort in Christ , if any consolation of love , if any fellowship of the Spirit , if any tendernesses and compassions , * fulfill my joy , that you think the same , having the same love , one in soul , minding the one thing , * doing nothing according to party spirit or self-glory , but in humility , esteeming one another to surpass themselves ; * each not looking at their own things , but each also at the things of others . * For let this mind be in you which also was in Christ Jesus , * who subsisting in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God , * but emptied Himself , taking the form of a slave , having become in the likeness of men * and being found in fashion as a man , He humbled Himself , having become obedient until death , even the death of a cross . * Because of this also God highly exalted Him and gave Him a name above every name , * that at the name of Jesus "every knee should bow ," of heavenly ones , and earthly ones , and ones under the earth , * and "every tongue should confess " that Jesus Christ is "Lord ," to the glory of God the Father . Isaiah . strkjv @45:23

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