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* If any therefore comfort in Anointed , if any soothing of love , if any fellowship of spirit , if any bowels and compassions ; * fulfil you of me the joy , so that the same thing you may think , the same love having , united ones in soul , the one thing minding ; * nothing in strife or vain –glory , but in the lowliness of mind others esteeming exceeding yourselves ; * not the things of yourselves each one regarding , but also the things of others everyone . * This for be desired by you which also in Anointed Jesus , * who in a form of God being , not a usurpation meditated the to be like to God , Phillippians * but himself emptied , a form of a slave having taken , in a likeness of men having been formed , * and in condition being found as a man ; humbled himself , having become obedient till death , of a death even of a cross . * Therefore also the God him supremely exalted , and freely granted to him a name that above every name ; * so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend of heavenlies and of earthlies and of underground ones , * and every tongue should confess , that a Lord Jesus Anointed , for glory of God a Father . * So that , beloved ones of me , as always you obeyed , not as in the presence of me only , but now much more in the absence of me , with fear and trembling the of yourselves salvation work you out ; * the God for it is the one working in you both the to will and the to work , on account of the good –pleasure . * All things do you without murmurings and disputings ; * that you may be blameless ones and harmless ones , children of God irreproachable in midst of a generation perverse and having been misguided ; to which you appear as luminaries in world , * a word of life holding out ; for a boast to me in a day of Anointed , that not in vain I ran , nor in vain I toiled . * But if even I am poured out on the sacrifice and public service of the faith of you , I am glad and I rejoice with all you ; * the and same also you be you glad , and rejoice you with me . * I hope but in Lord Jesus , Timothy shortly to send to you , that also I may be animated having ascertained the things concerning you . * No one for I have like –souled , who really the things concerning you will care ; Phillippians * the all for the things of themselves are seeking , not the things of Jesus Anointed . Phillippians * The but proof of him you know , that , as with a father a child , with me be served for the glad tidings . * Him indeed therefore I hope to send , as I would view attentively the things concerning me , immediately ; * having confidence and in Lord , that even myself shortly will come . Phillippians * Necessary but I esteemed , Epaphroditus the brother and fellow –worker and fellow –soldier of me , of you but an apostle , and public –servant of the want of me , to have sent to you ; * since longing after he was all you , and being depressed , because you heard that he was sick . * Indeed for he was sick near to death ; but the God him pitied not him and only , but also me , so that not sorrow on sorrow I should have . * More speedily therefore I sent him , that seeing him again , you may rejoice , and I less sorrowful may be . * Receive you therefore him in Lord with all joy , and the such like ones in honor hold you ; * because on account of the work of the Anointed even to death he was near , having risked the life , so that he might fill up the of you deficiency of towards me public service .

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