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* Finally , my brothers , rejoice in Lord . To write the same things to you is really not irksome to me , but safe for you . * Beware of the dogs , beware of the evil workmen , beware of the excision . * For we are the circumcision , men who worship in spirit to God , and who boast in Christ Jesus , and not being confident in flesh . * Although (I having confidence also in flesh ) if any other man seems to be confident in the flesh , I more : * in circumcision the eighth day , of the race of Israel , of the tribe of Benjamin , a Hebrew of Hebrews ; regarding law , a Pharisee ; * regarding zeal , persecuting the church ; regarding the righteousness in law , having become blameless . * But whatever was gain to me , these things I regarded loss because of the Christ . * But indeed therefore I even consider all things to be loss because of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord , because of whom I suffered the loss of all things , and consider them to be rubbish , so that I may gain C * and be found in him , not having my righteousness , that from law , but that through Christ 's faith--the righteousness from God based on faith -- * to know him , and the power of his resurrection , and the participation of his sufferings , being conformed to his death , * if somehow I might attain to the resurrection of the dead . * Not that I have already obtained or have already been fully perfected , but I press forward , if also I might seize upon that for which also I was seized by Christ Jesus . * Brothers , I reckon myself not to have seized , but one thing , indeed forgetting the things behind , and reaching forward to the things ahead , * I press forward toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus . * As many therefore as are perfect should think this way . And if ye think anything differently , this also God will reveal to you . * However in what we have attained , to march by the same standard , to think the same way . * Brothers , become fellow-imitators of me , and watch those who so walk , just as ye have us for an example . * For many walk , who (I told you often , and now also say while weeping ) are enemies of the cross of Christ , * whose end is destruction , whose god is the belly , and the glory in their shame , who mind earthly things . * For our citizenship exists in the heavens , from which also we await a Savior , Lord Jesus Christ , * who will transform the body of our lowliness , in order for it to become similar in form to the body of his glory , according to the working of his power even to subject all things to himself .

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