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ylt @Proverbs:11:1 @Balances of deceit [are ] an abomination to Jehovah , And a perfect weight [is ] His delight . ylt @Proverbs:11:2 @Pride hath come , and shame cometh , And with the lowly [is ] wisdom . ylt @Proverbs:11:3 @The integrity of the upright leadeth them , And the perverseness of the treacherous destroyeth them . ylt @Proverbs:11:4 @Wealth profiteth not in a day of wrath , And righteousness delivereth from death . ylt @Proverbs:11:5 @The righteousness of the perfect maketh right his way , And by his wickedness doth the wicked fall . ylt @Proverbs:11:6 @The righteousness of the upright delivereth them , And in mischief the treacherous are captured . ylt @Proverbs:11:7 @In the death of a wicked man , hope perisheth , And the expectation of the iniquitous hath been lost . ylt @Proverbs:11:8 @The righteous from distress is drawn out , And the wicked goeth in instead of him . ylt @Proverbs:11:9 @With the mouth a hypocrite corrupteth his friend , And by knowledge the righteous are drawn out . ylt @Proverbs:11:10 @In the good of the righteous a city exulteth , And in the destruction of the wicked [is ] singing . ylt @Proverbs:11:11 @By the blessing of the upright is a city exalted , And by the mouth of the wicked thrown down . ylt @Proverbs:11:12 @Whoso is despising his neighbour lacketh heart , And a man of understanding keepeth silence . ylt @Proverbs:11:13 @A busybody is revealing secret counsel , And the faithful of spirit is covering the matter . ylt @Proverbs:11:14 @Without counsels do a people fall , And deliverance [is ] in a multitude of counsellors . ylt @Proverbs:11:15 @Evil [one ] suffereth when he hath been surety [for ] a stranger , And whoso is hating suretyship is confident . ylt @Proverbs:11:16 @A gracious woman retaineth honour , And terrible [men ] retain riches . ylt @Proverbs:11:17 @A kind man is rewarding his own soul , And the fierce is troubling his own flesh . ylt @Proverbs:11:18 @The wicked is getting a lying wage , And whoso is sowing righteousness -- a true reward . ylt @Proverbs:11:19 @Rightly [is ] righteousness for life , And whoso is pursuing evil -- for his own death . ylt @Proverbs:11:20 @An abomination to Jehovah [are ] the perverse of heart , And the perfect of the way [are ] His delight . ylt @Proverbs:11:21 @Hand to hand , the wicked is not acquitted , And the seed of the righteous hath escaped . ylt @Proverbs:11:22 @A ring of gold in the nose of a sow -- A fair woman and stubborn of behaviour . ylt @Proverbs:11:23 @The desire of the righteous [is ] only good , The hope of the wicked [is ] transgression . ylt @Proverbs:11:24 @There is who is scattering , and yet is increased , And who is keeping back from uprightness , only to want . ylt @Proverbs:11:25 @A liberal soul is made fat , And whoso is watering , he also is watered . ylt @Proverbs:11:26 @Whoso is withholding corn , the people execrate him , And a blessing [is ] for the head of him who is selling . ylt @Proverbs:11:27 @Whoso is earnestly seeking good Seeketh a pleasing thing , And whoso is seeking evil -- it meeteth him . ylt @Proverbs:11:28 @Whoso is confident in his wealth he falleth , And as a leaf , the righteous flourish . ylt @Proverbs:11:29 @Whoso is troubling his own house inheriteth wind , And a servant [is ] the fool to the wise of heart . ylt @Proverbs:11:30 @The fruit of the righteous [is ] a tree of life , And whoso is taking souls [is ] wise . ylt @Proverbs:11:31 @Lo , the righteous in the earth is recompensed , Surely also the wicked and the sinner ! ylt @Proverbs:12:1 @Whoso is loving instruction , is loving knowledge , And whoso is hating reproof [is ] brutish . ylt @Proverbs:12:2 @The good bringeth forth favour from Jehovah , And the man of wicked devices He condemneth . ylt @Proverbs:12:3 @A man is not established by wickedness , And the root of the righteous is not moved . ylt @Proverbs:12:4 @A virtuous woman [is ] a crown to her husband , And as rottenness in his bones [is ] one causing shame . ylt @Proverbs:12:5 @The thoughts of the righteous [are ] justice , The counsels of the wicked -- deceit . ylt @Proverbs:12:6 @The words of the wicked [are ]: 'Lay wait for blood ,' And the mouth of the upright delivereth them . ylt @Proverbs:12:7 @Overthrow the wicked , and they are not , And the house of the righteous standeth . ylt @Proverbs:12:8 @According to his wisdom is a man praised , And the perverted of heart becometh despised . ylt @Proverbs:12:9 @Better [is ] the lightly esteemed who hath a servant , Than the self-honoured who lacketh bread . ylt @Proverbs:12:10 @The righteous knoweth the life of his beast , And the mercies of the wicked [are ] cruel . ylt @Proverbs:12:11 @Whoso is tilling the ground is satisfied [with ] bread , And whoso is pursuing vanities is lacking heart , ylt @Proverbs:12:12 @The wicked hath desired the net of evil doers , And the root of the righteous giveth . ylt @Proverbs:12:13 @In transgression of the lips [is ] the snare of the wicked , And the righteous goeth out from distress . ylt @Proverbs:12:14 @From the fruit of the mouth [is ] one satisfied [with ] good , And the deed of man 's hands returneth to him . ylt @Proverbs:12:15 @The way of a fool [is ] right in his own eyes , And whoso is hearkening to counsel [is ] wise . ylt @Proverbs:12:16 @The fool -- in a day is his anger known , And the prudent is covering shame . ylt @Proverbs:12:17 @Whoso uttereth faithfulness declareth righteousness , And a false witness -- deceit . ylt @Proverbs:12:18 @A rash speaker is like piercings of a sword , And the tongue of the wise is healing . ylt @Proverbs:12:19 @The lip of truth is established for ever , And for a moment -- a tongue of falsehood . ylt @Proverbs:12:20 @Deceit [is ] in the heart of those devising evil , And to those counselling peace [is ] joy . ylt @Proverbs:12:21 @No iniquity is desired by the righteous , And the wicked have been full of evil . ylt @Proverbs:12:22 @An abomination to Jehovah [are ] lying lips , And stedfast doers [are ] his delight . ylt @Proverbs:12:23 @A prudent man is concealing knowledge , And the heart of fools proclaimeth folly . ylt @Proverbs:12:24 @The hand of the diligent ruleth , And slothfulness becometh tributary . ylt @Proverbs:12:25 @Sorrow in the heart of a man boweth down , And a good word maketh him glad . ylt @Proverbs:12:26 @The righteous searcheth his companion , And the way of the wicked causeth them to err . ylt @Proverbs:12:27 @The slothful roasteth not his hunting , And the wealth of a diligent man is precious . ylt @Proverbs:12:28 @In the path of righteousness [is ] life , And in the way of [that ] path [is ] no death ! ylt @Proverbs:13:1 @A wise son -- the instruction of a father , And a scorner -- he hath not heard rebuke . ylt @Proverbs:13:2 @From the fruit of the mouth a man eateth good , And the soul of the treacherous -- violence . ylt @Proverbs:13:3 @Whoso is keeping his mouth , is keeping his soul , Whoso is opening wide his lips -- ruin to him ! ylt @Proverbs:13:4 @The soul of the slothful is desiring , and hath not . And the soul of the diligent is made fat . ylt @Proverbs:13:5 @A false word the righteous hateth , And the wicked causeth abhorrence , and is confounded . ylt @Proverbs:13:6 @Righteousness keepeth him who is perfect in the way , And wickedness overthroweth a sin offering . ylt @Proverbs:13:7 @There is who is making himself rich , and hath nothing , Who is making himself poor , and wealth [is ] abundant . ylt @Proverbs:13:8 @The ransom of a man 's life [are ] his riches , And the poor hath not heard rebuke . ylt @Proverbs:13:9 @The light of the righteous rejoiceth , And the lamp of the wicked is extinguished . ylt @Proverbs:13:10 @A vain man through pride causeth debate , And with the counselled [is ] wisdom . ylt @Proverbs:13:11 @Wealth from vanity becometh little , And whoso is gathering by the hand becometh great . ylt @Proverbs:13:12 @Hope prolonged is making the heart sick , And a tree of life [is ] the coming desire . ylt @Proverbs:13:13 @Whoso is despising the Word is destroyed for it , And whoso is fearing the Command is repayed . ylt @Proverbs:13:14 @The law of the wise [is ] a fountain of life , To turn aside from snares of death . ylt @Proverbs:13:15 @Good understanding giveth grace , And the way of the treacherous [is ] hard . ylt @Proverbs:13:16 @Every prudent one dealeth with knowledge , And a fool spreadeth out folly . ylt @Proverbs:13:17 @A wicked messenger falleth into evil , And a faithful ambassador is healing . ylt @Proverbs:13:18 @Whoso is refusing instruction -- poverty and shame , And whoso is observing reproof is honoured . ylt @Proverbs:13:19 @A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul , And an abomination to fools [is ]: Turn from evil . ylt @Proverbs:13:20 @Whoso is walking with wise men is wise , And a companion of fools suffereth evil . ylt @Proverbs:13:21 @Evil pursueth sinners , And good recompenseth the righteous . ylt @Proverbs:13:22 @A good man causeth sons ' sons to inherit , And laid up for the righteous [is ] the sinner 's wealth . ylt @Proverbs:13:23 @Abundance of food -- the tillage of the poor , And substance is consumed without judgment . ylt @Proverbs:13:24 @Whoso is sparing his rod is hating his son , And whoso is loving him hath hastened him chastisement . ylt @Proverbs:13:25 @The righteous is eating to the satiety of his soul , And the belly of the wicked lacketh ! ylt @Proverbs:14:1 @Every wise woman hath builded her house , And the foolish with her hands breaketh it down . ylt @Proverbs:14:2 @Whoso is walking in his uprightness is fearing Jehovah , And the perverted [in ] his ways is despising Him . ylt @Proverbs:14:3 @In the mouth of a fool [is ] a rod of pride , And the lips of the wise preserve them . ylt @Proverbs:14:4 @Without oxen a stall [is ] clean , And great [is ] the increase by the power of the ox . ylt @Proverbs:14:5 @A faithful witness lieth not , And a false witness breatheth out lies . ylt @Proverbs:14:6 @A scorner hath sought wisdom , and it is not , And knowledge to the intelligent [is ] easy . ylt @Proverbs:14:7 @Go from before a foolish man , Or thou hast not known the lips of knowledge . ylt @Proverbs:14:8 @The wisdom of the prudent [is ] to understand his way , And the folly of fools [is ] deceit . ylt @Proverbs:14:9 @Fools mock at a guilt-offering , And among the upright -- a pleasing thing . ylt @Proverbs:14:10 @The heart knoweth its own bitterness , And with its joy a stranger doth not intermeddle . ylt @Proverbs:14:11 @The house of the wicked is destroyed , And the tent of the upright flourisheth . ylt @Proverbs:14:12 @There is a way -- right before a man , And its latter end [are ] ways of death . ylt @Proverbs:14:13 @Even in laughter is the heart pained , And the latter end of joy [is ] affliction . ylt @Proverbs:14:14 @From his ways is the backslider in heart filled , And a good man -- from his fruits . ylt @Proverbs:14:15 @The simple giveth credence to everything , And the prudent attendeth to his step . ylt @Proverbs:14:16 @The wise is fearing and turning from evil , And a fool is transgressing and is confident . ylt @Proverbs:14:17 @Whoso is short of temper doth folly , And a man of wicked devices is hated . ylt @Proverbs:14:18 @The simple have inherited folly , And the prudent are crowned [with ] knowledge . ylt @Proverbs:14:19 @The evil have bowed down before the good , And the wicked at the gates of the righteous . ylt @Proverbs:14:20 @Even of his neighbour is the poor hated , And those loving the rich [are ] many . ylt @Proverbs:14:21 @Whoso is despising his neighbour sinneth , Whoso is favouring the humble , O his happiness . ylt @Proverbs:14:22 @Do not they err who are devising evil ? And kindness and truth [are ] to those devising good , ylt @Proverbs:14:23 @In all labour there is advantage , And a thing of the lips [is ] only to want . ylt @Proverbs:14:24 @The crown of the wise is their wealth , The folly of fools [is ] folly . ylt @Proverbs:14:25 @A true witness is delivering souls , And a deceitful one breatheth out lies . ylt @Proverbs:14:26 @In the fear of Jehovah [is ] strong confidence , And to His sons there is a refuge . ylt @Proverbs:14:27 @The fear of Jehovah [is ] a fountain of life , To turn aside from snares of death . ylt @Proverbs:14:28 @In the multitude of a people [is ] the honour of a king , And in lack of people the ruin of a prince . ylt @Proverbs:14:29 @Whoso is slow to anger [is ] of great understanding , And whoso is short in temper is exalting folly . ylt @Proverbs:14:30 @A healed heart [is ] life to the flesh , And rottenness to the bones [is ] envy . ylt @Proverbs:14:31 @An oppressor of the poor reproacheth his Maker , And whoso is honouring Him Is favouring the needy . ylt @Proverbs:14:32 @In his wickedness is the wicked driven away , And trustful in his death [is ] the righteous . ylt @Proverbs:14:33 @In the heart of the intelligent wisdom doth rest . And in the midst of fools it is known . ylt @Proverbs:14:34 @Righteousness exalteth a nation , And the goodliness of peoples [is ] a sin-offering . ylt @Proverbs:14:35 @The favour of a king [is ] to a wise servant , And an object of his wrath is one causing shame ! ylt @Proverbs:15:1 @A soft answer turneth back fury , And a grievous word raiseth up anger . ylt @Proverbs:15:2 @The tongue of the wise maketh knowledge good , And the mouth of fools uttereth folly . ylt @Proverbs:15:3 @In every place are the eyes of Jehovah , Watching the evil and the good . ylt @Proverbs:15:4 @A healed tongue [is ] a tree of life , And perverseness in it -- a breach in the spirit . ylt @Proverbs:15:5 @A fool despiseth the instruction of his father , And whoso is regarding reproof is prudent . ylt @Proverbs:15:6 @[In ] the house of the righteous [is ] abundant strength , And in the increase of the wicked -- trouble . ylt @Proverbs:15:7 @The lips of the wise scatter knowledge , And the heart of fools [is ] not right . ylt @Proverbs:15:8 @The sacrifice of the wicked [is ] an abomination to Jehovah , And the prayer of the upright [is ] His delight . ylt @Proverbs:15:9 @An abomination to Jehovah [is ] the way of the wicked , And whoso is pursuing righteousness He loveth . ylt @Proverbs:15:10 @Chastisement [is ] grievous to him who is forsaking the path , Whoso is hating reproof dieth . ylt @Proverbs:15:11 @Sheol and destruction [are ] before Jehovah , Surely also the hearts of the sons of men . ylt @Proverbs:15:12 @A scorner loveth not his reprover , Unto the wise he goeth not . ylt @Proverbs:15:13 @A joyful heart maketh glad the face , And by grief of heart is the spirit smitten . ylt @Proverbs:15:14 @The heart of the intelligent seeketh knowledge , And the mouth of fools enjoyeth folly . ylt @Proverbs:15:15 @All the days of the afflicted [are ] evil , And gladness of heart [is ] a perpetual banquet . ylt @Proverbs:15:16 @Better [is ] a little with the fear of Jehovah , Than much treasure , and tumult with it . ylt @Proverbs:15:17 @Better [is ] an allowance of green herbs and love there , Than a fatted ox , and hatred with it . ylt @Proverbs:15:18 @A man of fury stirreth up contention , And the slow to anger appeaseth strife . ylt @Proverbs:15:19 @The way of the slothful [is ] as a hedge of briers , And the path of the upright is raised up . ylt @Proverbs:15:20 @A wise son rejoiceth a father . And a foolish man is despising his mother . ylt @Proverbs:15:21 @Folly is joy to one lacking heart , And a man of intelligence directeth [his ] going . ylt @Proverbs:15:22 @Without counsel [is ] the making void of purposes , And in a multitude of counsellors it is established . ylt @Proverbs:15:23 @Joy [is ] to a man in the answer of his mouth , And a word in its season -- how good ! ylt @Proverbs:15:24 @A path of life [is ] on high for the wise , To turn aside from Sheol beneath . ylt @Proverbs:15:25 @The house of the proud Jehovah pulleth down , And He setteth up the border of the widow . ylt @Proverbs:15:26 @An abomination to Jehovah [are ] thoughts of wickedness , And pure [are ] sayings of pleasantness . ylt @Proverbs:15:27 @A dishonest gainer is troubling his house , And whoso is hating gifts liveth . ylt @Proverbs:15:28 @The heart of the righteous meditateth to answer , And the mouth of the wicked uttereth evil things . ylt @Proverbs:15:29 @Far [is ] Jehovah from the wicked , And the prayer of the righteous He heareth . ylt @Proverbs:15:30 @The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart , A good report maketh fat the bone . ylt @Proverbs:15:31 @An ear that is hearing the reproof of life Doth lodge among the wise . ylt @Proverbs:15:32 @Whoso is refusing instruction is despising his soul , And whoso is hearing reproof Is getting understanding . ylt @Proverbs:15:33 @The fear of Jehovah [is ] the instruction of wisdom , And before honour [is ] humility ! ylt @Proverbs:16:1 @Of man [are ] arrangements of the heart , And from Jehovah an answer of the tongue .

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[BookofProverbs] [Proverbs:10] [Proverbs:11-15 ] [Proverbs:12] [Discuss] Tag Proverbs:11-15 [Audio][Presentation]