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* A soft answer turns away wrath , but grievous words stir up anger . * The tongue of the wise shall adorn wisdom , but the mouth of fools shall speak foolishness . * The eyes of the LORD [are ] in every place , beholding those [who are ] evil and those [who are ] good . * The wholesome tongue [is a ] tree of life , but perverseness therein [is ] a breach in the spirit . * The fool despises his father 's chastening , but he that regards reproof shall become prudent . * In the house of the righteous [is ] much provision , but in the fruit of the wicked is trouble . * The lips of the wise disperse wisdom , but the heart of the foolish [does ] not so . * The sacrifice of the wicked [is ] an abomination to the LORD , but the prayer of the upright [is ] his delight . * The way of the wicked [is ] an abomination unto the LORD , but he loves him that follows after righteousness . * Chastening [is ] grievous unto him that forsakes the way , but he that hates reproof shall die . * Sheol and hell [are ] before the LORD ; how much more then the hearts of men ? * The scorner does not love [the ] one that reproves him , neither will he go unto the wise . * A joyful heart makes a beautiful countenance , but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is abated . * The heart of him that has understanding seeks wisdom , but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness . * All the days of the poor [are ] difficult , but he that is of a good heart [has ] a continual feast . * Better [is ] little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith . * Better [is ] a dinner of vegetables where love is than a fatted calf and hatred therewith . * A wrathful man stirs up strife , but [he that is ] slow to anger appeases strife . * The way of the slothful [man is ] as a hedge of thorns , but the path of the righteous [is ] made plain . * The wise son makes a glad father , but the foolish man despises his mother . * Folly [is ] joy to [him that is ] destitute of understanding , but the man who is intelligent walks uprightly . * Without counsel purposes are disappointed , but in the multitude of counsellors they are established . * A man has joy by the answer of his mouth , and a word [spoken ] in due season , how good [it is ]! * The way of life [is ] uphill to the wise , that he may separate himself from Sheol below . * The LORD will destroy the house of the proud , but he will establish the inheritance of the widow . * The thoughts of the wicked [are ] an abomination to the LORD , but the speech of the pure is pure . * He that is greedy of gain troubles his own house , but he that hates gifts shall live . * The heart of the righteous studies to answer , but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things . * The LORD [is ] far from the wicked , but he hears the prayer of the righteous . * The light of the eyes rejoices the heart , [and ] a good report makes the bones fat . * The ear that hears the reproof of life shall abide among the wise . * He that refuses chastening despises his own soul , but he that hears reproof has an [understanding ] heart . * The fear of the LORD [is ] the instruction of wisdom , and before honour [is ] humility .:

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