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* A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches ; rather than silver or gold , favor is better . * The rich and poor meet together , Jehovah is the Maker of all of them . * A sensible one sees the evil and hides himself , but the simple go on and are punished . * The reward of humility is the fear of Jehovah , riches , and honor , and life . * Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse , he who keeps his soul shall be far from them . * Train up a boy on the opening of his way , even when he is old , he will not turn aside from it . * The rich rules over the poor , and the borrower is servant to a man who lends . * He who sows injustice will reap evil , and the rod of his wrath shall fail . * He who has a good eye , he is blessed , for he gives of his bread to the poor . * Throw the scorner out and strife shall go out ; yea , quarrels and shame shall cease . * He who loves pureness of heart , grace is on his lips ; the king shall be his friend . * The eyes of Jehovah keep knowledge , and He overthrows the words of the treacherous . * The lazy one says , A lion is outside ! I will be killed in the streets ! * The mouth of alien women is a deep pit ; those despised by Jehovah shall fall there . * Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a boy , the rod of correction shall drive it far from him . * One oppresses the poor to multiply for himself , another gives to the rich , only to come to poverty . * Stretch your ear and hear the words of the wise , and set your heart to My knowledge , * for they are pleasant when you keep them within you ; they shall all be fixed together on your lips , * So that your trust may be in Jehovah . I caused you to know today , even you . * Have I not written to you the third time with counsels and knowledge , * to cause you to know the verity of the words of truth , to return words of truth to those who send you ? * Rob not the poor because he is poor , and oppress not the afflicted in the gate . * For Jehovah will contend for their cause , and will plunder the soul of their plunderers . * Do not feed a possessor of anger , and do not go in with a man of fury , * lest you learn his ways and take a snare for your soul . * Do not be one of those who strike the palm , those who are sureties for loans . * If you have nothing to repay , why should he take away your bed from under you ? * Do not move the old landmark which your fathers have set . * Do you see a man who is prompt in his work ? He shall stand before kings , he shall not stand before obscure men .

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