
Seeker Overlay ON

* For the lips of a strange woman drip honey , and her palate is sweeter than oil , * but afterwards , she is bitter as wormwood , sharp as a sword of mouths ; * her feet go down to death ; her steps take hold on hell , * lest you should meditate on the path of life , her tracks are movable , you cannot know them . * Then hear me now , O sons , and do not depart from the words of my mouth . * Remove your ways far from her , and do not come near to the door of her house , * lest you give your honor to others , and your years to the cruel ; * that strangers not be filled with your strength , and your labors be in the house of an alien , * and you moan when your end comes , when your flesh and muscle are eaten away ; * and say , How I have hated instruction , and my heart despised correction ; * and I have not bowed to the voice of my teachers , nor bowed my ears to those instructing me . * I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly . * Drink waters out of your own cistern , and running waters out of your own well . * Should your overflowing springs be scattered outside , like rivers of waters in the streets ? * Let them be only your own , and not to strangers with you ; * let your fountains be blessed , and rejoice with the wife of your youth ; * she is a loving deer , a graceful doe ; let her breasts satisfy you every time , and always be ravished in her love . * And my son , why will you be ravished with a strange woman , and embrace a foreigner 's bosom ? * For the ways of man are before the eyes of Jehovah , and He ponders all his tracks . * His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself , and he shall be held with the cords of his sin .

Seeker Overlay: Off On

[BookofProverbs] [Proverbs:4] [Proverbs:5] [Proverbs:6] [Discuss] Tag Proverbs:5:3-22 [Audio][Presentation]