
Seeker Overlay ON

* Wisdom hath built her house ; she hath hewn out her seven pillars ; * She hath killed her cattle ; she hath mingled her wine ; she hath also set in order her table . * She hath sent forth her maidens : she inviteth upon the top of the highest places of the town . * Whoso is simple , let him turn in hither : as for him that is void of sense , she saith to him , * "Come , eat of my bread , and drink of the wine which I have mingled . * Forsake simplicity , and live ; and go onward on the way of understanding . * He that correcteth a scorner acquireth for himself abuse ; and he that reproveth the wicked getteth himself a blemish . * Do not correct a scorner , lest he hate thee : reprove a wise man , and he will love thee . * Give to the wise , and he will become yet wiser : impart knowledge to the righteous , and he will increase his information . * The commencement of wisdom is the fear of the Lord ; and the knowledge of the Most Holy One is understanding . * For through me shall thy days be multiplied , and the years of thy life shall be increased unto thee . * If thou art become wise , thou art wise for thyself ; but if thou art a scorner , thou alone wilt have to bear it ." * The woman of folly is noisy : she is simple , and knoweth not what . * And she sitteth at the door of her house , upon a chair in the high places of the town . * To call the wayfarers who go straight forward on their paths . * Whoso is simple , let him turn in hither ; and as for him that is void of sense , she saith to him , * "Stolen waters are sweet , and bread of secrecy is pleasant ." * But he knoweth not that the departed are there ; that in the depths of the nether world are her guests .

Seeker Overlay: Off On

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