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* Wherefore , O Yahweh , shouldst thou stand afar off ? hide thyself , in times of destitution ? * In the pride of the lawless one , he hotly pursueth the poor , let them be caught in the plots which they have devised ! * For the lawless one hath boasted over the longing of his soul , and , the robber , hath blasphemed Yahweh . * The lawless one , in the loftiness of his countenance , will not enquire , God is not in any of his plots : * His ways are firm at all times , On high , are thy righteous regulations , out of his sight , As for all his adversaries , he puffeth at them : * He hath said in his heart , I shall not be shaken , From generation to generation , shall I be in no misfortune . * With cursing , his mouth is full , and with deceptions and oppression , Under his tongue , are trouble and mischief : * He abideth in the lurking-place of villages , In the hiding-places , he murdereth the innocent , His eyes , for the unfortunate , are on the watch : * He lieth in wait in a hiding-place , like a lion in his covert , He lieth in wait to catch the humbled , He catcheth the humbled , by drawing him into his net : * He croucheth , he lieth down , then falleth he with his strong claws upon the unfortunate . * He hath said in his heart , GOD hath forgotten , He hath veiled his face , Oh he hath never seen ! * Arise ! Yahweh ! O GOD ! raise thy hand , Do not forget the patient ! * Wherefore hath the lawless one blasphemed God ? He hath said in his heart , Thou wilt not require ! * Thou hast seen ! For , thou , mischief and misery , dost discern , to requite with thine own hand , Unto thee , doth , the unfortunate one , give himself up , To the fatherless , thou thyself , hast become a helper . * Shatter thou the arm of the lawless one , And , as for the wrongful , wilt thou not enquire for his lawlessnesswilt thou not find ? * Yahweh , is king , to times age-abiding and beyond , The nations have perished out of his land . * The longing of the patient , thou hast heard , O Yahweh , Thou wilt establish their heart , Thou wilt make attentive thine ear : * To vindicate the fatherless and the crushed , A man of the earth , shall , no further , cause terror !

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[BookofPsalms] [Psalms:9] [Psalms:10] [Psalms:11] [Discuss] Tag Psalms:10 [Audio][Presentation]