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* Praise (note :)The prophet exhorts the people to praise God for his past benefits , that by this their minds may be strengthened against all present troubles and despair .(:note ) ye the LORD . O give thanks unto the LORD ; for [he is ] good : for his mercy [endureth ] for ever . * Who can expresse the noble actes of the Lord , or shewe forth all his prayse ? * Blessed [are ] they that (note :)He shows that it is not enough to praise God with the mouth , unless the whole heart agrees to it , and all our life framed after it .(:note ) keep judgment , [and ] he that doeth righteousness at all times . * Remember me , O LORD , with the (note :)Let the good will that you bear to your people extend to me , that by it I may be received into your number .(:note ) favour [that thou bearest unto ] thy people : O visit me with thy salvation ; * That I may see the felicitie of thy chosen , and reioyce in the ioy of thy people , and glorie with thine inheritance . * We have (note :)By earnest confession of their sins and of their father 's , they show that they hoped that God according to his promise would pity them .(:note ) sinned with our fathers , we have committed iniquity , we have done wickedly . * Our fathers vnderstoode not thy wonders in Egypt , neither remembred they the multitude of thy mercies , but rebelled at the Sea , euen at the red sea . * Nevertheless he (note :)The inestimable goodness of God appears in this , that he would rather change the order of nature than have his people not be delivered , even though they were wicked .(:note ) saved them for his name 's sake , that he might make his mighty power to be known . * And he rebuked the red Sea , and it was dryed vp , and he led them in the deepe , as in the wildernesse . * And he saued them from ye aduersaries hand , and deliuered them from ye hand of the enemie . * And the waters couered their oppressours : not one of them was left . * Then (note :)The wonderful words of God caused them to believe for a time , and to praise him .(:note ) believed they his words ; they sang his praise . * They soon forgat his works ; they waited not for his (note :)The would prevent his wisdom and providence .(:note ) counsel : * But lusted with concupiscence in the wildernes , and tempted God in the desert . * And he gave them their request ; but sent (note :)The abundance that God gave them did not profit , but made them pine away , because God cursed it .(:note ) leanness into their soul . * They enuied Moses also in the tentes , and Aaron the holy one of the Lord . * The earth opened and (note :)By the greatness of the punishment the heinousness of the offence may be considered : for they who rise against God 's ministers rebel against him .(:note ) swallowed up Dathan , and covered the company of Abiram . * And the fire was kindled in their assembly : the flame burnt vp the wicked . * They made a calfe in Horeb , and worshipped the molten image . * Thus they changed their (note :)He shows that all idolaters renounce God to be their glory when instead of him , they worship any creature much more wood , stone , metal or calves .(:note ) glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass . * They forgate God their Sauiour , which had done great things in Egypt , * Wonderous woorkes in the lande of Ham , and fearefull things by the red Sea . * Therefore he said that he would destroy them , had (note :)If Moses , by his intercession , had not obtained God 's favour against their rebellion .(:note ) not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach , to turn away his wrath , lest he should destroy [them ]. * Yea , they despised (note :)That is Canaan , which acted as a promise of the heavenly inheritance to come , though it was only worth a penny in comparison to the value of the inheritance itself .(:note ) the pleasant land , they believed not his word : * But murmured in their tentes , and hearkened not vnto the voice of the Lorde . * Therefore (note :)That is , he swore . Sometimes also it means to punish .(:note ) he lifted up his hand against them , to overthrow them in the wilderness : * And to destroy their seede among the nations , &amp ; to scatter them throughout the countries . * They joined themselves also unto (note :)Which was the idol of the Moabites .(:note ) Baalpeor , and ate the sacrifices of the Sacrifices offered to the dead idols . dead . * Thus they (note :)Signifying that whatever man invents of himself to serve God by , is detestable and provokes his anger .(:note ) provoked [him ] to anger with their inventions : and the plague brake in upon them . * Then stood up (note :)When all others neglected God 's glory , he in his zeal killed the adulterers and prevented God 's wrath .(:note ) Phinehas , and executed judgment : and [so ] the plague was stayed . * And that was (note :)This act declared his living faith , and for his faith 's sake was accepted .(:note ) counted unto him for righteousness unto all generations for evermore . * They angered [him ] also at the waters of strife , so that it went ill with (note :)If so notable a prophet of God does not escape punishment , though others provoked him to sin , how much more will they be subject to God 's judgment , who cause God 's children to sin ?(:note ) Moses for their sakes : * Because they vexed his spirite , so that hee spake vnaduisedly with his lippes . * Neither destroied they the people , as the Lord had commaunded them , * But were mingled among the heathen , and learned their workes , * And serued their idoles , which were their ruine . * Yea , they sacrificed their (note :)He shows how monstrous a thing idolatry is , which can win us to things abhorring to nature , while God 's word cannot obtain small things .(:note ) sons and their daughters unto devils , * And shed innocent blood , euen the blood of their sonnes , &amp ; of their daughters , whome they offred vnto the idoles of Canaan , and the lande was defiled with blood . * Thus were they defiled with their own works , and went (note :)Then true chastity is to cleave wholly and only to God .(:note ) a whoring with their own inventions . * Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people , and he abhorred his owne inheritance . * And hee gaue them into the hande of the heathen : and they that hated them , were lordes ouer them . * Their enemies also oppressed them , &amp ; they were humbled vnder their hand . * Many (note :)The prophet shows that neither by menace nor promise we can come to God , unless we are altogether newly reformed , and his mercy covers and hides our malice .(:note ) times did he deliver them ; but they provoked [him ] with their counsel , and were brought low for their iniquity . * Yet hee sawe when they were in affliction , and he heard their crie . * And he remembered for them his covenant , and (note :)Not that God is changeable in himself , but that then he seems to us to repent when he alters his punishment , and forgives us .(:note ) repented according to the multitude of his mercies . * And gaue them fauour in the sight of all them that lead them captiues . * Save us , O LORD our God , and (note :)Gather your Church which is dispersed , and give us constancy under the cross , that with one consent we may all praise you .(:note ) gather us from among the heathen , to give thanks unto thy holy name , [and ] to triumph in thy praise . * Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for euer and euer , and let all the people say , So be it . Praise yee the Lord .

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