
geneva@Psalms:107:1 @ O give thanks unto (note:)This notable sentence was in the beginning used as the foot or tenor of the song, which was often repeated.(:note) the LORD, for [he is] good: for his mercy [endureth] for ever.

geneva@Psalms:107:2 @ Let the (note:)As was true in the Jews, so there is not one of God's elect who does not feel his help in their necessity.(:note) redeemed of the LORD say [so], whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

geneva@Psalms:107:3 @ And gathered them out of the lands, from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South.

geneva@Psalms:107:4 @ When they wandered in the desert and wildernesse out of the waie, and founde no citie to dwell in,

geneva@Psalms:107:5 @

geneva@Psalms:107:6 @ Then they cried vnto the Lorde in their trouble, & he deliuered them from their distresse,

geneva@Psalms:107:7 @ And led them forth by the right way, that they might goe to a citie of habitation.

geneva@Psalms:107:8 @ Let them therefore confesse before ye Lorde his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.

geneva@Psalms:107:9 @ For he satisfied the thirstie soule, and filled the hungrie soule with goodnesse.

geneva@Psalms:107:10 @ They that dwell in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death, being bounde in miserie and yron,

geneva@Psalms:107:11 @ Because they (note:)Then the true way to obey God is to follow his express commandment: also by this all are exhorted to descend into themselves as none are punished but for their sins.(:note) rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High:

geneva@Psalms:107:12 @ When he humbled their heart with heauines, then they fell downe and there was no helper.

geneva@Psalms:107:13 @ Then they (note:)He shows that the reason God punishes us extremely is because we can be brought to him by no other means.(:note) cried unto the LORD in their trouble, [and] he saved them out of their distresses.

geneva@Psalms:107:14 @ He brought them out of darkenes, and out of the shadowe of death, and brake their bandes asunder.

geneva@Psalms:107:15 @ Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.

geneva@Psalms:107:16 @ For he hath broken the (note:)When there seems to man's judgment no recovery, but all things are brought to despair, then God chiefly shows his mighty power.(:note) gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.

geneva@Psalms:107:17 @

geneva@Psalms:107:18 @ Their soule abhorreth al meat, and they are brought to deaths doore.

geneva@Psalms:107:19 @ Then they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he deliuereth them from their distresse.

geneva@Psalms:107:20 @

geneva@Psalms:107:21 @ Let them therefore cofesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, & his wonderful workes before the sonnes of men,

geneva@Psalms:107:22 @ And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of (note:)Praise and confession of God's benefits are the true sacrifices of the godly.(:note) thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.

geneva@Psalms:107:23 @ They that go down to the (note:)He shows by the sea what care God has over man, for when he delivers them from the great danger of the sea, he delivers them as it were from a thousand deaths.(:note) sea in ships, that do business in great waters;

geneva@Psalms:107:24 @ They see the woorkes of the Lorde, and his wonders in the deepe.

geneva@Psalms:107:25 @ For he commaundeth and raiseth the stormie winde, and it lifteth vp the waues thereof.

geneva@Psalms:107:26 @ They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is (note:)Their fear and danger is so great.(:note) melted because of trouble.

geneva@Psalms:107:27 @ They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and (note:)When their art and means fail them, they are compelled to confess that only God's providence preserves them.(:note) are at their wits' end.

geneva@Psalms:107:28 @ Then they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresse.

geneva@Psalms:107:29 @ He turneth the storme to calme, so that the waues thereof are still.

geneva@Psalms:107:30 @ Then are they glad because they be (note:)Though before every drop seemed to fight one against the other, yet at his command they are as still as if they were frozen.(:note) quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.

geneva@Psalms:107:31 @ Let them therfore confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull woorkes before the sonnes of men.

geneva@Psalms:107:32 @ Let them exalt him also in the (note:)This great benefit should not only be considered particularly, but magnified in all places and assemblies.(:note) congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders.

geneva@Psalms:107:33 @ He turneth the floodes into a wildernesse, and the springs of waters into drinesse,

geneva@Psalms:107:34 @ And a fruitfull land into barrennes for the wickednes of them that dwell therein.

geneva@Psalms:107:35 @ He (note:)For the love that he bears to his Church, he changes the order of nature for their convenience.(:note) turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings.

geneva@Psalms:107:36 @ And there he placeth the hungrie, and they builde a citie to dwell in,

geneva@Psalms:107:37 @ And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of (note:)Continual increase and yearly.(:note) increase.

geneva@Psalms:107:38 @ For he blesseth them, & they multiplie exceedingly, and he diminisheth not their cattell.

geneva@Psalms:107:39 @

geneva@Psalms:107:40 @ He poureth (note:)For their wickedness and tyranny he causes the people and subjects to contemn them.(:note) contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, [where there is] no way.

geneva@Psalms:107:41 @ Yet he raiseth vp the poore out of miserie, and maketh him families like a flocke of sheepe.

geneva@Psalms:107:42 @ The (note:)They whose faith is lightened by God's spirit, will rejoice to see God's judgments against the wicked and ungodly.(:note) righteous shall see [it], and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth.

geneva@Psalms:107:43 @ Who is wise that hee may obserue these things? for they shall vnderstand the louing kindnesse of the Lord.

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