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* Praise Jehovah ! Praise Jehovah from the heavens ; praise Him in the heights . * Praise Him , all His angels ; praise Him , all His hosts . * Praise Him , sun and moon ; praise Him , all you stars of light . * Praise Him , O heavens of heavens ; and O waters that are above the heavens . * Let them praise the name of Jehovah ; for He commanded , and they were created . * And He established them forever and ever ; He gave a decree that they not pass away . * Let the sea-monsters and all deeps praise Jehovah from the earth , * fire and hail , snow and smoke , stormy wind fulfilling His word , * mountains and all hills , fruitful trees and all cedars , * beasts and all livestock , creeping things and birds of the wing , * kings of the earth and all people , princes and all judges of the earth , * young men and virgins too , old men and youths . * Let them praise the name of Jehovah ; for His name alone is exalted ; His glory is above the earth and heavens . * He also lifts up the horn of His people , the praise of all His saints , of the sons of Israel , a people near to Him , Praise Jehovah .

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[BookofPsalms] [Psalms:147] [Psalms:148] [Psalms:149] [Discuss] Tag Psalms:148 [Audio][Presentation]