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* To the chief musician , a psalm of David , (note :)(51:2 )(:note ) When Nathan the prophet came unto him , after he had gone in unto Bath –sheba ’. (51:3 ) Be gracious unto me , O God , according to thy kindness : according to the greatness of thy mercies blot out my transgressions . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician , a Maskil of David , (note :)(52:2 )(:note ) When Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul , and said unto him , David is come to the house of Achimelech . (52:3 ) What vauntest thou thyself of wickedness , O mighty man ? the kindness of God endureth all the time . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician on Neginoth , a Maskil of David , (note :)(54:2 )(:note ) When the Ziphim came and said to Saul , Behold , David is hiding himself with us . (54:3 ) O God , by thy name save me , and by thy strength grant me justice . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician upon Jonath –elem –rechokim , by David , a Michtham , when the Philistines seized him in Gath . (note :)(56:2 )(:note ) Be gracious unto me , O God ; for man longeth to swallow me up ; all the time he oppresseth me fighting . * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician , Al –tashcheth , by David , a Michtham , when he fled from Saul , in the cave . (note :)(57:2 )(:note ) Be gracious unto me , O God , be gracious unto me ; for in thee my soul seeketh protection , and under the shadow of thy wings will I seek protection , until the mischief be passed away . * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician Al –tashcheth , by David , a Michtham . (note :)(58:2 )(:note ) Do you indeed , who are dumb , speak righteously ? do ye judge in uprightness , O ye sons of men ? * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician , Al –tashcheth , by David , a Michtham , when Saul sent , and they watched the house to put him to death . (note :)(59:2 )(:note ) Deliver me from my enemies , O my God : defend me from them that rise up against me . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician upon Shushan ’eduth , a Michtham of David , to teach , (note :)(60:2 )(:note ) When he fought with Aram –naharayim , and with Aram –zobah , and Joab returned , and smote of Edom in the Salt Valley twelve thousand . (60:3 ) O God , thou hast cast us off , thou hast made a breach in us , thou hast been displeased : restore now unto us . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * song of David . (note :)(65:2 )(:note ) For thee praise is waiting , O God , in Zion : and unto thee shall vows be paid . * * * * * * * * * * * * * Shout joyfully unto God , all ye lands : * Sing forth the glory of his name ; make glorious his praise . * Say unto God , How fear –inspiring is every one of thy works ! through the greatness of thy strength will thy enemies yield feigned obedience unto thee . * All the lands shall bow themselves down unto thee , and shall sing praises unto thee ; they shall sing praises to thy name . Selah . * Come and see the deeds of God : fear –inspiring is his doing toward the children of men . * He changed the sea into dry land : through the river they went on foot : there did we rejoice in him . * He ruleth by his might for ever ; his eyes look upon the nations : the rebellious ––these shall not be exalted . Selah . * Bless , O ye people , our God , and cause the voice of his praise to be heard : * Who hath appointed our soul to life , and hath not suffered our foot to slip . * For thou hast proved us , O God : thou hast refined us , as silver is refined . * Thou hast brought us into the net ; thou hast placed fetters upon our loins . * Thou hast caused men to ride on our head : we entered into fire and into water ; but thou broughtest us out to of overflowing plenty . a * I will enter thy house with burnt –offerings : I will pay unto thee my vows , * Which my lips have uttered , and my mouth hath spoken , when I was in distress . * Burnt –offerings of fatlings will I offer up unto thee , with the incense of rams ; I will prepare steers with he –goats . Selah . * Come , hear , and I will relate , all ye that fear God , what he hath done for my soul . * Unto him I cried with my mouth , and a song of extolling was on my tongue . * If I had looked on wickedness with my heart , the Lord would not have heard ; * But verily God hath heard ; he hath listened to the voice of my prayer . * Blessed be God , who hath not removed my prayer , nor his kindness from me . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician , by David , to bring to remembrance . (note :)(70:2 )(:note ) O God , to deliver me ; O Lord , make haste to help me . * * * * * In thee , O Lord , do I put my trust ; let me never be made ashamed . * In thy righteousness do thou deliver me and release me : incline thy ear unto me , and save me . * Be thou unto me a rocky habitation , whereunto I may continually resort , which thou hast ordained to save me ; for my rock and my strong –hold art thou . * O my God , release me out of the hand of the wicked , out of the grasp of the unrighteous and violent man . * For thou art my hope , O Lord Eternal : thou art my trust from my youth . * By thee have I been supported from my birth : thou art he that took me out of my mother ’s womb : of thee is my praise continually . * As a wonderful token have I been unto many ; but thou art my strong refuge . * My mouth shall be filled with thy praise , and with thy glory all the day . * Cast me not off in the time of old age : when my strength faileth , forsake me not . * For my enemies speak of me ; and they that watch for my soul take counsel together , * Saying , "God hath forsaken him : pursue and seize him : for there is none to deliver ." * O God , be not far from me : O my God , hasten to my help . * Let those be made ashamed , let them perish , that are adversaries to my soul : let those be covered with reproach and dishonor that seek my unhappiness . * But I will continually hope , and will add yet more to all thy praise . * My mouth shall relate thy righteousness , all the day thy salvation ; for I know not their numbers . * I will come to praise the mighty deeds of the Lord Eternal : I will make mention of thy righteousness , yea , thine only . * O God , thou hast taught me from my youth : and hitherto I ever tell of thy wondrous deeds . * Therefore also even in old age , and when I am grayheaded , O God , forsake me not : until I have told of thy strength unto generation , to every one that may come of thy might . * And thy righteousness , O God , reacheth even to the height , thou , who hast done great things : O God , who is like thee ! * Thou , who hast shown me great distresses and misfortunes , wilt again revive me ; and from the depths of the earth wilt thou bring me up again . * Thou wilt increase my greatness , and wilt turn round and comfort me . * Also I , I will thank thee with the psaltery , thy truth , O my God : I will sing unto thee with the harp , O thou Holy One of Israel . * My lips shall shout joyfully when I sing unto thee ; and my soul , which thou hast redeemed . * Also my tongue shall speak all the day of thy righteousness ; for ashamed , for put to the blush are those that seek my unhappiness . * O God , give unto the king thy decisions , and thy righteousness unto the king ’s son . * He shall decide for thy people with righteousness , and for thy afflicted with justice . * The mountains shall bear peace for the people , and the hills , through righteousness . * He shall judge the afflicted of the people , he shall give help to the children of the needy ; but he shall crush the oppressor . * They shall fear thee as long as the sun shineth , and in the presence of the moon , throughout all generations . * He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass , as showers which are dropping on the earth . * In his days shall the righteous flourish ; and abundance of peace till the moon shall be no more . * And he shall have dominion from sea to sea , and from the river unto the ends of the earth . * Before him shall bend down those that dwell in the wilderness ; and his enemies shall lick the dust . * The kings of Tharshish and of the isles shall bring presents : the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts . * Yea , there shall bow down before him all kings : all nations shall serve him . * For he will deliver the needy when he crieth ; the afflicted also , who hath no helper . * He will spare the poor and needy ; and the souls of the needy will he assist . * From wrong and violence will he deliver their soul ; and precious shall their blood be in his eyes . * And he shall live ; and he will give him of the gold of Sheba : and he will pray in his behalf continually ; all the time will he bless him . * There shall be an abundance of corn in the land ; upon the top of the mountains its fruit shall shake like Lebanon ; and shall blossom out of the city like herbs of the earth . * His name will endure for ever ; in the presence of the sun his name shall flourish : and men shall bless themselves with him : all nations shall call him happy . * Blessed be the Lord the God , the God of Israel , who alone doth wondrous things . * And blessed he his glorious name for ever ; and with his glory may the whole earth be filled : Amen , and Amen . * Here are ended the prayers of David the son of Jesse . * BOOK THIRD : A Psalm of Assaph . Truly God is good to Israel , to such as are pure of heart . * But as for me , it lacked but little that my feet had been moved : almost nothing was needed that my steps had slipped . * For I was envious at the arrogant , when I saw the prosperity of the wicked . * For there are no deadly fetters for them , but their strength is firm . * They share not in the trouble of mortals , and with men are they not afflicted . * Therefore is pride their neck –chain : violence envelopeth them as a garment . * Their eyes start out from fatness : they have exceeded their heart ’s imaginings . * They scorn , and speak wickedly of oppression : loftily do they speak . * They set their mouth in the heavens , and their tongue walketh busily on the earth . * Therefore do his people turn away hither : and waters of a full cup are drained by them . * And they say , How should God know ? and is there knowledge in the Most High ? * Behold , these are the wicked ; and yet prospering continually they increase in wealth . * Verily in vain have I thus cleansed my heart , and have washed in innocency my hands : * While I was afflicted all the day , and my chastisement every morning . * But if I were to say , I will speak thus : behold , I would be treacherous against the generation of thy children . * And when I should think to know this , it would be trouble in my eyes ; * Until I enter into the sanctuary of God ; and understand what their future will be . * Surely thou placest them on slippery spots : thou lettest them fall down into destruction . * How are they brought into desolation , as in a moment ! they perish , they come to their end with terrific events . * As a dream after awaking , O Lord , reject thou in wrath their image . * For it fermented in my heart , and in my reins I felt sharp thrusts ; * But I was indeed foolish , and I knew it not : I was as a beast with thee . * Nevertheless I am continually with thee : thou hast seized hold of me by my right hand . * With thy counsel wilt thou guide me , and afterward take me on to glory . * Whom have I in heaven ? and beside thee I desire nothing upon earth . * Though my flesh and my heart should fall ; yet the rock of my heart , and my portion will be God for ever . * For , lo , those that are far from thee shall perish : thou destroyest every one that strayeth away from thee . * But as regardeth me , to draw near to God is good for me : I have put in the Lord Eternal my trust , that I may relate all thy works . * Why , O God , hast thou cast us off for ever ? why will thy anger smoke against the flock of thy pasture ? * Remember thy congregation , which thou didst acquire of old ; which thou didst redeem as the tribe of thy inheritance : this mount Zion , whereon thou hast dwelt . * Lift up thy steps unto the perpetual heaps of ruins : the enemy hath ill –used every thing in the sanctuary . * Thy adversaries have roared in the midst of thy places of assembly : they have set up their signs for signs . * is known as one that lifteth up high axes against the thickets of a forest . * And now they hew in pieces the carved work thereof altogether with hatchets and hammers . * They have set on fire thy sanctuary ; to the ground have they profaned the dwelling –place of thy name . * They have said in their heart , We will oppress them altogether : they have burnt up all the places of assembly of God in the land . * Our signs do we not see : there is no more any prophet : and there is no one among us that knoweth how long . * How long , O God , shall the adversary utter defiance ? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever ? * Why withdrawest thou thy hand , and thy right hand ? out of thy bosom ––exterminate ; * Since God art my King from olden days , working salvation in the midst of the earth . * It was thou that didst divide by thy strength the sea : thou brokest in pieces the heads of the crocodiles on the waters . * Thou didst crush the heads of leviathan , and gavest them as food to the people inhabiting the wilderness . * Thou didst cleave fountain and stream : thou didst dry up ever –flowing rivers . * Thine is the day and thine is the night : it is thou who hast prepared the luminary and the sun . * It is thou who hast set up all the boundaries of the earth : summer and winter ––thou thyself hast formed them . * Remember this , that the enemy hath defied the Lord , and that a worthless foolish people have blasphemed thy name . * Oh give not up unto the multitude of enemies the soul of thy turtle –dove : the congregation of thy afflicted do not thou forget for ever . * Look unto the covenant ; for the dark places of the earth are full of habitations of violence . * Oh let not the oppressed return confounded : let the poor and needy praise thy name . * Arise , O God , plead thy own cause : remember thy defiance from the worthless fool all the day . * Forget not the voice of thy adversaries : the tumult of those that rise up against thee ascendeth continually . * To the chief musician , Al –tashcheth , a psalm or song of Asaph . (note :)(75:2 )(:note ) We give thanks unto thee , O God , we give thanks , and nigh is thy name : men relate thy wondrous deeds . * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician on Neginoth , a psalm or song of Assaph . (note :)(76:2 )(:note ) In Judah hath God been made known : in Israel is his name great . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Give ear , O my people , to my instruction : incline thy ear to the words of my mouth . * I will open with a parable my mouth : I will utter riddles out of ancient times ; * Which we have heard and know , and which our fathers have related unto us . * We will not conceal them from their children , relating to the latest generation the praises of the Lord , and his strength , and his wonderful deeds which he hath done . * Yea , he established a testimony in Jacob , and instituted a law in Israel , which he commanded our fathers , that they should make them known to their children : * In order that the latest generation might know them , even the children that are to be born ; that they may arise and relate them to their children ; * That they may place in God their hope , and not forget the doings of God , but observe his commandments ; * And that they may not be like their fathers , a stubborn and rebellious generation ; a generation that had not directed their heart firmly , and whose spirit was not faithful to God . * The children of Ephraim , like well –armed archers , that turn round on the day of battle , * Kept not the covenant of God , and in his law they refused to walk ; * And they forgot his deeds , as also his wonders , which he had permitted them to see . * In the presence of their fathers did he do wonders , in the land of Egypt , in the fields of Zo ’an . * He divided the sea , and caused them to pass through ; and he made the waters stand upright as a wall . * And he led them with the cloud by day , and all the night with a light of fire . * He split rocks in the wilderness , and gave them drink as out of the mighty deep . * And he brought forth running streams out of the rock , and caused water to run down like rivers . * But they repeated to sin yet more against him , rebelling against the Most High in the desert . * And they tempted God in their heart , by asking food for their desire . * Yea , they spoke against God : they said , Will God be able to set in order a table in the wilderness ? * Behold , he smote the rock , so that waters gushed out , and streams overflowed : shall he also be able to give bread ? or can he provide flesh for his people ? * Therefore , when the Lord heard this , he became wroth : and a fire was kindled against Jacob , and anger also ascended against Israel , * Because they had not believed in God , and had not trusted in his salvation . * Then he ordained the skies from above , and the doors of heaven he opened ; * And he let rain down upon them manna to eat , and the corn of heaven gave he unto them . * Angels ’ bread did man eat : he sent them provision to satisfaction . * He caused an east wind to pass along the heavens ; and he led forth by his strength the south wind . * And he let rain upon them flesh as the dust , and winged birds like the sand of the sea ; * And he let them fall in the midst of their camp , round about their habitations . * And they ate , and were greatly satisfied , and what they longed for he brought unto them . * They were not estranged from their longing , yet was their food in their mouth : * When the wrath of God ascended against them , and he slew some of the fattest of them , and the young men of Israel did he strike down . * With all this they sinned again , and believed not in his wonders . * Therefore he caused their days to come to an end in nought , and their years in dread . * When he slew them , then did they seek him , and they returned and inquired earnestly after God . * And they remembered that God was their rock , and the most high God their redeemer . * Nevertheless they prayed insincerely to him with their mouth , and with their tongue they lied unto him . * For their heart was not firm with him , and they were not faithful in his covenant . * But he , being merciful , forgave the iniquity , and destroyed not : yea , many a time turned he his anger away , and did not awaken all his fury . * And he remembered that they are but flesh , a spirit that passeth away , and returneth not again . * How oft did they rebel against him in the wilderness , grieve him in the desert ! * Yea , they once more tempted God , and set limits to the Holy One of Israel . * They remembered not his hand , the day when he ransomed them from the adversary ; * When he displayed in Egypt his signs , and his wonderful tokens in the fields of Zo ’an . * And he changed their rivers into blood ; and their running streams , that they could not drink . * He sent out among them various wild beasts , which devoured them ; and frogs , which destroyed them . * And he gave unto the cricket their products , and their labor unto the locust . * He slew with hail their vines , and their sycamore –trees with ice –bolts . * And he surrendered to the hail their cattle , and their herds to the lightning ’s flashes . * He let loose against them the fierceness of his anger , wrath and indignation , and distress , a host of angels of misfortune . * He leveled a path for his anger ; he withheld not from death their soul , and their life he surrendered to the pestilence ; * And he smote all the first –born in Egypt ; the first of their strength in the tents of Ham ; * But he caused his own people to depart like flocks , and guided them like a drove in the wilderness . * And he led them in safety , so that they felt no dread ; but the sea covered over their enemies . * And he brought them to his holy territory , even to this mount , which his right hand had acquired . * And he drove out from before them nations , and divided them by the measuring –line as an inheritance , and he caused to dwell in their tents the tribes of Israel . * Yet they tempted and rebelled against the most high God , and his testimonies they kept not ; * But swerved aside , and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers ; they turned about like a deceitful bow . * And they provoked him to anger with their high –places , and with their graven images they moved him to jealousy . * God heard this , and he became wroth , and felt greatly disgusted with Israel ; * And he cast off the dwelling at Shiloh , the tabernacle where he had dwelt among men ; * And he gave up his strength unto captivity , and his glory into the adversary ’s hand . * And he surrendered his people unto the sword ; and with his inheritance was he wroth . * His young men the fire devoured ; and his virgins were not demanded in marriage . * His priests fell by the sword ; and his widows did not weep . * Then awoke the Lord as one that sleepeth , like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine . * And he smote his enemies backward : a perpetual disgrace on them . * Yet was he disgusted with the tent of Joseph , and of the tribe of Ephraim he made not choice ; * But he chose the tribe of Judah , the mount Zion which he loved . * And he built like high his sanctuary , like the earth which he hath founded for ever . * And he made choice of David his servant , and took him from the sheep –folds : * From following the ewes with young he brought him , to feed Jacob his people , and Israel his inheritance . * And he fed them according to the integrity of his heart ; and by the skilfulness of his hands did he lead them . * O God ! nations have entered into thy heritage ; they have profaned thy holy temple ; they have rendered Jerusalem heaps of ruins . * They have given the dead bodies of thy servants as food unto the fowls of the heaven , the flesh of thy pious ones unto the beasts of the earth . * They have shed their blood like water all round about Jerusalem : and there is no one to bury them . * We are become a reproach to our neighbors , a scorn and derision to those that are round about us . * How long , Lord ? wilt thou be indignant for ever ? shall thy jealousy burn like fire ? * Pour out thy fury over the nations that acknowledge thee not , and over the kingdoms that have not called on thy name . * For they have devoured Jacob , and laid waste his dwelling –place . * Oh remember not against us the iniquities of our fathers : make haste , let thy mercies come to our aid ; for we are very miserable . * Help us , O God of our salvation , because of the glory of thy name ; and deliver us , and atone for our sins , for the sake of thy name . * Wherefore shall the nations say , Where is their God ? let there be made known among the nations before our eyes , the vengeance for the blood of thy servants which hath been shed . * Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee : according to the greatness of thy almighty power preserve thou those that are doomed to death ; * And recompense unto our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom their defiance wherewith they have defied thee , O Lord . * But we thy people and the flock of thy pasture will give thanks unto thee for ever : from generation to generation will we relate thy praise . * To the chief musician upon Shoshannim ; an ‘Eduth by Assaph ; a psalm . (note :)(80:2 )(:note ) O Shepherd of Israel , give ear , thou that leadest Joseph like a flock ; thou that dwellest between the cherubims , shine forth . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * God standeth in the congregation of God , in the midst of judges doth he judge . * How long will ye judge unjustly , and treat with favor the face of the wicked ? Selah . * Judge uprightly the poor and fatherless : do justice to the afflicted and indigent . * Release the poor and needy : deliver them out of the power of the wicked . * They know not , nor will they understand ; in darkness do they walk on : all the foundations of the earth are moved . * I have indeed said , Ye are gods ; and children of the most High are all of you . * But verily like men shall ye die , and like one of the princes shall ye fall . * Arise , O God , judge the earth ; for thou wilt possess all the nations . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To the chief musician upon Gittith , by the sons of Korach , a psalm . (note :)(84:2 )(:note ) How lovely are thy dwelling –places , O Lord of hosts ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Incline , O Lord , thy ear , answer me ; for poor and needy am I . * Preserve my soul ; for I am pious : help thy servant , O thou my God , that trusteth in thee . * Be gracious unto me , O Lord ; for unto thee I call all the time . * Cause to rejoice the soul of thy servant ; for unto thee , O Lord , do I lift my soul . * For thou , O Lord , art good and forgiving , and abundant in kindness unto all that call on thee . * Give ear , O Lord , unto my prayer , and attend to the voice of my supplications . * On the day of my distress will I call on thee ; for thou wilt answer me . * There is none like unto thee among the Gods , O Lord ; and there is nothing like thy works . * All the nations whom thou hast made shall come and bow themselves down before thee , O Lord ; and they shall ascribe honor unto thy name . * For great art thou , and doing wondrous things : thou art God by thyself alone . * Teach me , O Lord , thy way ; I will walk firmly in thy truth : unite my heart to fear thy name . * I will thank thee , O Lord my God , with all my heart , and I will honor thy name for evermore . * For thy kindness is great toward me : and thou hast delivered my soul from the grave of the lower world . * O God , the presumptuous are risen up against me , and the assembly of the powerful wicked have sought after my life , and have not set thee before them . * But thou , O Lord , art God , full of mercy , and gracious , longsuffering , and abundant in kindness and truth . * Oh turn unto me , and be gracious unto me : give thy strength unto thy servant , and save the son of thy handmaid . * Display on me a sign for good , that those who hate me may see it , and be ashamed ; because thou , Lord , hast helped me , and comforted me . * It is founded by him on holy mountains . * The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob . * Glorious things are spoken of thee , O city of God . Selah . * I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon as those that know me ; behold , here is Philistia , and Tyre , with Ethiopia : "This man was born there ." * But of Zion will it be said , "This and that man were born in her :" and the Most High himself doth establish her . * The Lord will number when he writeth down nations . "This man was born there ." Selah . * And the singers as well as the players on instruments shall be there : all my springs are in thee . * A song or psalm of the sons of Korach , to the chief musician upon Machalath –le ’annoth , a Maskil of Heman the Ezrachite . (note :)(88:2 )(:note ) O Lord the God of my salvation , by day do I cry , at night I am before thee . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BOOK FOURTH : A prayer of Moses the man of God . Lord , a place of refuge hast thou been unto us in all generations . * Before yet the mountains were brought forth , or thou hadst ever produced the earth and the world , even from everlasting to everlasting , thou art God . * Thou turnest man to contrition , and sayest , Return ye children of men . * For a thousand years are in thy eyes but as the yesterday when it is past , and as a watch in the night . * Thou carriest them away as with a flood ; they are as a sleep : in the morning like the grass which changeth . * In the morning it blossometh , and is changed : in the evening it is mowed off , and withereth . * For are we consumed by thy anger , and by thy fury are we terrified . * Thou hast set our iniquities before thee , our concealed sins before the light of thy countenance . * For all our days are passed away in thy wrath : we consume our years like a word that is spoken . * The days of our years in this life are seventy years ; and if by uncommon vigor they be eighty , yet is their greatness trouble and mishap ; for it soon hasteneth off , and we fly away . * Who knoweth the strength of thy anger , and thy wrath which is like the fear of thee ? * Let us then know how to number our days , that we may obtain a heart endowed with wisdom . * Return , O Lord , how long yet ? and bethink thee concerning thy servants . * O satisfy us in the morning with thy kindness , that we may be glad and rejoice throughout all our days . * Cause us to rejoice as many days as those wherein thou hast afflicted us , the years wherein we have seen unhappiness . * Let thy act be visible on thy servants , and thy majesty over their children . * And may the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us ; and the work of our hands do thou firmly establish upon us : yea , the work of our hands ––firmly establish thou it . * He who sitteth under the secret protection of the Most High , shall rest under the shadow of the Almighty . * I will say of the Lord , who is my refuge and my stronghold , my God , in whom I ever trust , * That he will surely deliver thee from the snare of the fowler , and from the pestilence of destruction . * With his pinions will he cover thee , and under his wings shalt thou find shelter : shield and buckler is his truth . * Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night ; nor of the arrow that flieth by day ; * Nor of the pestilence that stalketh in darkness ; nor of the deadly disease that wasteth at noonday . * There shall fall at thy side a thousand , and ten thousand at thy right hand ; unto thee shall it not come nigh . * Only with thy eyes shalt thou behold it , and see the recompense of the wicked . * Because thou hast , The Lord is my protection , the Most High hast thou made thy refuge : * No evil shall befall thee , nor shall any plague come nigh unto thy tent . * For his angels will he give charge concerning thee , to guard thee on all thy ways . * Upon hands shall they bear thee , that thou mayest not dash against a stone thy foot . * Upon the fierce lion and asp shalt thou tread : thou shalt trample under foot the young lion and serpent . * Because he hath fixed his desire upon me , therefore will I release him : I will set him on high , because he knoweth my name . * He will call on me , and I will answer him : with him will I be in distress ; I will deliver him , and grant him honor . * With length of days will I satisfy him , and I will let him see my salvation . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Lord reigneth , he is clothed with excellency ; the Lord is clothed , he hath girded himself with strength : also the world is firmly established , that it cannot be moved . * Firmly established is thy throne from the beginning : from everlasting art thou . * The rivers have lifted up , O Lord , the rivers have lifted up their voice ; the rivers lift up their waves . * more than the noise of great waters , than the mighty billows of the sea , is the Lord excellent on high . * Thy testimonies are exceedingly steadfast : in thy house abideth holiness , O Lord ! to the utmost length of days . * O God , of vengeance , Lord ! O God of vengeance , shine forth . * Lift up thyself , O judge of the Earth ! bring a recompense upon the proud . * How long shall the wicked , O Lord ––how long shall the wicked exult ? * They sputter , they speak hard things : all the workers of wickedness boast themselves . * Thy people , O Lord ! they crush , and thy heritage they afflict . * The widow and the stranger they slay , and the fatherless they murder . * And they say , The Lord will not see , and the God of Jacob will not take notice of it . * Understand , ye brutish among the people : and ye fools , when will ye become intelligent ! * He that hath planted the ear , shall he not hear ? or he that hath formed the eye , shall he not see ? * He that admonisheth nations , shall he not correct ? is it not he that teacheth man knowledge ! * The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man , that they are nought . * Happy is the man whom thou admonisheth , O Lord , and teachest him out of thy law : * That thou mayest grant him repose from the days of evil , until the pot be dug for the wicked . * For the Lord will not cast off his people , and his inheritance will he not forsake . * For unto righteousness will justice return ; and it shall be followed by all the upright in heart . * Who will rise up for me against evil –doers ? or who will stand forward for me against the workers of wickedness ? * Unless the Lord had been a help unto me , but a little would have been wanting that my soul had dwelt in the silence of death . * When I said , My foot hath slipped : thy kindness , O Lord , sustained me . * In the multitude of my thoughts within me , thy consolations delight my soul . * Can there be associated with thee the throne of destructive wickedness , which frameth mischief as a law ? * They band themselves together against the soul of the righteous , and innocent blood do they condemn . * But the Lord is become my defence , and my God , the rock of my refuge . * And he will bring back upon them their own injustice , and in their own wickedness will he destroy them :, he will destroy them ––the Lord our God . * O come , let us sing unto the Lord : let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation . * Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving , and shout joyfully unto him with psalms . * For a great God is the Lord , and a great King above all Gods ; * In whose hand are the deep places of the earth ; and whose are the heights of mountains ; * Whose is the sea , and who hath made it ; and whose hands have formed the dry land . * Oh come , let us prostrate ourselves and bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our Maker . * For he is our God ; and we are the people of his pasture , and the flock of his hand : yea , this day , if ye will hearken to his voice , * Harden not your heart , as at Meribah , as on the day of the temptation in the wilderness : * When your fathers tempted me , proved me , although they had seen my doing . * Forty years long did I feel loathing on that generation , and I said , It is a people of an erring heart ; and they truly acknowledged not my ways : * So that I swore in my wrath , that they should not enter into my rest . * Oh sing unto the Lord a new song : sing unto the Lord , all the lands . * Sing unto the Lord , bless his name : announce from day to day his salvation . * Relate among the nations his honor , among all the people his wonders . * For the Lord is great , and greatly praised : he is to be feared above all gods . * For all the gods of the nations are idols ; but the Lord hath made the heavens . * Glory and majesty are before him : strength and beauty are in his sanctuary . * Ascribe unto the Lord , O ye families of the people , ascribe unto the Lord honor and strength . * Ascribe unto the Lord the honor his name : bear hither a present , and come unto his courts . * Bow down unto the Lord in the beauty of holiness : tremble before him , all ye lands . * Say among the nations , "The Lord reigneth ;" also the world is ever firmly established that it shall hot be moved : he will judge the people in equity . * Let the heavens rejoice , and let the earth be glad : let the sea roar , with all that filleth it . * Let the field exult , and all that is therein : then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy , * Before the Lord ; for he cometh , for he cometh to judge the earth : he will judge the world with righteousness , and people in his truth . * The Lord reigneth : let the earth be glad ; let the multitude of isles rejoice . * Clouds and thick darkness are round about him : righteousness and justice are the support of his throne . * A fire goeth before him , and burneth up round about his adversaries . * His lightnings give light to the world : the earth seeth it , and trembleth . * The mountains melt away like wax at the presence of the Lord , at the presence of the Lord of all the earth . * The heavens tell of his righteousness , and all the people his glory . * Made ashamed shall be all that serve graven images , that boast themselves of idols : unto him bow down all the gods . * Zion heareth it , and rejoiceth ; and glad are the daughters of Judah , because of thy decrees , O Lord . * For thou , O Lord , art the most high above all the earth : thou art greatly exalted above all gods . * Ye that love the Lord , hate ye the evil : he preserveth the souls of his pious ones ; out of the hand of the wicked he ever delivereth them . * Light is sown for the righteous , and joy for the upright in heart . * Rejoice , ye righteous , in the Lord , and give thanks to his holy memorial . * Oh sing unto the Lord a new song ; for he hath done wonderful things : his right hand and his holy arm have gotten him the victory . * The Lord hath made known his salvation : before the eyes of the nations hath he revealed his righteousness . * He hath remembered his kindness and his truth toward the house of Israel : all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God . * Shout joyfully unto the Lord , all the lands : break forth , and rejoice , and sing praises . * Sing praises unto the Lord with the harp ,––with the harp , and the voice of psalmody . * With trumpets and the sound of cornet shout joyfully before the King , the Lord . * Let the sea roar , with all that filleth it ; the world , with those that dwell therein . * Let the rivers clap their hands ; let the mountains be joyful together , * Before the Lord ; for he cometh to judge the earth : he will judge the world with righteousness , and people with equity . * The Lord reigneth ; people tremble : he sitteth enthroned over the cherubim ; the earth is moved . * The Lord is great in Zion ; and he is exalted above all the people . * They will give thanks to thy name , great , and terrible , holy it is . * And to the power of the king who loveth justice and righteousness hast thou truly executed in Jacob . * Exalt ye the Lord our God , and bow yourselves down before his footstool : he is holy .–– * Moses and Aaron were among his priests , and Samuel among those that call on his name ; they called on the Lord , and he answered them . * In the pillar of cloud he used to speak unto them : they kept his testimonies , and the statutes which he had given unto them . * O Lord , our God , thou didst answer them : thou wast a forgiving God unto them , yet also an avenger for their wrong doings . * Exalt the Lord our God , and bow yourselves down before his holy mount ; for holy is the Lord our God . * Shout joyfully unto the Lord , all ye lands . * Serve the Lord with joy ; come before his presence with triumphal song . * Know , that the Lord is God indeed : it is he that hath made us , and his are we ––his people and the flock of his pasture . * Enter his gates with thanksgiving , his courts with praise : give thanks unto him , bless his name . * For the Lord is good ; to eternity endureth his kindness ; and unto the latest generation his truth . * Of kindness and justice will I sing : unto thee , O Lord , will I sing praises . * I will carefully regard the way of the perfect : oh when will thou come unto me ? I will walk in the integrity of my heart in the midst of my house . * I will not set before my eyes a godless thing ; to commit a departure do I hate ; it shall not cleave to me . * A perverse heart shall depart from me : evil will I not know . * Whoso slandereth in secret his neighbor , him will I destroy : whoso hath proud eyes and a haughty heart , him will I not suffer . * My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land , that they may abide with me : he that walketh in the way of the perfect , he it is that shall serve me . * He that practiseth deceit shall not dwell within my house : he that speaketh falsehoods shall not succeed before my eyes . * Every morning will I destroy all the wicked of the land , cutting off from the city of the Lord all the wrong –doers . * A prayer of the afflicted , when he is overwhelmed , and poureth out before the Lord his complaint . (note :)(102:2 )(:note ) O Lord , hear my prayer , and let my cry come unto thee . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bless , O my soul , the Lord , and all that is within me , his holy name . * Bless , O my soul , the Lord , and forget not all his benefits : * Who forgiveth all thy iniquities ; who healeth all thy diseases ; * Who redeemeth from the pit thy life ; who crowneth thee with kindness and mercies ; * Who satisfieth with happiness thy spirit , so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle ’s . * The Lord executeth righteousness , and justice for all that are oppressed . * He made known his ways unto Moses , unto the children of Israel his acts . * Merciful and gracious is the Lord , long –suffering and abundant in kindness . * Not for all eternity will he contend ; nor will he for ever retain his anger . * Not in accordance with our sins hath he dealt with us ; nor according to our iniquities hath he requited us . * For as high as heaven is above the earth , so mighty is his kindness toward those that fear him . * As far as the east is from the west , so far hath he removed from us our transgressions . * As a father hath mercy on his children , so hath the Lord mercy on those that fear him . * For he knoweth our frame ; he remembereth that we are dust . * As for man , like the grass are his days : as the blossom of the field , so doth he bloom . * When a wind but passeth over it , it is gone , and its place will recognize it no more . * But the kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting over those that fear him , and his righteousness unto children ’s children , * To such as keep his covenant , and to those who remember his precepts to execute them . * The Lord hath established in the heavens his throne ; and his kingdom ruleth over all . * Bless the Lord , ye his angels , mighty in strength , that execute his word , hearkening unto the voice of his word . * Bless ye the Lord , all his hosts , ye his ministers , that execute his will . * Bless the Lord , all his works , in all the places of his dominion ; bless , O my soul , the Lord . * Bless , O my soul , the Lord . O Lord my God , thou art very great ; with glory and majesty art thou clothed . * who wrappeth himself in light as with a garment ; who stretcheth out the heavens like a curtain ; * Who frameth of the waters the beams of his upper –chambers ; who maketh the clouds his chariot ; who walketh along upon the wings of the wind : * Who maketh the winds his messengers ; the flaming fire his ministers ; * Who hath founded the earth upon her bases , that she should not be moved to all eternity . * Thou hadst covered the deep as with a garment : above the mountains stood the waters . * At thy rebuke they fled , at the voice of thy thunder they hastened away . * They ascended mountains ; they went down valleys , unto the place which thou hadst founded for them . * Bounds hast thou set which they cannot pass over , that they return not again to cover the earth . * who sendeth springs into the valleys , between mountains they run along . * They give drink to all the beasts of the field : the wild asses quench their thirst . * By them have the fowls of the heaven ever their habitation , from between the branches they send forth their voice . * Who watereth the mountains from his upper –chambers : from the fruit of thy works is the earth satisfied . * who causeth grass to grow for the cattle , and herbs by the service of man , that he may bring forth bread out of the earth ; * And wine that maketh joyful the heart of man , oil to brighten his face , and bread which strengtheneth the heart of man . * Full of sap are the trees of the Lord , the cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted ; * Where the birds make their nests : the stork ––fir –trees are her house . * The high mountains are for the wild goats : the rocks are a shelter for the conies . * He hath made the moon for seasons : the sun knoweth his going down . * Thou causest darkness , and it becometh night , wherein creep forth all the beasts of the forest . * The young lions roar after their prey , and ask from God their food . * The sun ariseth , they withdraw , and lie down in their dens . * Man goeth forth unto his work , and to his labor until the evening . * How manifold are thy works , O Lord ! in wisdom hast thou made them all : the earth is full of thy riches . * Here is this great and wide –extended sea ; therein are moving things without number , living creatures both small and great . * There the ships make their way : is the leviathan , whom thou hast made to sport therein . * All of these wait upon thee , to give them their food in its due season . * What thou givest them they gather : thou openest thy hand , they are satisfied with good . * Thou hidest thy face , they suddenly vanish : thou takest away their spirit , they perish , and to their dust they return . * Thou sendest forth thy spirit , they are created ; and thou renewest the face of the earth . * The glory of the Lord will endure for ever ; the Lord will rejoice in his works : * He who looketh down on the earth , and she trembleth ; who toucheth the mountains , and they smoke . * I will sing unto the Lord while I live : I will sing praises to my God while I exist . * May my speech be agreeable to him : I will indeed rejoice in the Lord . * May the sinners cease from off the earth , and the wicked be no more . Bless , O my soul , the Lord . Hallelujah . * O give thanks unto the Lord ; call on his name : make known among the people his deeds . * Sing unto , him , sing praises unto him : speak of all his wonderful works . * Glorify yourselves in his holy name : let the heart of those rejoice that seek the Lord . * Inquire after the Lord and his strength : seek his presence evermore . * Remember his wonderful works which he hath done ; his tokens , and the decrees of his mouth ; * O ye seed of Abraham his servant , ye children of Jacob , his elect . * He is the Lord our God : over all the earth are his decrees . * He remembereth his covenant for ever , the word which he hath commanded , to the thousandth generation . * Which he covenanted with Abraham ; and his oath unto Isaac ; * And which he established unto Jacob as a statute , unto Israel as an everlasting covenant : * Saying , "Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan , as the portion of your inheritance ." * When they were but a few men in number ; yea , very few , and strangers in it ; * And when they wandered from one nation to another , from one kingdom to another people : * He suffered no man to oppress them ; yea , he reproved kings for their sake ; * "Touch not my anointed , and do my prophets no harm ,"–– * And he called for a famine over the land ; every staff of bread he broke . * He sent a man before them ; for a servant was Joseph sold ; * They forced into fetters his feet ; in iron was his body put : * Until the time that his word came to pass , the saying of the Lord had purified him . * The king sent and unfettered him ; the ruler of people , and let him go free . * He appointed him lord of his house , and ruler of all his possession : * That he might bind his princes at his pleasure ; and teach his ancients wisdom . * Then came Israel into Egypt , and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham . * And he increased his people greatly , and made them stronger than their adversaries . * He turned their heart to hate his people , to deal subtilely with his servants . * He sent Moses his servant , Aaron also whom he had made choice of . * They displayed among them his effective signs , and wonders in the land of Ham . * He sent darkness , and made it dark ; and they rebelled not against his word . * He changed their waters into blood , and slew their fish . * Their land brought forth frogs in abundance , in the very chambers of their kings . * He spoke , and there came various wild beasts , lice also within all their boundary . * He gave them as their rain hail , and flames of fire in their land . * And he smote their vines and their fig –trees , and broke the trees within their boundary . * He spoke , and the locusts came , and crickets , and that without number ; * And they ate up all the herbs in their land , and ate up the fruit of their ground . * And he smote all the first –born in their land , the first of all their strength . * And he brought them forth with silver and gold : and there was not one that stumbled among his tribes . * Egypt rejoiced when they departed ; for the dread of them was fallen upon them . * He spread out a cloud for a covering , and fire to give light in the night . * The people asked , and he brought quails , and with heavenly bread he satisfied them . * He opened the rock , and the waters gushed out : they ran in the dry places like a river . * For he remembered his holy word given to Abraham his servant . * And he brought forth his people with gladness , with joyful song his elect . * And he gave them the lands of nations ; and the labor of people they obtained as an inheritance : * So that they might observe his statutes , and keep his laws . Hallelujah . * Hallelujah . Oh give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good : for to eternity endureth his kindness . * Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord ? who can publish all his praise ? * Happy are those that observe justice , that execute righteousness at all times . * Remember me , O Lord , when thou favorest thy people : oh visit me with thy salvation ; * That I may look on the happiness of thy elect , that I may rejoice in the joy of thy nation , that I may glorify myself with thy inheritance . * We have sinned together with our fathers , we have committed iniquity , we have done wickedly . * Our fathers did not reflect on thy wonders in Egypt : they remembered not the multitude of thy kindnesses ; but rebelled at the sea , even at the Red Sea . * Nevertheless he saved them for the sake of his name , to make known his might . * He rebuked the Red Sea also , and it was dried up ; and he led them through the depths , as through the wilderness . * And he saved them from the hand of him that hated them , and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy . * And the waters covered their adversaries : not one of them was left . * Then believed they in his words , they sang his praise . * Speedily they forgot his works , they waited not for his counsel ; * And they felt a lustful longing in the wilderness , and tempted God in the desert . * And he gave them what they had asked ; but sent dryness into their soul . * Moreover they envied Moses in the camp , and Aaron the holy one of the Lord . * The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan , and covered over the company of Abiram . * And a fire was kindled in their company : the flame burnt up the wicked . * They made a calf in Horeb , and bowed themselves down to a molten image . * And they exchanged their glory for the similitude of an ox that eateth herbs . * They forgot God their saviour , who had done great things in Egypt , * Wonders in the land of Ham , terrible things by the Red Sea . * He therefore spoke of destroying them : had not Moses his elect stood in the breach before him , to turn away his fury , that he might not destroy . * And they despised the pleasant land , they believed not in his word ; * But they murmured in their tents , they hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord . * He therefore lifted up his hand against them , to cause them to fall in the wilderness ; * And to let their seed fall among the nations , and to scatter them in the lands . * And they joined themselves unto Ba ’al –pe ’or , and ate the sacrifices of the dead . * And they provoked him to anger with their deeds : and there broke in among them the plague . * Then stood up Phinehas , and executed judgment : and the plague was stayed . * And it was accounted unto him for righteousness , unto all generations for evermore . * They angered him also at the waters of Meribah , and evil happened to Moses for their sake ; * Because they had embittered his spirit , and so he spoke thoughtlessly with his lips . * They did not exterminate the nations , that the Lord had indicated to them ; * But they mingled themselves among the nations , and learned their doings . * And they served their idols , and these became unto them a snare . * Yea , they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto the evil spirits ; * And they shed innocent blood , the blood of their sons and of their daughters , whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan : and the land was polluted with blood –guiltiness . * Thus were they made unclean through their own doings , and went astray with their own deeds . * therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people , and be felt disgust for his own inheritance . * And he gave them up into the hand of the nations : and there ruled over them those that hated them . * And their enemies also oppressed them : and they were subdued under their hand . * Many times did he deliver them ; but they rebelled with their counsel , and they were brought low through their iniquity . * Nevertheless he looked on when they were in distress , when he heard their entreaty . * And he remembered unto them his covenant , and he bethought himself according to the abundance of his kindnesses ; * And be caused them to find mercy before all those that had carried them away captive . * Save us , O Lord our God , and gather us from among the nations , to give thanks unto thy holy name , to triumph in thy praise . * Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel from everlasting even to everlasting : and let all the people say , Amen , Hallelujah . * BOOK FIFTH : Oh give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good ; for unto eternity endureth his kindness . * Thus let the Lord ’s redeemed say , even those whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the adversary ; * And whom he hath gathered out of the lands , from the east , and from the west , from the north , and from the sea . * They wandered about in the wilderness , in the desert path ; they could not find an inhabited city : * Hungry and thirsty , their soul within them fainted . * Then they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress , out of their afflictions he delivered them . * And he led them forth on the right way , that they might go to an inhabited city . * They shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness , and his wonders to the children of men ! * For he satisfied the longing soul , and the hungry soul he filled with good .–– * Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death , bound in misery and iron ; –– * Because they have rebelled against the words of God , and have contemned the counsel of the Most High ; * And he humbled with trouble their heart ; they stumbled , and there was none to help ; * But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress , he saveth them out of their afflictions ; * He bringeth them out of darkness and the shadow of death , and teareth their bands asunder . * They shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness , and his wonders to the children of men ! * For he hath broken the doors of copper , and the bolts of iron hath he hewn asunder .–– * Fools , because of their transgression , and because of their iniquities , are afflicted . * All manner of food their soul abhorreth ; and they draw near unto the gates of death ; * But when they cry unto the Lord when they are in distress , he saveth them out of their afflictions . * He sendeth his word and healeth them , and delivereth them from their graves . * They shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness , and his wonders to the children of men ! * They shall also sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving , and relate his deeds with joyful song .–– * They who go down to the sea in ships , who do business on great waters ; –– * These have seen the works of the Lord , and his wonders on the deep . * For he spoke , and he raised the stormy wind , which lifteth up its waves . * They would mount up to heaven , they would go down to the depths : their soul was melted because of their danger . * They would reel to and fro , and stagger like a drunken man , and all their wisdom was exhausted . * And they cried unto the Lord when they were in distress , and he brought them out of their afflictions . * He calmed the storm into a whisper , and stilled were the waves of the sea . * And they were rejoiced because they were silent : and then he guided them unto their desired haven . * They shall give thanks unto the Lord for his kindness , and his wonders to the children of men ! * And they must exalt him in the congregation of the people , and in the assembly of the elders must they praise him .–– * He changeth rivers into a wilderness , and water –springs into parched ground ; * A fruitful land into a salty waste , for the wickedness of those that dwell therein . * He changeth the wilderness into a pool of water , and desert land into water –springs . * And there he causeth to dwell the hungry , that they may found an inhabited city ; * And they sow fields , and plant vineyards , that they may yield the fruits of the product . * He also blesseth them , and they multiply greatly , and he suffereth not their cattle to diminish . * They were also diminished and bowed low through oppression , misfortune , and sorrow : * He poureth contempt upon princes , and causeth them to wander in a pathless wilderness . * And he exalteth the needy from misery , and maketh families like flocks . * The righteous shall see it , and rejoice ; but all wickedness shall stop her mouth . * Whoever is wise , let him observe these things , and let understand the kindness of the Lord . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O God of my praise , do not keep silence . * For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of deceit are opened against me : they have spoken with me with the tongue of falsehood . * Also with words of hatred have they encompassed me , and they fight against me without a cause . * In recompense for my love are they my accusers , while I have nothing but prayer . * And they impose evil on me in recompense for good , and hatred in lieu of my love . * Appoint thou a wicked man over him : and let an accuser stand at his right hand . * When he is to be judged , let him go forth guilty , and let his prayer become sin . * Let his days be few , and let another take his office . * Let his children be fatherless , and his wife a widow . * Let his children be continually moving about , and beg , and let them seek out of their ruined places . * Let the creditor lay snares after all that he hath , and let strangers plunder his labor . * Let him have none that extendeth kindness , and let there be none that is gracious to his fatherless children . * Let his posterity be cut off : in another generation let their name be blotted out . * Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered by the Lord , and let the sin of his mother not be blotted out . * Let them be before the Lord continually , that he may cut off from the earth their memory . * For the reason that he remembered not to show kindness ; but persecuted the poor and needy man , and the grieved in heart to put him to death . * As he loved cursing , so let it come over him : and as he delighted not in blessing , so let it be far from him . * And he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment , and it cometh like water within him , and like oil into his bones . * Let it be unto him as a garment in which he wrappeth himself , and for a girdle let him be continually girded with it . * Let this be the reward of my accusers from the Lord , and of those that speak evil against my soul . * But thou , O Eternal Lord , deal with me for the sake of thy name : because thy kindness is good , deliver thou me . * For poor and needy am I , and my heart is deeply wounded within me . * Like the shadow when it declineth do I hasten away : I am driven suddenly off like the locusts . * My knees stumble through fasting , and my flesh faileth of fatness . * And I am become a reproach unto them : when they see me , they shake their head . * Help me , O Lord my God : O save me according to thy kindness : * That they may know that this is thy hand : that thou , Lord , hast truly done it . * Let them then curse , but do thou bless : when they arise , let them be made ashamed ; but let thy servant rejoice . * Let my accusers be clothed with confusion , and let them wrap themselves , as with a mantle , in their own shame . * I will thank the Lord greatly with my mouth , and in the midst of many will I praise him . * For he ever standeth at the right hand of the needy , to save him from those that judge his soul . * The Eternal saith unto my Lord , Sit thou at my right hand , until I place thy enemies as a stool for thy feet . * The staff of thy strength will the Eternal stretch forth out of Zion : rule thou in the midst of thy enemies . * Thy people will bring freewill –gifts on the day of thy power , in the ornaments of holiness : as out of the bosom of the morning –dawn so is thine the dew of thy youth . * The Lord hath sworn , and will not repent of it , Thou shalt be a priest for ever after the order of Malki –zedek . * The Lord at thy right hand crusheth kings on the day of his wrath . * He will judge among the nations ––there shall be a fulness of corpses ––he crusheth heads on a wide –spread land . * From the brook will he drink on the way : therefore will he lift up the head . * Hallelujah . I will thank the Lord with all heart , in the council of the upright , and in the congregation . * Great are the works of the Lord , they are sought for in all their desires . * Glorious and majestic is his doing , and his righteousness endureth for ever . * He hath made a memorial for his wonderful works : gracious and merciful is the Lord . * He hath given sustenance unto those that fear him : he will for ever be mindful of his covenant . * The power of his works hath he told unto his people , that he might give them the heritage of nations . * The works of his hands are truth and justice : faultless are all his precepts . * They are well supported for ever and eternally : they are framed in truth and uprightness . * Redemption hath he sent unto his people : he hath commanded his covenant for ever : holy and to be feared is his name . * The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord ; a good understanding have all that fulfill : his praise endureth for ever . * Hallelujah . Happy is the man that feareth the Lord , that greatly delighteth in his commandments . * His seed shall be mighty upon earth : the generation of the upright shall be blessed . * Plenty and riches shall be in his house , and his righteousness shall endure for ever . * There ariseth in the darkness a light to the upright : he is gracious , and merciful , and righteous . * Well will it be with the man who is kind , and lendeth : he will guide his affairs with justice . * Surely unto eternity shall he not be moved : in everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be held . * Of an evil report shall he not be afraid : his heart is firm , trusting in the Lord . * Well supported is his heart , he shall not be afraid , until he looketh on his assailants . * He distributeth , he giveth to the needy : his righteousness endureth for ever ; his horn shall be exalted in honor . * The wicked shall see it , and be vexed ; he will gnash with his teeth , and melt away : the longing of the wicked shall perish . * Hallelujah . Praise , O ye servants of the Lord , praise ye the name of the Lord . * Let the name of the Lord be blessed from this time forth and for evermore . * From the rising of the sun unto his going down the name of the Lord is praised . * High above all nations is the Lord , above the heavens is his glory . * Who is like the Lord our God , who dwelleth on high ? * Who condescendeth to view what is done in the heavens , and on the earth ? * He raiseth up out of the dust the poor , from the dunghill he lifteth up the needy : * That he may set him with princes , even with the princes of his people . * He causeth the barren woman to dwell in the midst of household , the joyful mother of children . Hallelujah . * When Israel went forth out of Egypt , the house of Jacob from a people of a strange language : * Judah became his sanctuary , Israel his dominion . * The sea beheld it , and fled : the Jordan was driven backward . * The mountains skipped like wethers , the hills like lambs . * What aileth thee , O sea , that thou fleest ? thou , O Jordan , that thou art driven backward ? * Ye mountains , that ye skip like wethers ? ye hills , like lambs ? * At the presence of the Lord tremble , O earth , at the presence of the God of Jacob ; * Who changeth the rock into a pool of water , the flint into a fountain of water . * Not for our sake , O Lord , not for our sake , but unto thy name give glory , for the sake of thy kindness , for the sake of thy truth . * Wherefore should the nations say , Where now is their God ? * Whereas our God is in the heavens : whatsoever he desireth hath he done . * Their idols are sliver and gold , the work of the hands of man . * A mouth they have , but speak not ; eyes they have , but see not ; * Ears they have , but hear not ; a nose they have , but smell not . * They have hands , but they touch not ; they have feet , but they walk not : nor do they give any utterance by their throat . * Like them are those that make them , every one that trusteth in them . * O Israel , trust thou in the Lord ––he is their help and their shield . * O house of Aaron , trust ye in the Lord ––he is their help and their shield . * Ye that fear the Lord , trust ye in the Lord ––he is their help and their shield . * The Lord hath even been mindful of us , he will bless ; he will bless the house of Israel ; he will bless the house of Aaron ; * He will bless those that fear the Lord , the small together with the great . * May the Lord increase you more and more , you and your children . * Blessed are ye of the Lord , who made heaven and earth . * The heavens are the heavens of the Lord ; but the earth hath he given to the children of men . * Not the dead can praise the Lord , nor all those that go down into the silence . * But as for us , we will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore . Hallelujah . * It is lovely to me that the Lord heareth my voice , my supplications . * For he hath inclined his ear unto me : therefore throughout all my days will I call on him . * The bands of death had compassed me , and the pangs of the nether world had overtaken me ; I had met with distress and sorrow : * I then called on the name of the Lord , I beseech thee , O Lord , release my soul . * Gracious is the Lord , and righteous ; and our God is merciful . * The Lord preserveth the simple : I was in misery , and he helped me . * Return , O my soul , unto thy rest ; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee . * For thou hast delivered my soul from death , my eyes from tears , my feet from falling . * I will walk before the Lord in the land of life . * I believe , therefore will I speak : I was greatly afflicted ; * I indeed said in my despondency , Every man is a liar . * What shall I give in return unto the Lord for all his bounties toward me ? * The cup of salvation will I lift up , and on the name of the Lord will I call . * My vows will I pay unto the Lord , yea , in the presence of all his people . * Grievous in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his pious ones . * O Lord , truly am I thy servant , I am thy servant ,––the son of thy handmaid : thou hast loosened my fetters . * Unto thee will I offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving , and on the name of the Lord will I call . * My vows will I pay unto the Lord , yea , in the presence of all his people , * In the courts of the house of the Lord , in thy midst , O Jerusalem . Hallelujah . * Praise the Lord , all ye nations : praise him , all ye people . * For mighty is his kindness over us : and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever . Hallelujah . * O give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good ; because unto eternity endureth his kindness . * Let Israel then say so ; because to eternity endureth his kindness . * Let the house of Aaron then say so ; because to eternity endureth his kindness . * Let those who fear the Lord then say so ; because to eternity endureth his kindness . * From the midst of distress I called on the Lord ; the Lord answered me with enlargement . * The Lord is for me ; I will not fear : what can a man do unto me ? * The Lord is for me , among those that help me : therefore shall I indeed look on those that hate me . * It is better to seek shelter with the Lord than to trust in man . * It is better to seek shelter with the Lord than to trust in princes . * All nations encompassed me about ; but in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off . * They encompassed me about : yea , they compassed about , but in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off . * They encompassed me about like bees ; they blazed up like the fire of thorns ; but in the name of the Lord I will surely cut them off . * Thou hast thrust violently at me that I might fall ; but the Lord assisted me . * My strength and song is the Lord , and he is become my salvation . * The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous : the right hand of the Lord doth valiantly . * The right hand of the Lord is exalted : the right hand of the Lord doth valiantly . * I shall not die , but I shall live , and relate the works of the Lord . * Severely hath the Lord chastised me ; but unto death hath he not given me up . * Open to me the gates of righteousness : I will enter into them . I will give thanks unto the Lord . * This is the gate which belongeth unto the Lord , the righteous shall enter thereby . * I will thank thee : for thou but answered me , and art become my salvation . * The stone which the builders rejected is become the chief corner –stone . * From the Lord is this come to pass , it is marvelous in our eyes . * This is the day which the Lord hath made , we will be glad and rejoice thereon . * We beseech thee , O Lord , save now : we beseech thee , O Lord , send now prosperity . * Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord : we bless you out of the house of the Lord . * God is the Lord , and he giveth us light : bind the festive sacrifice with cords , up to the horns of the altar . * Thou art my God , and I will thank thee : my God , I will exalt thee . * Oh give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good ; because to eternity endureth his kindness . * ALEPH . Happy are they whose way is perfect , who walk in the law of the Lord . * Happy are they who keep his testimonies , that seek him with all their heart . * They also commit no injustice ; in his ways do they walk . * Thou thyself hast commanded us thy precepts , that we might keep diligently . * Oh that my ways were firmly directed to observe thy statutes ! * Then would I not be made ashamed , while I look at all thy commandments . * I will thank thee with uprightness of heart , when I learn thy righteous ordinances . * Thy statutes will I observe : oh forsake me not too greatly . * BETH . Wherewithal shall a youth keep his way pure ? by guarding it according to thy word . * With all my heart have I sought thee : oh let me not wander astray from thy commandments . * In my heart have I treasured up thy saying , in order that I may not sin against thee . * Blessed art thou , O Lord : teach me thy statutes . * With my lips have I related all the ordinances of thy mouth . * On the way of thy testimonies have I been glad , as over all wealth . * On thy precepts will I meditate , and direct my look unto thy paths . * In thy statutes will I seek my delight : I will not forget thy word . * GIMEL . Deal bountifully with thy servant : let me live , that I may observe thy word . * Open thou my eyes , that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law . * A stranger am I on the earth : hide not from me thy commandments . * My soul is broken from longing for thy ordinances at all times . * Thou hast rebuked the accursed proud , who go erringly astray from thy commandments . * Roll away from me reproach and contempt ; for thy testimonies have I kept . * Although even princes should sit and speak against me , thy servant would still meditate on thy statutes . * Also thy testimonies are my delight , my counsellors . * DALETH . My soul cleaveth unto the dust : revive thou me according to thy word . * My ways do I relate , and thou answerest me : teach me thy statutes . * Cause me to understand the way of thy precepts , that I may meditate on thy wonders . * My soul droppeth away from grief : sustain me according to thy word . * The way of falsehood do thou remove from me , and grant me graciously thy law . * The way of truth have I chosen : thy ordinances have I set . * I have adhered unto thy testimonies : O Lord , put me not to shame . * The way of thy commandments will I run ; for thou wilt enlarge my heart . * HE . Teach me , O Lord , the way of thy statutes , and I shall keep it in all its windings . * Give me understanding , that I may keep thy law , and I will observe it with all heart . * Guide me on the path of thy commandments ; for therein do I find my delight . * Incline my heart unto thy testimonies , and not to desire for gain . * Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity : on thy way do thou give me life . * Fulfill unto thy servant thy promise for those who are devoted to thy fear . * Cause to pass away my disgrace of which I have dread ; for thy ordinances are good . * Behold , I have longed after thy precepts : through thy righteousness do thou give my life . * VAV . And let thy kindness come unto me , O Lord , thy salvation , according to thy promise . * Then shall I have a word to answer the one that reproacheth me ; for I trust in thy word . * And snatch not the word of truth out of my mouth too greatly ; for I wait for thy ordinances . * So shall I observe thy law continually for ever and ever . * And I will walk in an open space ; for thy precepts have I sought . * And I will speak of thy testimonies before kings , and will not be ashamed . * And I will delight myself in thy commandments , which I love . * And so will I lift up my hands unto thy commandments , which I love , and I will meditate on thy statutes . * ZAYIN . Remember thy word unto thy servant , upon which thou hast caused me to wait . * This is my comfort in my affliction , that thy promise hath revived me . * The presumptuous have held me too greatly in derision : yet have I not departed away from thy law . * I remembered thy decrees from olden times , O Lord , and thus comforted myself . * Horror seized on me because of the wicked that forsake thy law . * Songs have thy statutes been unto me in the house of my pilgrimage . * I remembered in the night thy name , O Lord , and observed thy law . * This came to pass unto me , because I had kept thy precepts . * CHETH . My portion is the Lord , have I said , that I might observe thy words . * I make entreaty before thee with all my heart : be gracious unto me according to thy promise . * I have thought over my ways , and made my feet return unto thy testimonies . * I hastened , and delayed not to observe thy commandments . * Companies of wicked men have surrounded me ; but I have not forgotten thy law . * At midnights do I constantly rise to give thanks unto thee , because of thy righteous decrees . * An associate am I unto all that fear thee , and unto those that keep thy precepts . * Of thy kindness , O Lord , is the earth full : teach me thy statutes . * TETH . Thou hast shown goodness on thy servant , O Lord , according to thy word . * The best of discernment and knowledge do thou teach me ; for in thy commandments do I believe . * Before I was afflicted I was in error ; but now I observe thy saying . * Thou art good , and doing good : teach me thy statutes . * The presumptuous have invented falsehoods against me ; but I will with all my heart indeed keep thy precepts . * Gross as fat is their heart ; but I take truly delight in thy law . * It is well for me that I have been afflicted , in order that I might learn thy statutes . * Better is unto me the law of thy mouth than thousands of gold and silver . * YOD . Thy hands have made me and established me : give me understanding , that I may learn thy commandments . * Those that fear thee will see me and be rejoiced ; because I have waited for thy word . * I know , O Lord , that thy decrees are righteous , and that in faithfulness thou hast afflicted me . * Let , I pray thee , thy kindness come to comfort me , according to thy promise unto thy servant . * Let thy mercies come unto me , that I may live ; for thy law is my delight . * Let the presumptuous be made ashamed ; because they have without a cause dealt perversely with me ; but I will indeed meditate on thy precepts . * Let those that fear thee return unto me , and those that know thy testimonies . * Let my heart be entire in thy statutes , in order that I may not be put to shame . * CAPH . My soul ardently desireth for thy salvation : for thy word do I wait . * My eyes look eagerly for thy promise , saying , When wilt thou comfort me ? * For I am become like a bottle in the smoke : do I not forget thy statutes . * How many are the days of thy servant ? when wilt thou execute justice on my persecutors ? * The presumptuous have dug pits for me , which is not in accordance with thy law . * All thy commandments are founded on truth : without cause they persecute me ; help thou me . * But little was wanting that they had consumed me upon earth ; but I have truly not forsaken thy precepts . * According to thy kindness give me life , that I may observe the testimony of thy mouth . * LAMED . To eternity , O Lord , standeth firm thy word with the heavens . * Unto all generations endureth thy faithfulness : thou hast established the earth , and she standeth . * According to thy ordinances they exist this day : for all are thy servants . * Unless thy law had been my delights , I should long since have been lost in my affliction . * Never will I forget thy precepts ; for with them thou hast kept me alive . * Thine am I , save me ; for thy precepts have I sought . * Wicked men have waited for me to destroy me ; I will reflect on thy testimonies . * Of all perfection have I seen the end ; thy commandment is exceedingly extended . * MEM . Oh how do I love thy law ! all the day is it my meditation . * Wiser than my enemy doth thy commandment make me ; for it is perpetually with me . * Above all my teachers have I obtained intelligence ; for thy testimonies are my meditation . * More than the elders do I possess understanding ; because thy precepts do I keep . * From every evil path have I withholden my feet , in order that I might observe thy word . * From thy ordinances have I not departed ; for thou hast instructed me . * How much sweeter are to my palate thy sayings than honey to my mouth ! * Through thy precepts shall I obtain understanding : therefore do I hate every path of falsehood . * NUN . A lamp unto my feet is thy word , and a light unto my path . * I have sworn , and I will perform it , to observe thy righteous ordinances . * I am afflicted exceedingly much : O Lord , revive me , according to thy word . * Receive in favor the freewill –offerings of my mouth , I beseech thee , O Lord , and teach me thy ordinances . * My life is in my hand continually : yet thy law do I not forget . * The wicked have laid a snare for me : yet have I not erred from thy precepts . * I have taken thy testimonies as a heritage to eternity ; for they are the joy of my heart . * I have inclined my heart to perform thy statutes always , in all their ways . * SAMECH . Those of divided thoughts I hate ; but thy law do I love . * My shelter and my shield art thou : for thy word do I wait . * Depart from me , ye evildoers , that I may keep the commandments of God . * Uphold me according to thy promise , that I may live , and let me not be made ashamed of my hope . * Support me that I may be placed in safety , and I will direct my regard unto thy statutes continually . * Thou hast trodden down all that erringly stray from thy statutes ; for falsehood is their deceit . * Like dross dost thou put away all the wicked of the earth : therefore do I love thy testimonies . * My flesh trembleth shudderingly from dread of thee , and of thy decrees am I afraid . * ‘AYIN . I have executed justice and righteousness : leave me not to those who oppress me . * Protect thy servant for good : let not the presumptuous oppress me . * My eyes look eagerly for thy salvation , and for thy righteous promise . * Deal with thy servant according to thy kindness , and thy statutes do thou teach me . * I am thy servant : give me understanding , that I may know thy testimonies . * It is time to act for the Lord : they have broken thy law . * Therefore do I love thy commandments more than gold , and more than fine gold . * Therefore do I esteem all thy precepts in all things as right : every path of falsehood do I hate . * PE . Wonderful are thy testimonies : therefore doth my soul keep them . * The opening of thy words giveth light , it giveth understanding unto the simple . * I opened my mouth , and panted for breath ; because for thy commandments did I long . * Turn thou unto me , and be gracious unto me , as is thy wont unto those that love thy name . * My steps establish thou through thy promise , and suffer not any wrong to have dominion over me . * Deliver me from the oppression of man , and I will observe thy precepts . * Let thy face shine upon thy servant , and teach me thy statutes . * Streams of water have run down my eyes ; because they had not observed thy law . * TZADDE . Righteous art thou , O Lord , and upright are thy decrees . * Thou hast commanded thy testimonies , as righteous and faithful exceedingly . * My zeal destroyeth me ; because my assailants have forgotten thy words . * Thy promise is greatly refined , and thy servant loveth it . * I am little and despised : yet thy precepts have I not forgotten . * Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness , and thy law is the truth . * Distress and trouble have overtaken me : are thy commandments my delights . * Righteous are thy testimonies for everlasting : give me understanding , that I may live . * KOPH . I have called with all my heart : answer me , O Lord : thy statutes will I keep . * I have called on thee , save me , and I will observe thy testimonies . * I come before thee in the dawn of morning , and cry : for thy word do I wait . * My eyes are awake before the night –watches , that I may meditate in thy saying . * Hear my voice according to thy kindness : O Lord , according to thy decree do thou grant me life . * They that pursue mischievous devices draw nigh : from thy law are they far . * Near art thou , O Lord ; and all thy commandments are the truth . * Of old already I knew of thy testimonies ; because for eternity hast thou founded them . * RESH . Look on my affliction , and release me ; for thy law have I not forgotten . * Plead my cause , and deliver me : according to thy promise do thou revive me . * Far from the wicked is salvation ; because thy statutes have they not sought for . * Thy mercies are abundant , O Lord ; according to thy decrees do thou revive me . * Many are my persecutors and my assailants : yet from thy testimonies do I not turn away . * I beheld the treacherous , and felt disgust ; because they observed not thy saying . * Behold that I love thy precepts : O Lord , according to thy kindness do thou revive me . * The summit of thy word is truth : and the whole of thy righteous judgment endureth for ever . * SHIN . Princes have persecuted me without a cause ; but of thy word standeth my heart in dread . * I am rejoiced over thy promise , as one that findeth great spoil . * Falsehood I hate and abhor : but thy law do I love . * Seven times in the day do I praise thee because of thy righteous decrees . * Abundant peace have they who love thy law ; and thee is nothing that causeth them to stumble . * I have hoped for thy salvation , O Lord , and thy commandments have I fulfilled . * My soul hath observed thy testimonies , and I love them exceedingly . * I have observed thy precepts and thy testimonies ; because all my ways are before thee . * TAV . Let my entreaty come near before thee , O Lord : according to thy word grant me understanding . * Let my supplication come before thee : according to thy promise do thou deliver me . * My lips shall utter praise ; because thou wilt teach me thy statutes . * My tongue shall speak loudly of thy promise ; for all thy commandments are righteous . * Let thy hand be to help me ; for thy precepts have I chosen . * I have longed for thy salvation , O Lord ; and thy law is my delights . * Let my soul live , and it shall praise thee : and let thy decrees help me . * I have gone erringly astray like a lost sheep : seek thy servant ; for thy commandments have I not forgotten . * Unto the Lord , when I was in distress , did I call , and he hath answered me . * O Lord , deliver my soul from lips of falsehood , and from a tongue of deceit . * What will give unto thee ? or what will he add unto thee , thou tongue of deceit ? * Sharpened arrows of the mighty , with coals of the broom –bush . * Woe is me , that I sojourn in Meshech , that I dwell in the tents of Kedar ! * Too long for herself hath my soul dwelt with him that hateth peace . * I am for peace ; but when I speak , they are for war . * I lift up my eyes unto the mountains : whence shall come my help ? * My help is from the Lord , the maker of heaven and earth . * He will not suffer thy foot to slip : thy keeper doth not slumber . * Behold , he slumbereth not , and he sleepeth not ––the keeper of Israel . * The Lord is thy keeper : the Lord is thy shade , he is on thy right hand . * By day the sun shall not strike thee , nor the moon by night . * The Lord will guard thee against all evil : he will guard thy soul . * The Lord will guard thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and for evermore . * I was rejoiced when they said unto me , Unto the house of the Lord let us go . * Our feet are now standing within thy gates , O Jerusalem ! * Jerusalem , which art built as a city wherein all associate together . * For thither go up the tribes of the Lord , as a testimony for Israel , to give thanks unto the name of the Lord . * For there are placed chairs for judgment , the chairs for the house of David .–– * Pray ye for the peace of Jerusalem ; may those that love thee prosper . * May there be peace within thy walls , prosperity within thy palaces , * For the sake of my brethren and my friends , let me now speak , Peace be within thee . * For the sake of the house of the Lord our God , will I seek thy good . * Unto thee do I lift up my eyes , O thou that dwellest in the heavens . * Behold , as the eyes of servants are directed unto the hand of their masters , as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress : thus are our eyes directed unto the Lord our God , until he be gracious unto us . * Be gracious unto us , O Lord ! be gracious unto us ; for we are overburdened with contempt . * Our soul is overburdened with the scorn of those who are at ease , with the contempt of the proud oppressors . * If it had not been the Lord who was for us , so should Israel say ; * If it had not been the Lord who was for us , when men rose up against us : * Then would they have swallowed us up alive , when their wrath was kindled against us ; * Then would the waters have overwhelmed us , the stream would have passed over our soul ; * Then would have passed over our soul the presumptuous waters . * Blessed be the Lord , who hath not given us up as a prey to their teeth . * Our soul is escaped like a bird out of the snare of the fowlers : the snare is broken , and we are escaped . * Our help is in the name of the Lord , the maker of heaven and earth . * Those who trust in the Lord are like mount Zion , which will not he moved , which endureth for ever . * Jerusalem hath mountains round about her : and is the Lord round about his people , from this time forth and for evermore . * For the sceptre of wickedness shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous : in order that the righteous may not stretch forth their hands unto wrong –doing . * Do good , O Lord , unto the good , and to those that are upright in their hearts . * But as for those who turn aside unto their crooked ways , them will the Lord drive away with the workers of wickedness ; but peace shall be upon Israel . * When the Lord bringeth back again the captivity of Zion , then shall we be like dreamers . * Then shall our mouth be filled with laughter , and our tongue with singing : then shall they say among the nations , Great things hath the Lord done for these . * Great things would the Lord have done for us , we should be joyful . * Bring back again , O Lord , our captivity , like rivulets in arid land . * Those that sow in tears shall reap with joyful song . * He goeth forth indeed and weepeth , that beareth the seed for sowing ; but he will surely come with joyful song when he beareth his sheaves . * Unless the Lord do build the house , in vain labor they that build on it : unless the Lord guard the city , in vain is the watchman wakeful . * It is in vain for you to be early in rising , to be late in sitting up , eating the bread of painful toils ; so doth he give unto his beloved during sleep . * Lo , children are an inheritance from the Lord : a reward is the fruit of the body . * Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man , so are the children of youth . * Happy is the man that hath his quiver filled with them : they shall not be put to shame , when they do speak with the enemies in the gate . * Happy is every one that feareth the Lord , that walketh in his ways . * When thou eatest the labor of thy hands : wilt thou be happy , and it shall be well with thee . * Thy wife is as a fruitful vine in the recesses of thy house : thy children , like olive –plants round about thy table . * Behold , truly thus shall be blessed the man that feareth the Lord . * May the Lord bless thee out of Zion : and see thou the happiness of Jerusalem all the days of thy life . * And see thou thy children ’s children : may there be peace upon Israel . * Many a time have they assailed me from my youth , so should Israel say ; * Many a time have they assailed me from my youth : yet have they not prevailed against me . * Upon my back have ploughmen ploughed ; they have drawn long their furrows : * the Lord is righteous ; he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked . * May all be put to shame and turned backward that hate Zion ; * May they become like the grass of the roofs , which withereth before it is pulled up ; * Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand ; nor his arm he that bindeth sheaves . * Nor do they who pass by say , The blessing of the Lord be with you : we bless you in the name of the Lord . * Out of the depths have I called thee , O Lord . * Lord , listen to my voice : let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications . * If thou , Lord , shouldst treasure up iniquities , O Lord , who would be able to stand ? * But with thee there is forgiveness , in order that thou mayest be feared . * I hope for the Lord , my soul doth hope , and for his word do I wait . * My soul for the Lord , more than they that watch for the morning expect the morning . * Let Israel wait for the Lord ; for with the Lord there is kindness , and with him is redemption in abundance ; * And he wilt surely redeem Israel from all his iniquities . * O Lord , my heart was not haughty , nor were my eyes lofty : neither have I walked after matters too great , or those too wonderful for me . * Surely I have pacified and stilled my soul , like the suckling on its mother ’s breast : like a suckling is in me my soul . * Let Israel wait for the Lord from this time forth and for ever more . * Remember , O Lord , unto David all his afflictions ; * How he swore unto the Lord ; how he vowed unto the mighty One of Jacob : * Surely , I will not enter into the tent of my house , nor ascend the couch of my repose ; * I will not grant any sleep to my eyes , nor to my eyelids any slumber : * Until I shall have found out a place for the Lord , a dwelling –place for the mighty One of Jacob . * "Lo , we heard of it at Ephratah : we met with it in the fields of the forest : * let us then go into his dwelling : let us prostrate ourselves before his footstool ." * Arise , O Lord , unto thy resting –place : thou , and the ark of thy strength . * Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness ; and let thy pious servants shout for joy . * For the sake of David thy servant turn not away the face of thy anointed . * The Lord hath sworn unto David in truth ; he will not turn from it : "From the fruit of thy body will I set on the throne to succeed thee . * If thy children will observe my covenant and this my testimony which I teach them : then also shall their children sit for evermore upon the throne to succeed thee ." * For the Lord hath made choice of Zion : he hath desired it as a habitation for himself . * This is my resting –place for evermore : here will I dwell ; for I have desired it . * Her provision will I bless abundantly : her needy ones will I satisfy with bread . * And her priests will I clothe with salvation : and her pious ones shall shout aloud for joy . * There will I cause to grow a horn unto David : I arrange a lamp for my anointed . * His enemies will I clothe with shame ; but upon himself shall his crown shine brilliantly . * Behold , how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell closely together ! * like the precious oil upon the head , running down upon the beard , yea , Aaron ’s beard , which runneth down upon the upper border of his garments ; * Like the dew of Chermon , running down upon the mountains of Zion ; for there hath the Lord commanded the blessing , even life for evermore . * Arise ! bless ye the Lord , all ye servants of the Lord that stand in the house of the Lord in the nights . * Lift up your hands toward the sanctuary , and bless the Lord . * May the Lord bless thee out of Zion , he that is the maker of heaven and earth . * Hallelujah . Praise ye the name of the Lord ; praise him , O ye servants of the Lord ; * Ye that stand in the house of the Lord , in the courts of the house of our God . * Hallelujah ; for the Lord is good : sing praises unto his name ; for it is lovely . * For Jacob hath the Lord chosen unto himself , Israel , as his peculiar treasure . * For I well know that the Lord is great , and that our Lord is above all gods . * Whatsoever the Lord willeth , hath he done in the heavens , and on the earth , in the seas , and in all the deeps . * He causeth clouds to ascend from the ends of the earth ; he maketh lightnings with the rain ; he bringeth forth the wind out of his treasuries . * who smote the first –born of Egypt , both of man and of cattle ; * Who sent signs and wonderful tokens into the midst of thee , O Egypt , against Pharaoh , and against all his servants ; * Who smote many nations , and slew mighty kings ; * Sichon the king of the Emorites , and ‘Og the king of Bashan , and all the kingdoms of Canaan ; * And gave their land as an inheritance , an inheritance unto Israel his people . * O Lord , thy name for ever : O Lord , thy memorial is throughout all generations . * For the Lord will espouse the cause of his people , and concerning his servants will he bethink himself . * The idols of the nations are silver and gold , the work of the hands of men . * Mouths they have , but they speak not ; eyes they have , but they see not ; * Ears they have , but they hear not ; neither is there any breath in their mouth . * Like them are those that make them , every one that trusteth in them . * O house of Israel , bless ye the Lord ; O house of Aaron , bless ye the Lord . * O house of Levi , bless ye the Lord ; ye that fear the Lord , bless the Lord . * Blessed be the Lord out of Zion , even he that resideth at Jerusalem . Hallelujah . * O give thanks unto the Lord ; for he is good ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * O give thanks unto the God of gods ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * O give thanks to the Lord of lords ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him who doth great wonders alone ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him that made the heavens with understanding ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him that stretched out the earth above the waters ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him that made great lights ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * The sun for the rule by day ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * The moon and stars for the rule by night ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him that smote Egypt in their first –born ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * And brought out Israel from the midst of them ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * With a strong hand , and with an outstretched arm ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him who divided the Red Sea into parts ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * And caused Israel to pass through the midst of it ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him who led his people through the wilderness ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * To him who smote great kings ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * And slew mighty kings ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * Even Sichon the king of the Emorites ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * And ‘Og the king of Bashan ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * And gave their land as an inheritance ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * As an inheritance unto Israel his servant ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * Who hath in our low estate remembered us ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * And hath freed us from our assailants ; for to eternity endureth his kindness ; * Who giveth food unto all flesh ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * O give thanks unto the God of the heavens ; for to eternity endureth his kindness . * By the rivers of Babylon , there we sat , and we also wept when we remembered Zion . * Upon the willows in her midst had we hung up our harps . * For there our captors demanded of us the words of song ; and those that mocked us , joy , Sing for us one of the songs of Zion . * How should we sing the song of the Lord on the soil of the stranger ? * If I forget thee , O Jerusalem , may my right hand forget ––. * May my tongue cleave to my palate if I do not remember thee : if I recall not Jerusalem at the head of my joy . * Remember , O Lord , unto the children of Edom the day of Jerusalem ; who said , Raze it , raze it , even to her very foundation . * O daughter of Babylon , who art wasted : happy he , that repayeth thee thy recompense for what thou hast done to us . * Happy he , that seizeth and dasheth thy babes against the rock . * I will praise thee with my whole heart : before , O God , will I sing praise unto thee . * I will bow myself down before thy holy temple , and I will thank thy name for thy kindness and for thy truth ; for thou hast magnified above all thy name thy promise . * On the day when I called didst thou answer me , and raise me up with strength in my soul . * All the kings of the earth will give thanks unto thee , O Lord , when they hear the promises of thy mouth . * And they will sing on the ways of the Lord ; for great is the glory of the Lord . * For exalted is the Lord , yet doth he regard the lowly ; but the proud he punisheth from afar . * If I should walk in the midst of distress , thou wilt revive me : against the wrath of my enemies wilt thou stretch forth thy hand , and thy right hand will save me . * The Lord will accomplish in my behalf ; O Lord , thy kindness endureth for ever : the works of thy own hands do not abandon . * O Lord ! thou hast searched me through , and thou knowest . * Thou indeed knowest my sitting down and my rising up , thou understandest my thinking while yet afar off . * My walking and my lying down hast thou limited , and with all my ways art thou acquainted . * For , while there is not a word on my tongue , lo , thou , O Lord , knowest it entirely . * Behind and before hast thou hedged me in , and thou placest upon me thy hand . * Too wonderful is such knowledge for me : it is too exalted , I cannot attain unto it . * Whither shall I go from thy spirit ? or whither shall I flee away from thy presence ? * If I should ascend into heaven , thou art there ; and if I should make my bed in the nether world , behold , thou art there . * If I should lift up the wings of the morning –dawn , if I should dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea : * Even there would thy hand lead me , and thy right hand would seize hold of me . * If I said , Surely darkness shall enshroud me , and into night the light about me : * Yet even darkness can obscure nothing from thee ; but the night will shine like the day ; both the darkness and the light are alike . * For thou possessest my reins : thou hast covered me in my mother ’s womb . * I will thank thee therefore , that I am fearfully wonderfully made : wonderful are thy works ; and that my soul knoweth right well . * My being was not concealed from thee , when I was made in secret , when I was embroidered in the lowest parts of the earth . * My undeveloped substance did thy eyes see ; and in thy book were all of them written down ––the days which have been formed , while yet not one of them was here . * And how precious are unto me thy thoughts , O God ! how mightily great is their sum ! * Should I count them , they would be more numerous than the sand : I awake , and I am still with thee . * If thou wouldst but slay the wicked , O God ! and ye men of blood , depart from me . * Who speak of thee for a wicked end , thy enemies , that bear for a vain purpose . * Behold , those that hate thee I ever hate , O Lord ; and for those that rise up against thee do I feel loathing . * With the utmost hatred do I hate them : enemies are they become unto me . * Search me through , O God , and know my heart ; probe me , and know my thoughts : * And see if there be a way of perverseness in me , and lead me on the way of eternity . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O Lord , I call thee , hasten unto me : give ear unto my voice , when I call unto thee . * May my prayer be valued as incense before thee , the lifting up of my hands , as the evening offering . * Set , O Lord , a watch unto my mouth : keep a guard at the door of my lips . * Permit not my heart to incline after any evil thing , to practise deeds in wickedness with men that are doers of wrong : and let me not eat of their dainties . * If the righteous strike me , it is a kindness ; and if he reprove me , it is oil poured on the head , my head shall not refuse it ; for yet my prayer also in their sufferings . * Are their judges fallen down through means of a rock : then will they listen to my words ; for they are pleasant . * As when one cutteth in and splitteth open the earth : so are our bones scattered for the mouth of the grave . * For unto thee , O Eternal Lord , are my eyes directed ; in thee do I trust : pour not out my life . * Guard me from the power of the snare which they have laid for me , and the traps of the wrong –doers . * Let the wicked fall into their own nets , altogether ––while I pass safely by . * * * * * * * * O Lord , hear my prayer , give ear to my supplications : in thy faithfulness answer me , in thy righteousness . * And enter not into judgment with thy servant ; for no living man can be regarded righteous before thee . * For the enemy hath pursued my soul ; he hath crushed to the ground my life ; he hath made me dwell in darkness , as those that are dead eternally . * And my spirit within me is overwhelmed : in my bosom is my heart astounded . * I remember the days of olden times : I meditate on all thy doings : on the work of thy hands do I reflect . * I spread forth my hands unto thee : my soul for thee , as a thirsty land . Selah . * Hasten , answer me , O Lord , my spirit falleth : hide not thy face from me , that I may not become like those that go down into the pit . * Cause me to hear in the morning thy kindness ; for in thee do I trust : cause me to know the way whereon I should walk ; for unto thee do I lift up my soul . * Deliver me , O Lord , from my enemies : by thee do I seek shelter . * Teach me to do thy will ; for thou art my God : thy spirit is good ; guide me on a level land . * For thy sake , O Lord , revive me : in thy righteousness bring forth out of distress my soul . * And in thy kindness destroy my enemies , and annihilate all the adversaries of my soul ; far I am thy servant . * Blessed be the Lord my Rock , who exerciseth my hands for the battle , my fingers for the war : * My kindness , and my strong –hold ; my high tower , and my deliverer ; my shield , and he in whom I trust ; who subdueth my people under me . * Lord , what is man , that thou takest cognizance of him : the son of a mortal , that thou regardest him ! * Man is like the breath : his days are like a passing shadow . * O Lord , bend thy heavens , and come down : touch the mountains , that they may smoke . * Cast forth lightning , and scatter them : send out thy arrows , and confound them . * Stretch out thy hands from above ; rid me , and deliver me out of great waters , from the hand of the children of the stranger . * Whose mouth speaketh vanity , and whose right hand is the right hand of falsehood . * O God , a new song will I sing unto thee : upon the ten –stringed psaltery will I sing praises unto thee . * that giveth victory unto kings : who riddeth David his servant from the evil –bringing sword . * Rid me , and deliver me from the hand of the children of the stranger , whose mouth speaketh vanity , and whose right hand is the right hand of falsehood . * So that our sons may be like plants , grown up in their youth : our daughters , like corner –pillars , sculptured in the model of a palace . * May our garners be full , furnishing all manner of store : our sheep bringing forth thousands and ten thousands in our open pastures . * May our oxen be strong to labor : may there be no breach , nor migration , nor loud complaint in our streets . * Happy the people , that fare thus : happy the people , whose God is the Lord . * I will extol thee , my God , O king ; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever . * Every day will I bless thee , and I will praise thy name for ever and ever . * Great is the Lord , and greatly praised , and his greatness is unsearchable . * One generation shall praise thy works to the other , and thy mighty acts shall they declare . * On the majestic glory of thy excellence , and on thy wondrous deeds will I meditate . * And of the might of thy terrible acts shall men converse : and thy greatness will I relate . * The memorial of thy abundant goodness shall they loudly proclaim , and they shall sing joyfully of thy righteousness . * Gracious and merciful is the Lord , long –suffering , and great in kindness . * The Lord is good to all , and his mercies are over all his works . * All thy works shall thank thee , O Lord ; and thy pious servants shall bless thee . * Of the glory of thy kingdom shall they converse , and of thy might shall they speak : * To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts , and the glorious majesty of his kingdom . * Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all eternities , and thy dominion throughout all generations . * The Lord upholdeth all who are falling , and raiseth up all those who are bowed down . * The eyes of all wait hopefully upon thee , and thou givest them their food in its due season . * Thou openest thy hand , and satisfiest the desire of every living thing . * Righteous is the Lord in all his ways , and beneficent in all his works . * The Lord is nigh unto all those who call on him , to all who call on him in truth . * The desire of those who fear him will he fulfill , and their cry will he hear , and save them . * The Lord preserveth all those who love him ; but all the wicked will he destroy . * The praise of the Lord shall my mouth speak : and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever . * Hallelujah . Praise , O my soul , the Lord . * I will praise the Lord throughout my life : I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being . * Put not your trust in princes , in the son of man , in whom there is no salvation . * When his spirit goeth forth , he returneth to his earth : on that very day perish his thoughts . * happy is he who hath the God of Jacob for his help , whose hope is on the Lord his God ; * Who hath made heaven , and earth , the sea , and all that is therein ; who keepeth truth for ever ; * Who executeth justice for the oppressed : who giveth bread to the hungry : the Lord looseneth the prisoners ; * The Lord causeth the blind to see ; the Lord raiseth up those who are bowed down ; the Lord loveth the righteous : * The Lord guardeth the strangers ; the fatherless and widow he helpeth up ; but the way of the wicked he maketh crooked . * The Lord will reign for ever , even thy God , O Zion , unto all generations . Hallelujah . * Hallelujah ; for it is good to sing praises unto our God ; for it is comely ; becometh praise . * The Lord buildeth up Jerusalem : the outcasts of Israel will he gather together ; * He that healeth the broken –hearted , and bindeth up their hurts ; * Who counteth the number of the stars ; who calleth them all by names . * Great is our Lord , and abundant in power : his understanding is immeasurable . * The Lord helpeth up the meek : he bringeth down the wicked to the ground . * Lift up a song unto the Lord with thanksgiving ; sing praises unto our God with the harp ; * Who covereth the heaven with clouds , who prepareth rain for the earth , who causeth grass to grow upon the mountains ; * Who giveth to the beast its food , to the young ravens which cry . * Not in the strength of the horse hath he delight : nor in the legs of man taketh he pleasure . * The Lord taketh pleasure in those that fear him , that wait for his kindness . * Glorify , O Jerusalem , the Lord : praise thy God , O Zion . * For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates ; he hath blessed thy children in the midst of thee ; * He who bestoweth peace in thy borders , who satisfieth thee with the best of wheat ; * He who sendeth forth his decree unto the earth : how swiftly speedeth his word along ! * He who dispenseth snow like wool ; who streweth about the hoarfrost like ashes ; * He who casteth down his ice like pieces : before his cold who can stand ? * He sendeth out his word , and melteth them : he causeth his wind to blow , and waters run along . * He declareth his word unto Jacob , his statutes and his ordinances unto Israel . * He hath not done so unto any nation : and ordinances –– these they know not . Hallelujah . * Hallelujah . Praise ye the Lord from the heavens : praise him in the heights . * Praise ye him , all his angels : praise ye him , all his hosts . * Praise ye him , sun and moon : praise him , all ye stars of light . * Praise him , ye heavens of heavens , and ye waters that are above the heavens . * Let them praise the name of the Lord ; for he commanded and they were created . * And he established them for ever and to eternity : he gave a decree which none shall transgress . * Praise the Lord from the earth , ye sea –monsters , and all deeps ; * Fire , and hail , snow , and vapor ; thou storm –wind that fulfillest his word ; * Ye mountains , and all hills ; fruitful trees , and all cedars ; * Ye beasts , and all cattle ; creeping things , and winged birds ; * Ye kings of the earth , and all nations ; ye princes , and all judges of the earth ; * Young men and also virgins ; old men , together with boys :–– * Let them praise the name of the Lord ; for his name alone is exalted ; his majesty is above earth and heaven . * He also exalteth the horn of his people , a praise unto all his pious servants , unto the children of Israel , a people near unto him . Hallelujah . * Hallelujah . Sing unto the Lord a new song , his praise in the congregation of the pious . * Let Israel rejoice in his Maker : let the children of Zion exult in their King . * Let them praise his name in the dance : with the timbrel and harp let them sing praises unto him . * For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people ; he will adorn the meek with salvation . * Let the pious be joyful in glory : let them sing aloud upon their couches . * The exalted praises of God are in their mouth , and a two –edged sword is in their hand ; * To execute vengeance on the nations , and chastisements on the people : * To bind their kings with chains , and their nobles with fetters of iron : * To execute upon them the judgment written : this is an honor for all his pious servants . Hallelujah . * Hallelujah . Praise ye God in his sanctuary : praise him in the expansion of his power . * Praise him for his acts of might : praise him according to the abundance of his greatness . * Praise him with the blowing of the cornet : praise him with the psaltery and harp . * Praise him with the timbrel and dance : praise him with stringed instruments and pipe . * Praise him upon the clear –ringing cymbals : praise him upon the high –sounding cymbals . * Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord . Hallelujah .

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[BookofPsalms] [Psalms:50] [Psalms:51-32] [Psalms:52] [Discuss] Tag Psalms:51-32 [Audio][Presentation]