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* I will sing of the loving kindness of LORD forever . With my mouth I will make known thy faithfulness to all generations . * For I have said , Mercy shall be built up forever . Thy faithfulness thou will establish in the very heavens . * I have made a covenant with my chosen . I have sworn to David my servant : * Thy seed I will establish forever , and build up thy throne to all generations . Selah . * And the heavens shall praise thy wonders , O LORD , thy faithfulness also in the assembly of the sanctified . * For who in the clouds can be compared to LORD ? Who among the sons of the mighty is like LORD , * a God very awesome in the council of the holy ones , and to be feared above all those who are round about him ? * O LORD God of hosts , who is a mighty one like thee , O LORD ? And thy faithfulness is round about thee . * Thou rule the pride of the sea . When the waves of it arise , thou still them . * Thou have broken Rahab in pieces , as a wounded man . Thou have scattered thine enemies with the arm of thy strength . * The heavens are thine , the earth also is thine , the world and the fullness of it ; thou have founded them . * The north and the south , thou have created them . Tabor and Hermon rejoice in thy name . * Thou have a mighty arm . Strong is thy hand , and high is thy right hand . * Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne . Loving kindness and truth go before thy face . * Blessed is the people who know the joyful sound . They walk , O LORD , in the light of thy countenance . * In thy name do they rejoice all the day , and in thy righteousness are they exalted . * For thou are the glory of their strength , and in thy favor our horn shall be exalted . * For our shield belongs to LORD , and our king to the Holy One of Israel . * Then thou spoke in a vision to thy sanctified , and said , I have laid help upon a mighty [man ]. I have exalted a chosen [man ] out of the people . * I have found David my servant . With my holy oil I have anointed him , * with whom my hand shall be established . My arm also shall strengthen him . * The enemy shall not exact from him , nor the son of wickedness afflict him . * And I will beat down his adversaries before him , and smite those who hate him , * but my faithfulness and my loving kindness shall be with him , and in my name shall his horn be exalted . * I will also set his hand on the sea , and his right hand on the rivers . * He shall cry to me , Thou are my Father , my God , and the rock of my salvation . * I also will make him first-born , the highest of the kings of the earth . * I will keep my loving kindness for him for evermore . And my covenant shall stand fast with him . * I will also make his seed to endure forever , and his throne as the days of heaven . * If his sons forsake my law , and walk not in my ordinances , * if they break my statutes , and keep not my commandments , * then I will visit their transgression with the rod , and their iniquity with stripes , * but my loving kindness I will not utterly take from him , nor allow my faithfulness to fail . * I will not break my covenant , nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips . * I have sworn once by my holiness ; I will not lie to David . * His seed shall endure forever , and his throne as the sun before me . * It shall be established forever as the moon , and [as ] the faithful witness in the sky . Selah . * But thou have cast off and rejected . Thou have been angry with thine anointed . * Thou have abhorred the covenant of thy servant . Thou have profaned his crown to the ground . * Thou have broken down all his hedges . Thou have brought his strongholds to ruin . * All who pass by the way rob him . He has become a reproach to his neighbors . * Thou have exalted the right hand of his adversaries . Thou have made all his enemies to rejoice . * Yea , thou turn back the edge of his sword , and have not made him to stand in the battle . * Thou have made his brightness to cease , and cast his throne down to the ground . * The days of his youth thou have shortened . Thou have covered him with shame . Selah . * How long , O LORD ? Will thou hide thyself forever ? Shall thy wrath burn like fire ? * O remember how short my time is , for what vanity thou have created all the sons of men ! * What man is he who shall live and not see death , who shall deliver his soul from the power of Sheol ? Selah . * LORD , where are thy former loving kindnesses , which thou swore to David in thy faithfulness ? * Remember , LORD , the reproach of thy servants , how I bear in my bosom all the mighty peoples , * with which thine enemies have reproached , O LORD , with which they have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed . * Blessed be LORD for evermore . Amen , and Amen .

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