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* {A Prayer of Moses , the man of God .} Lord , thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations . * Before the mountains were brought forth , and thou hadst formed the earth and the world , even from eternity to eternity thou art God . * Thou makest [mortal ] man to return to dust , and sayest , Return , children of men . * For a thousand years , in thy sight , are as yesterday when it is past , and [as ] a watch in the night . * Thou carriest them away as with a flood ; they are [as ] a sleep : in the morning they are like grass [that ] groweth up : * In the morning it flourisheth and groweth up ; in the evening it is cut down and withereth . * For we are consumed by thine anger , and by thy fury are we troubled . * Thou hast set our iniquities before thee , our secret [sins ] in the light of thy countenance . * For all our days pass away in thy wrath : we spend our years as a [passing ] thought . * The days of our years are threescore years and ten ; and if , by reason of strength , they be fourscore years , yet their pride is labour and vanity , for it is soon cut off , and we fly away . * Who knoweth the power of thine anger ? and thy wrath according to the fear of thee ? * So teach [us ] to number our days , that we may acquire a wise heart . * Return , Jehovah : how long ? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants . * Satisfy us early with thy loving-kindness ; that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days . * Make us glad according to the days [wherein ] thou hast afflicted us , according to the years [wherein ] we have seen evil . * Let thy work appear unto thy servants , and thy majesty unto their sons . * And let the beauty of Jehovah our God be upon us ; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us : yea , the work of our hands , establish thou it . * He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty . * I say of Jehovah , My refuge and my fortress ; my God , I will confide in him . * Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler , [and ] from the destructive pestilence . * He shall cover thee with his feathers , and under his wings shalt thou find refuge : his truth is a shield and buckler . * Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night , for the arrow that flieth by day , * For the pestilence that walketh in darkness , for the destruction that wasteth at noonday . * A thousand shall fall at thy side , and ten thousand at thy right hand ; [but ] it shall not come nigh thee . * Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold , and see the reward of the wicked . * Because thou hast made Jehovah , my refuge , the Most High , thy dwelling-place , * There shall no evil befall thee , neither shall any plague come nigh thy tent . * For he shall give his angels charge concerning thee , to keep thee in all thy ways : * They shall bear thee up in [their ] hands , lest thou dash thy foot against a stone . * Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder ; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot . * Because he hath set his love upon me , therefore will I deliver him ; I will set him on high , because he hath known my name . * He shall call upon me , and I will answer him ; I will be with him in trouble , I will deliver him and honour him . * With length of days will I satisfy him , and shew him my salvation . * {A Psalm , a Song , for the Sabbath day .} It is good to give thanks unto Jehovah , and to sing psalms unto thy name , O Most High ; * To declare thy loving-kindness in the morning , and thy faithfulness in the nights , * Upon an instrument of ten strings and upon the lute ; upon the Higgaion with the harp . * For thou , Jehovah , hast made me glad through thy work ; I will triumph in the works of thy hands . * Jehovah , how great are thy works ! Thy thoughts are very deep : * A brutish man knoweth not , neither doth a fool understand it . * When the wicked spring as the grass , and when all the workers of iniquity flourish , it is that they may be destroyed for ever . * And thou , Jehovah , art on high for evermore . * For lo , thine enemies , O Jehovah , for lo , thine enemies shall perish ; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered . * But my horn shalt thou exalt like a buffalo 's : I shall be anointed with fresh oil . * And mine eye shall see [its desire ] on mine enemies ; mine ears shall hear [it ] of the evil-doers that rise up against me . * The righteous shall shoot forth like a palm-tree ; he shall grow like a cedar on Lebanon . * Those that are planted in the house of Jehovah shall flourish in the courts of our God : * They are still vigorous in old age , they are full of sap and green ; * To shew that Jehovah is upright : [he is ] my rock , and there is no unrighteousness in him . * Jehovah reigneth , he hath clothed himself with majesty : Jehovah hath clothed himself , he hath girded himself with strength ; yea , the world is established , it shall not be moved . * Thy throne is established of old ; thou art from eternity . * The floods lifted up , O Jehovah , the floods lifted up their voice ; the floods lifted up their roaring waves . * Jehovah on high is mightier than the voices of many waters , than the mighty breakers of the sea . * Thy testimonies are very sure : holiness becometh thy house , O Jehovah , for ever . * O God of vengeances , Jehovah , �God of vengeances , shine forth ; * Lift up thyself , thou judge of the earth , render the reward to the proud . * How long shall the wicked , O Jehovah , how long shall the wicked triumph ? * [How long ] shall they utter [and ] speak insolence -- all the workers of iniquity boast themselves ? * They crush thy people , O Jehovah , and afflict thine inheritance ; * They slay the widow and the stranger , and murder the fatherless , * And say , Jah will not see , neither will the God of Jacob regard [it ]. * Understand , ye brutish among the people ; and ye fools , when will ye be wise ? * He that planted the ear , shall he not hear ? He that formed the eye , shall he not see ? * He that instructeth the nations , shall not he correct -- he that teacheth man knowledge ? * Jehovah knoweth the thoughts of man , that they are vanity . * Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest , O Jah , and whom thou teachest out of thy law ; * That thou mayest give him rest from the days of evil , until the pit be digged for the wicked . * For Jehovah will not cast off his people , neither will he forsake his inheritance ; * For judgment shall return unto righteousness , and all the upright in heart shall follow it . * Who will rise up for me against the evil-doers ? who will stand for me against the workers of iniquity ? * If Jehovah had not been my help , my soul had almost dwelt in silence . * When I said , My foot slippeth , thy loving-kindness , O Jehovah , held me up . * In the multitude of my anxious thoughts within me thy comforts have delighted my soul . * Shall the throne of wickedness be united to thee , which frameth mischief into a law ? * They band together against the soul of the righteous , and condemn innocent blood . * But Jehovah will be my high tower ; and my God the rock of my refuge . * And he will bring upon them their iniquity , and will cut them off in their own evil : Jehovah our God will cut them off . * Come , let us sing aloud to Jehovah , let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation ; * Let us come before his face with thanksgiving ; let us shout aloud unto him with psalms . * For Jehovah is a great God , and a great king above all gods . * In his hand are the deep places of the earth ; the heights of the mountains are his also : * The sea is his , and he made it , and his hands formed the dry [land ]. * Come , let us worship and bow down ; let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker . * For he is our God ; and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand . To-day if ye hear his voice , * Harden not your heart , as at Meribah , as [in ] the day of Massah , in the wilderness ; * When your fathers tempted me , proved me , and saw my work . * Forty years was I grieved with the generation , and said , It is a people that do err in their heart , and they have not known my ways ; * So that I swore in mine anger , that they should not enter into my rest . * Sing ye unto Jehovah a new song : sing unto Jehovah , all the earth . * Sing unto Jehovah , bless his name ; publish his salvation from day to day . * Declare his glory among the nations , his wondrous works among all the peoples . * For Jehovah is great and exceedingly to be praised ; he is terrible above all gods . * For all the gods of the peoples are idols ; but Jehovah made the heavens . * Majesty and splendour are before him ; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary . * Give unto Jehovah , ye families of peoples , give unto Jehovah glory and strength ; * Give unto Jehovah the glory of his name ; bring an oblation and come into his courts ; * Worship Jehovah in holy splendour ; tremble before him , all the earth . * Say among the nations , Jehovah reigneth ! yea , the world is established , it shall not be moved ; he will execute judgment upon the peoples with equity . * Let the heavens rejoice , and let the earth be glad ; let the sea roar , and the fulness thereof ; * Let the field exult and all that is therein . Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy , * Before Jehovah , for he cometh ; for he cometh to judge the earth : he will judge the world with righteousness , and the peoples in his faithfulness . * Jehovah reigneth : let the earth be glad , let the many isles rejoice . * Clouds and darkness are round about him ; righteousness and judgment are the foundation of his throne . * A fire goeth before him , and burneth up his adversaries round about . * His lightnings lightened the world : the earth saw , and trembled . * The mountains melted like wax at the presence of Jehovah , at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth . * The heavens declare his righteousness , and all the peoples see his glory . * Ashamed be all they that serve graven images , that boast themselves of idols . Worship him , all ye gods . * Zion heard , and rejoiced ; and the daughters of Judah were glad , because of thy judgments , O Jehovah . * For thou , Jehovah , art the Most High above all the earth ; thou art exalted exceedingly above all gods . * Ye that love Jehovah , hate evil : he preserveth the souls of his saints , he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked . * Light is sown for the righteous , and joy for the upright in heart . * Rejoice in Jehovah , ye righteous ; and give thanks in remembrance of his holiness . * {A Psalm .} Sing ye unto Jehovah a new song : for he hath done wondrous things ; his right hand and his holy arm hath wrought salvation for him . * Jehovah hath made known his salvation : his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the nations . * He hath remembered his loving-kindness and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel : all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God . * Shout aloud unto Jehovah , all the earth ; break forth and shout for joy , and sing psalms . * Sing psalms unto Jehovah with the harp : with the harp , and the voice of a song ; * With trumpets and sound of cornet , make a joyful noise before the King , Jehovah . * Let the sea roar , and the fulness thereof ; the world , and they that dwell therein ; * Let the floods clap [their ] hands ; let the mountains sing for joy together , * Before Jehovah , for he cometh to judge the earth : he will judge the world with righteousness , and the peoples with equity . * Jehovah reigneth : let the peoples tremble . He sitteth [between the ] cherubim : let the earth be moved . * Jehovah is great in Zion , and he is high above all the peoples . * They shall praise thy great and terrible name , -- it is holy ! -- * And the strength of the king that loveth justice . Thou hast established equity : it is thou that executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob . * Exalt Jehovah our God , and worship at his footstool . He is holy ! * Moses and Aaron among his priests , and Samuel among them that call upon his name : they called unto Jehovah , and he answered them . * He spoke unto them in the pillar of cloud : they kept his testimonies , and the statute that he gave them . * Jehovah , our God , thou answeredst them : a forgiving God wast thou unto them , though thou tookest vengeance of their doings . * Exalt Jehovah our God , and worship at the hill of his holiness ; for holy is Jehovah our God . * {A Psalm of thanksgiving .} Shout aloud unto Jehovah , all the earth ! * Serve Jehovah with joy : come before his presence with exultation . * Know that Jehovah is God : it is he that hath made us , and not we ourselves ; [we are ] his people , and the sheep of his pasture . * Enter into his gates with thanksgiving [and ] into his courts with praise ; give thanks unto him , bless his name : * For Jehovah is good ; his loving-kindness [endureth ] for ever ; and his faithfulness from generation to generation . * {A Psalm of David .} I will sing of loving-kindness and judgment : unto thee , Jehovah , will I sing psalms . * I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way . When wilt thou come unto me ? I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart . * I will set no thing of Belial before mine eyes : I hate the work of them that turn aside ; it shall not cleave to me . * A perverse heart shall depart from me ; I will not know evil . * Whoso secretly slandereth his neighbour , him will I destroy ; him that hath a high look and a proud heart will I not suffer . * Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land , that they may dwell with me ; he that walketh in a perfect way , he shall serve me . * He that practiseth deceit shall not dwell within my house ; he that speaketh falsehoods shall not subsist in my sight . * Every morning will I destroy all the wicked of the land : to cut off all workers of iniquity from the city of Jehovah . * {A Prayer of the afflicted , when he is overwhelmed , and poureth out his complaint before Jehovah .} Jehovah , hear my prayer , and let my cry come unto thee . * Hide not thy face from me : in the day of my trouble , incline thine ear unto me ; in the day I call , answer me speedily . * For my days are consumed like smoke , and my bones are burned as a firebrand . * My heart is smitten and withered like grass ; yea , I have forgotten to eat my bread . * By reason of the voice of my groaning , my bones cleave to my flesh . * I am become like the pelican of the wilderness , I am as an owl in desolate places ; * I watch , and am like a sparrow alone upon the housetop . * Mine enemies reproach me all the day ; they that are mad against me swear by me . * For I have eaten ashes like bread , and mingled my drink with weeping , * Because of thine indignation and thy wrath ; for thou hast lifted me up , and cast me down . * My days are like a lengthened-out shadow , and I , I am withered like grass . * But thou , Jehovah , abidest for ever , and thy memorial from generation to generation . * Thou wilt rise up , thou wilt have mercy upon Zion : for it is the time to be gracious to her , for the set time is come . * For thy servants take pleasure in her stones , and favour her dust . * And the nations shall fear the name of Jehovah , and all the kings of the earth thy glory . * When Jehovah shall build up Zion , he will appear in his glory . * He will regard the prayer of the destitute one , and not despise their prayer . * This shall be written for the generation to come ; and a people that shall be created shall praise Jah : * For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary ; from the heavens hath Jehovah beheld the earth , * To hear the groaning of the prisoner , to loose those that are appointed to die ; * That the name of Jehovah may be declared in Zion , and his praise in Jerusalem , * When the peoples shall be gathered together , and the kingdoms , to serve Jehovah . * He weakened my strength in the way , he shortened my days . * I said , My God , take me not away in the midst of my days !... Thy years are from generation to generation . * Of old hast thou founded the earth , and the heavens are the work of thy hands : * They shall perish , but thou continuest ; and all of them shall grow old as a garment : as a vesture shalt thou change them , and they shall be changed . * But thou art the Same , and thy years shall have no end . * The children of thy servants shall abide , and their seed shall be established before thee . * {[A Psalm ] of David .} Bless Jehovah , O my soul ; and all that is within me , [bless ] his holy name ! * Bless Jehovah , O my soul , and forget not all his benefits : * Who forgiveth all thine iniquities , who healeth all thy diseases ; * Who redeemeth thy life from the pit , who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies ; * Who satisfieth thine old age with good [things ]; thy youth is renewed like the eagle 's . * Jehovah executeth righteousness and justice for all that are oppressed . * He made known his ways unto Moses , his acts unto the children of Israel . * Jehovah is merciful and gracious , slow to anger , and abundant in loving-kindness . * He will not always chide , neither will he keep [his anger ] for ever . * He hath not dealt with us according to our sins , nor rewarded us according to our iniquities . * For as the heavens are high above the earth , so great is his loving-kindness toward them that fear him . * As far as the east is from the west , so far hath he removed our transgressions from us . * As a father pitieth [his ] children , so Jehovah pitieth them that fear him . * For himself knoweth our frame ; he remembereth that we are dust . * As for man , his days are as grass ; as a flower of the field , so he flourisheth : * For the wind passeth over it , and it is gone , and the place thereof knoweth it no more . * But the loving-kindness of Jehovah is from everlasting and to everlasting , upon them that fear him , and his righteousness unto children 's children , * To such as keep his covenant and to those that remember his precepts to do them . * Jehovah hath established his throne in the heavens , and his kingdom ruleth over all . * Bless Jehovah , ye his angels , mighty in strength , that execute his word , hearkening unto the voice of his word . * Bless Jehovah , all ye his hosts ; ye ministers of his that do his will . * Bless Jehovah , all his works , in all places of his dominion . Bless Jehovah , O my soul ! * Bless Jehovah , O my soul ! Jehovah my God , thou art very great ; thou art clothed with majesty and splendour ; * Covering thyself with light as with a garment , stretching out the heavens like a tent-curtain ; -- * Who layeth the beams of his upper chambers in the waters , who maketh clouds his chariot , who walketh upon the wings of the wind ; * Who maketh his angels spirits ; his ministers a flame of fire . * He laid the earth upon its foundations : it shall not be removed for ever . * Thou hadst covered it with the deep , as with a vesture ; the waters stood above the mountains : * At thy rebuke they fled , at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away ; -- * The mountains rose , the valleys sank , unto the place which thou hadst founded for them ; -- * Thou hast set a bound which they may not pass over , that they turn not again to cover the earth . * He sendeth the springs into the valleys : they run among the mountains ; * They give drink to every beast of the field ; the wild asses quench their thirst . * The birds of heaven dwell by them ; they give forth their voice from among the branches . * He watereth the mountains from his upper-chambers : the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works . * He maketh the grass to grow for the cattle , and herb for the service of man ; bringing forth bread out of the earth , * And wine which gladdeneth the heart of man ; making [his ] face shine with oil ; and with bread he strengtheneth man 's heart . * The trees of Jehovah are satisfied , the cedars of Lebanon , which he hath planted , * Where the birds make their nests ; [as for ] the stork , the fir trees are her house . * The high mountains are for the wild goats ; the cliffs , a refuge for the rock-badgers . * He made the moon for seasons : the sun knoweth its going down . * Thou makest darkness , and it is night , wherein all the beasts of the forest creep forth : * The young lions roar after the prey , and to seek their food from God . * The sun ariseth , they retreat , and lay them down in their dens . * Man goeth forth unto his work , and to his labour until the evening . * How manifold are thy works , O Jehovah ! in wisdom hast thou made them all : the earth is full of thy riches . * Yonder is the great and wide sea : therein are moving things innumerable , living creatures small and great . * There go the ships ; [there ] that leviathan , which thou hast formed to play therein . * These all look unto thee , that thou mayest give their food in its season : * That thou givest unto them , they gather ; thou openest thy hand , they are filled with good . * Thou hidest thy face , they are troubled ; thou takest away their breath , they expire and return to their dust . * Thou sendest forth thy spirit , they are created , and thou renewest the face of the earth . * The glory of Jehovah will endure for ever ; Jehovah will rejoice in his works . * He looketh on the earth , and it trembleth ; he toucheth the mountains , and they smoke . * I will sing unto Jehovah as long as I live ; I will sing psalms to my God while I have my being . * My meditation shall be pleasant unto him ; I will rejoice in Jehovah . * Sinners shall be consumed out of the earth , and the wicked shall be no more . Bless Jehovah , O my soul . Hallelujah ! * Give ye thanks unto Jehovah , call upon his name ; make known his acts among the peoples . * Sing unto him , sing psalms unto him ; meditate upon all his wondrous works . * Glory ye in his holy name : let the heart of them rejoice that seek Jehovah . * Seek Jehovah and his strength , seek his face continually ; * Remember his wondrous works which he hath done , his miracles and the judgments of his mouth : * Ye seed of Abraham his servant , ye sons of Jacob , his chosen ones . * He , Jehovah , is our God ; his judgments are in all the earth . * He is ever mindful of his covenant , -- the word which he commanded to a thousand generations , -- * Which he made with Abraham , and of his oath unto Isaac ; * And he confirmed it unto Jacob for a statute , unto Israel for an everlasting covenant , * Saying , Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan , the lot of your inheritance ; * When they were a few men in number , of small account , and strangers in it . * And they went from nation to nation , from one kingdom to another people . * He suffered no man to oppress them , and reproved kings for their sakes , * [Saying ,] Touch not mine anointed ones , and do my prophets no harm . * And he called for a famine upon the land ; he broke the whole staff of bread . * He sent a man before them : Joseph was sold for a bondman . * They afflicted his feet with fetters ; his soul came into irons ; * Until the time when what he said came about : the word of Jehovah tried him . * The king sent and loosed him -- the ruler of peoples -- and let him go free . * He made him lord of his house , and ruler over all his possessions : * To bind his princes at his pleasure , and teach his elders wisdom . * And Israel came into Egypt , and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham . * And he made his people exceeding fruitful , and made them mightier than their oppressors . * He turned their heart to hate his people , to deal subtilly with his servants . * He sent Moses his servant , [and ] Aaron whom he had chosen : * They set his signs among them , and miracles in the land of Ham . * He sent darkness , and made it dark ; and they rebelled not against his word . * He turned their waters into blood , and caused their fish to die . * Their land swarmed with frogs , -- in the chambers of their kings . * He spoke , and there came dog-flies , [and ] gnats in all their borders . * He gave them hail for rain , [and ] flaming fire in their land ; * And he smote their vines and their fig-trees , and broke the trees of their borders . * He spoke , and the locust came , and the cankerworm , even without number ; * And they devoured every herb in their land , and ate up the fruit of their ground . * And he smote every firstborn in their land , the firstfruits of all their vigour . * And he brought them forth with silver and gold ; and there was not one feeble among their tribes . * Egypt rejoiced at their departure ; for the fear of them had fallen upon them . * He spread a cloud for a covering , and fire to give light in the night . * They asked , and he brought quails , and satisfied them with the bread of heaven . * He opened the rock , and waters gushed forth ; they ran in the dry places [like ] a river . * For he remembered his holy word , [and ] Abraham his servant ; * And he brought forth his people with gladness , his chosen with rejoicing ; * And he gave them the lands of the nations , and they took possession of the labour of the peoples : * That they might keep his statutes , and observe his laws . Hallelujah ! * Hallelujah ! Give ye thanks unto Jehovah ; for he is good ; for his loving-kindness [endureth ] for ever . * Who can utter the mighty acts of Jehovah ? [who ] can shew forth all his praise ? * Blessed are they that keep justice , [and ] he that doeth righteousness at all times . * Remember me , O Jehovah , with [thy ] favour toward thy people ; visit me with thy salvation : * That I may see the prosperity of thy chosen ones , that I may rejoice in the joy of thy nation , that I may glory with thine inheritance . * We have sinned with our fathers , we have committed iniquity , we have done wickedly . * Our fathers in Egypt considered not thy wondrous works ; they remembered not the multitude of thy loving-kindnesses ; but they rebelled at the sea , at the Red Sea . * Yet he saved them for his name 's sake , that he might make known his might . * And he rebuked the Red Sea , and it dried up ; and he led them through the deeps as through a wilderness . * And he saved them from the hand of him that hated [them ], and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy . * And the waters covered their oppressors : there was not one of them left . * Then believed they his words ; they sang his praise . * They soon forgot his works ; they waited not for his counsel : * And they lusted exceedingly in the wilderness , and tempted God in the desert . * Then he gave them their request , but sent leanness into their soul . * And they envied Moses in the camp , [and ] Aaron , the saint of Jehovah . * The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan , and covered the company of Abiram ; * And fire was kindled in their company ; a flame burned up the wicked . * They made a calf in Horeb , and did homage to a molten image ; * And they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass . * They forgot God their Saviour , who had done great things in Egypt , * Wondrous works in the land of Ham , terrible things by the Red Sea . * And he said that he would destroy them , had not Moses , his chosen , stood before him in the breach , to turn away his fury , lest he should destroy [them ]. * And they despised the pleasant land ; they believed not his word , * But murmured in their tents : they hearkened not unto the voice of Jehovah . * And he lifted up his hand to them , that he would make them fall in the wilderness ; * And that he would make their seed fall among the nations , and disperse them through the countries . * And they joined themselves unto Baal-Peor , and ate the sacrifices of the dead ; * And they provoked [him ] to anger with their doings ; and a plague broke out among them . * Then stood up Phinehas and executed judgment , and the plague was stayed ; * And that was reckoned unto him for righteousness , from generation to generation , for evermore . * And they moved him to wrath at the waters of Meribah , and it went ill with Moses on their account ; * For they provoked his spirit , so that he spoke unadvisedly with his lips . * They did not destroy the peoples , as Jehovah commanded them ; * But they mingled with the nations , and learned their works ; * And they served their idols ; and they were a snare unto them : * And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto demons , * And shed innocent blood , the blood of their sons and of their daughters , whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan ; and the land was polluted with blood . * And they were defiled with their works , and went a-whoring in their doings . * Then was the anger of Jehovah kindled against his people , and he abhorred his inheritance ; * And he gave them into the hand of the nations ; and they that hated them ruled over them : * And their enemies oppressed them , and they were brought into subjection under their hand . * Often did he deliver them ; but as for them they provoked [him ] by their counsel , and they were brought low by their iniquity . * But he regarded their distress , when he heard their cry ; * And he remembered for them his covenant , and repented according to the multitude of his loving-kindnesses ; * And he caused them to find compassion of all those that had carried them captives . * Save us , Jehovah our God , and gather us from among the nations , to give thanks unto thy holy name , [and ] to triumph in thy praise . * Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel , from eternity and to eternity ! And let all the people say , Amen ! Hallelujah ! * Give ye thanks unto Jehovah ; for he is good ; for his loving-kindness [endureth ] for ever .

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[BookofPsalms] [Psalms:89] [Psalms:90-106 ] [Psalms:91] [Discuss] Tag Psalms:90-106 [Audio][Presentation]