
rwp@Revelation:1:8 @{The Alpha and the Omega} (\to Alpha kai to O\). The first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet, each with its own neuter (grammatical gender) article. This description of the eternity of God recurs in strkjv@21:6| with the added explanation \hˆ archˆ kai to telos\ (the Beginning and the End) and of Christ in strkjv@22:13| with the still further explanation \ho pr“tos kai ho eschatos\ (the First and the Last). This last phrase appears also in strkjv@1:17; strkjv@2:8| without \to Alpha kai to O\. The change of speaker here is unannounced, as in strkjv@16:15; strkjv@18:20|. Only here and strkjv@21:5f|. is God introduced as the speaker. The eternity of God guarantees the prophecy just made. {The Lord God} (\Kurios ho theos\). "The Lord the God." Common phrase in Ezekiel (Ezekiel:6:3,11; strkjv@7:2|, etc.) and in this book (4:8; strkjv@11:17; strkjv@15:3; strkjv@16:7; strkjv@19:6; strkjv@21:22|). See strkjv@1:4; strkjv@4:8| for the triple use of \ho\, etc. to express the eternity of God. {The Almighty} (\ho pantokrat“r\). Late compound (\pƒs\ and \krate“\), in Cretan inscription and a legal papyrus, common in LXX and Christian papyri, in N.T. only in strkjv@2Corinthians:6:18| (from strkjv@Jeremiah:38:35|) and strkjv@Revelation:1:8; strkjv@4:8; strkjv@11:17; strkjv@15:3; strkjv@16:7,14; strkjv@19:6,15; strkjv@21:22|.

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