
Seeker Overlay ON

* And there was given unto me a reed , like unto a staff , saying Rise , and measure the Sanctuary of God , and the altar , and them who are doing homage therein ; * and , the court that is outside the Sanctuary , cast thou outside , and do not measure , it , because it hath been given unto the nations , and , the holy city , shall they tread under foot , forty and two months . * And I will give unto my two witnesses , that they shall prophesy , a thousand two hundred and sixty days , arrayed in sackcloth . * These , are the two olive-trees , and the two lamps , which , before the Lord of the earth , do stand . * And , if any one , upon them , chooseth to inflict injury , fire , cometh forth out of their mouth , and devoureth their enemies ; and , if anyone shall choose , upon them , to inflict injury , thus , must he be slain . * These , have authority to shut heaven , in order that , no rain , be moistening in the days of their prophesying ; and , authority , have they , over the waters , to be turning them into blood , and to smite the land , with any manner of plague , as often as they will . * And , as soon as they have completed their witnessing , the wild-beast that is to come up out of the abyss , will make war with them , and overcome them , and slay them . * And their dead bodies upon the broadway of the great city , the which is called , spiritually , Sodom and Egypt , where , their Lord also was crucified . * And of the peoples , and tribes , and tongues , and nations , see , their dead bodies three days and a half , and , their dead bodies , do they not suffer to be put into a tomb . * And , they who are dwelling upon the earth , rejoice over them , and make merry , and , gifts , will they send one to another , because , these two prophets , tormented them that were dwelling upon the earth . * And , after the three days and a half , a spirit of life from God , entered within them , and they stood upon their feet ; and , great fear , fell upon them who were beholding them . * And they heard a loud voice out of heaven , saying unto them Come up hither ! And they went up into heaven , in the cloud , and , their enemies , beheld them . * And , in that hour , there came to be a great earthquake ; and , the tenth of the city , fell , and there were slain , in the earthquake , names of menseven thousand . And , the rest , became , greatly afraid , and gave glory unto the God of heaven . * The second Woe , hath passed away , lo ! the third Woe , cometh speedily .

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[BookofRevelation] [Revelation:10] [Revelation:11] [Revelation:12] [Discuss] Tag Revelation:11:1-14 [Audio][Presentation]