
rwp@Revelation:11:10 @{They that dwell upon the earth} (\hoi katoikountes epi tˆs gˆs\). Present active articular participle of \katoike“\, "an Apocalyptic formula" (Swete) for the non-Christian world (3:10; strkjv@6:10; strkjv@8:13; strkjv@13:8,12,14; strkjv@17:8|). {Rejoice} (\chairousin\). Present active indicative of \chair“\. {Over them} (\ep' autois\). Locative (or dative) case with \epi\ as in strkjv@10:11|. {Make merry} (\euphrainontai\). Present middle indicative of \euphrain“\, old verb (\eu, phrˆn\, jolly mind), as in strkjv@Luke:15:32; strkjv@Revelation:12:12; strkjv@18:20|. Jubilant jollification over the cessation of the activity of the two prophets. {They shall send gifts to one another} (\d“ra pempsousin allˆlois\). Future active of \pemp“\ with dative \allˆlois\. Just as we see it done in strkjv@Esther:9:19,22; strkjv@Nehemiah:8:10,12|. {Tormented} (\ebasanisan\). First aorist active indicative of \basaniz“\, for which see strkjv@9:5|. This is the reason (\hoti\) of the fiendish glee of Jew and Gentile, who no longer will have to endure the prophecies (11:3f.|) and dread miracles (11:5f.|) of these two prophets. "Such a sense of relief is perhaps not seldom felt today by bad men when a preacher of righteousness or a signal example of goodness is removed" (Swete).

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