
rwp@Revelation:14:10 @{He also shall drink} (\kai autos pietai\). Future middle of \pin“\. Certainty for him as for Babylon and her paramours (16:17|). {Of the wine of the wrath of God} (\ek tou oinou tou thumou tou theou\). Note \ek\ (partitive) after \pietai\. In strkjv@16:19; strkjv@19:15| we have both \thumou\ and \orgˆs\ (wrath of the anger of God). The white heat of God's anger, held back through the ages, will be turned loose. {Prepared unmixed} (\tou kekerasmenou akratou\). A bold and powerful oxymoron, "the mixed unmixed." \Akratos\ is an old adjective (alpha privative and \kerannumi\ to mix) used of wine unmixed with water (usually so mixed), here only in N.T. Songs:it is strong wine mixed (perfect passive participle of \kerannumi\) with spices to make it still stronger (cf. strkjv@Psalms:75:9|). {In the cup of his anger} (\en t“i potˆri“i tˆs orgˆs autou\). Both \thumos\ (vehement fury) and \orgˆ\ (settled indignation). {He shall be tormented} (\basanisthˆsetai\). Future passive of \basaniz“\. See strkjv@9:5; strkjv@11:10|. {With fire and brimstone} (\en puri kai thei“i\). See strkjv@9:17| for fire and brimstone and also strkjv@19:20; strkjv@20:10; strkjv@21:8|. The imagery is already in strkjv@Genesis:19:24; strkjv@Isaiah:30:33; strkjv@Ezekiel:38:22|. {In the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb} (\en“pion aggel“n hagi“n kai en“pion tou arniou\). This holy environment adds to the punishment.

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