
rwp@Revelation:14:2 @{As a voice of many waters} (\h“s ph“nˆn hudat“n poll“n\). For which see strkjv@1:15|. {Of a great thunder} (\brontˆs megalˆs\). For which see strkjv@6:1; strkjv@19:6|. For this voice out of heaven see strkjv@10:4; strkjv@14:15; strkjv@18:4| and note accusative with \ˆkousa\. {As the voice of harpers harping with their harps} (\h“s kithar“id“n kitharizont“n en tais kitharais aut“n\). Triple use of \kithara\ (5:8|), \kithar“id“n\ (18:22|), \kitharizont“n\ (old verb \kithariz“\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:14:7|). Wonderful melody in this chorus by the angels, not by the 144,000.

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