
rwp@Revelation:16:15 @{Behold, I come as a thief} (\idou erchomai h“s kleptˆs\). The voice of Christ breaks in with the same metaphor as in strkjv@3:3|, which see. There comes one of seven beatitudes in Rev. (1:3; strkjv@14:13; strkjv@16:15; strkjv@19:9; strkjv@20:6; strkjv@22:7,14|). For \grˆgor“n\ (watching) see strkjv@3:2|, and for \tˆr“n\ (keeping), strkjv@1:3|. {Lest he walk naked} (\hina mˆ gumnos peripatˆi\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the present active subjunctive of \peripate“\, and note predicate nominative \gumnos\ (naked). {And they see his shame} (\kai blep“sin tˆn aschˆmosunˆn autou\). Continuation of the final clause with present active subjunctive of \blep“\. \Aschˆmosunˆn\ is old word (from \aschˆm“n\, indecent, strkjv@1Corinthians:12:23|), in N.T. only here and strkjv@Romans:1:27|, a euphemism for \tˆn aischunˆn\ (Revelation:3:18|).

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