
rwp@Revelation:2:1 @{In Ephesus} (\en Ephes“i\). Near the sea on the river Cayster, the foremost city of Asia Minor, the temple-keeper of Artemis and her wonderful temple (Acts:19:35|), the home of the magic arts (Ephesian letters, strkjv@Acts:19:19|) and of the mystery-cults, place of Paul's three years' stay (Acts:19:1-10; strkjv@20:17-38|), where Aquila and Priscilla and Apollos laboured (Acts:18:24-28|), where Timothy wrought (I and II Tim.), where the Apostle John preached in his old age. Surely it was a place of great privilege, of great preaching. It was about sixty miles from Patmos and the messenger would reach Ephesus first. It is a free city, a seat of proconsular government (Acts:19:38|), the end of the great road from the Euphrates. The port was a place of shifting sands, due to the silting up of the mouth of the Cayster. Ramsay (_Letters to the Seven Churches_, p. 210) calls it "the City of Change." {These things} (\tade\). This demonstrative seven times here, once with the message to each church (2:1,8,12,18; strkjv@2:1,7,14|), only once elsewhere in N.T. (Acts:21:11|). {He that holdeth} (\ho krat“n\). Present active articular participle of \krate“\, a stronger word than \ech“n\ in strkjv@1:16|, to which it refers. {He that walketh} (\ho peripat“n\). Present active articular participle of \peripate“\, an allusion to strkjv@1:13|. These two epithets are drawn from the picture of Christ in strkjv@1:13-18|, and appropriately to conditions in Ephesus describe Christ's power over the churches as he moves among them.

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