
rwp@Revelation:2:15 @{Songs:thou also} (\hout“s kai su\). Thou and the church at Pergamum as Israel had the wiles of Balaam. {The teaching of the Nicolaitans likewise} (\tˆn didachˆn t“n Nikolait“n homoi“s\). See on ¯1:6| for the Nicolaitans. The use of \homoi“s\ (likewise) here shows that they followed Balaam in not obeying the decision of the Conference at Jerusalem (Acts:15:20,29|) about idolatry and fornication, with the result that they encouraged a return to pagan laxity of morals (Swete). Some wrongly hold that these Nicolaitans were Pauline Christians in the face of strkjv@Colossians:3:5-8; strkjv@Ephesians:5:3-6|.

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