
rwp@Revelation:2:18 @{In Thyatira} (\en Thuateirois\). Some forty miles south-east of Pergamum, a Lydian city on the edge of Mysia, under Rome since B.C. 190, a centre of trade, especially for the royal purple, home of Lydia of Philippi (Acts:16:14f.|), shown by inscriptions to be full of trade guilds, Apollo the chief deity with no emperor-worship, centre of activity by the Nicolaitans with their idolatry and licentiousness under a "prophetess" who defied the church there. Ramsay calls it "Weakness Made Strong" (_op. cit._, p. 316). {The Son of God} (\ho huios tou theou\). Here Jesus is represented as calling himself by this title as in strkjv@John:11:4| and as he affirms on oath in strkjv@Matthew:26:63f|. "The Word of God" occurs in strkjv@19:13|. {His eyes like a flame of fire} (\tous ophthalmous autou h“s phloga puros\). As in strkjv@1:14|. {His feet like burnished brass} (\hoi podes autou homoioi chalkoliban“i\). As in strkjv@1:15|.

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