
rwp@Revelation:2:23 @{I will kill with death} (\apokten“ en thanat“i\). Future (volitive) active of \apoktein“\ with the tautological (cognate) \en thanat“i\ (in the sense of pestilence) as in strkjv@Ezekiel:33:27|. {Her children} (\ta tekna autˆs\). Either her actual children, like the fate of Ahab's sons (2Kings:10:7|) or "her spiritual progeny" (Swete) who have completely accepted her Nicolaitan practices. {Shall know} (\gn“sontai\). Future (ingressive punctiliar) middle of \gin“sk“\, "shall come to know." "The doom of the offenders was to be known as widely as the scandal had been" (Charles). {Searcheth} (\eraun“n\). Present active articular participle of \erauna“\, to follow up, to track out, late form for \ereuna“\, from strkjv@Jeremiah:17:10|. {Reins} (\nephrous\). Old word for kidneys, here only in N.T., quoted also with \kardias\ from strkjv@Jeremiah:17:10|. See strkjv@22:17| for the reward of punishment.

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