
rwp@Revelation:2:9 @{Thy tribulation and thy poverty} (\sou tˆn thlipsin kai pt“cheian\). Separate articles of same gender, emphasizing each item. The tribulation was probably persecution, which helped to intensify the poverty of the Christians (James:2:5; strkjv@1Corinthians:1:26; strkjv@2Corinthians:6:10; strkjv@8:2|). In contrast with the wealthy church in Laodicea (3:17|). {But thou art rich} (\alla plousios ei\). Parenthesis to show the spiritual riches of this church in contrast with the spiritual poverty in Laodicea (3:17|), this a rich poor church, that a poor rich church. Rich in grace toward God (Luke:12:21|) and in good deeds (1Timothy:6:18|). Perhaps Jews and pagans had pillaged their property (Hebrews:10:34|), poor as they already were. {Blasphemy} (\blasphˆmian\). Reviling believers in Christ. See strkjv@Mark:7:22|. The precise charge by these Jews is not indicated, but see strkjv@Acts:13:45|. {Of them which say} (\ek t“n legont“n\). "From those saying" (\ek\ with the ablative plural of the present active articular participle of \leg“\). {They are Jews} (\Ioudaious einai heautous\). This is the accusative of general reference and the infinitive in indirect discourse after \leg“\ (Acts:5:36; strkjv@8:9|) even though \legont“n\ is here ablative (cf. strkjv@3:9|), common idiom. These are actual Jews and only Jews, not Christians. {And they are not} (\kai ouk eisin\). Another parenthesis like that in strkjv@2:2|. These are Jews in name only, not spiritual Jews (Galatians:6:15f., strkjv@Romans:2:28|). {A synagogue of Satan} (\sunag“gˆ tou Satanƒ\). In strkjv@3:9| again and note strkjv@2:13,24|, serving the devil (John:8:44|) instead of the Lord (Numbers:16:3; strkjv@20:4|).

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