
rwp@Revelation:21:3 @{The tabernacle of God is with men} (\hˆ skˆnˆ tou theou meta t“n anthr“p“n\). It is one of the angels of the Presence (16:17; strkjv@19:5|) speaking. {And he shall dwell with them} (\kai skˆn“sei met' aut“n\). Future active of \skˆno“\, already in strkjv@7:15| from strkjv@Ezekiel:37:27; strkjv@Zechariah:2:10; strkjv@8:8| and used of the Incarnate Christ on earth by John (John:1:14|), now a blessed reality of the Father. The metaphor stands for the Shekinah Glory of God in the old tabernacle (7:15; strkjv@13:6; strkjv@15:5|), the true tabernacle of which it was a picture (Hebrews:8:2; strkjv@9:11|). God is now Immanuel in fact, as was true of Christ (Matthew:1:23|).

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