
rwp@Revelation:3:10 @{Patience} (\hupomenˆs\). "Endurance" as in strkjv@13:10; strkjv@14:12| as also in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:5|. {Thou didst keep} (\etˆrˆsas\) {--I also will keep} (\kag“ tˆrˆs“\). Aorist active indicative and future active corresponding to each other. For a like play on the tenses of this verb by Christ see strkjv@John:17:6| (\tetˆrˆkan\), strkjv@John:17:11| (\tˆrˆson\), strkjv@John:17:12| (\etˆroun\). {From the hour of trial} (\ek tˆs h“ras tou peirasmou\). This use of \ek\ after \tˆre“\ in strkjv@John:17:15|, \apo\ in strkjv@James:1:27|. Trial brings temptation often (James:1:2,13|). Jesus endured (Hebrews:12:1f.|) and he will help them. There is still a church in Philadelphia in spite of the Turks. {Which is to come} (\tˆs mellousˆs erchesthai\). Agreeing with \h“ras\ (feminine), not with \peirasmou\ (masculine). {Upon the whole world} (\epi tˆs epoikoumenˆs holˆs\). The inhabited earth (\gˆs\) as in strkjv@Revelation:12:19; strkjv@Luke:2:1; strkjv@Acts:16:6|, etc.), not the physical earth, but the world of men as explained by the next clause. {To try} (\peirasai\). First aorist active infinitive of purpose from \peiraz“\, probably to tempt (cf. the demons in strkjv@9:1-21|), not merely to afflict (2:10|). {That dwell upon the earth} (\tous katoikountas epi tˆs gˆs\). Present active articular participle of \katoike“\, explaining "the whole world" just before.

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