
rwp@Revelation:3:9 @{I give} (\did“\). Late omega form for \did“mi\, but the \-mi\ form in strkjv@17:13| (\didoasin\). These Jewish converts are a gift from Christ. For this use of \did“mi\ see strkjv@Acts:2:27; strkjv@10:40; strkjv@14:3|. There is ellipse of \tinas\ before \ek\ as in strkjv@2:10| (\ex hum“n\) and see strkjv@2:9| for "the synagogue of Satan." {Of them which say} (\t“n legont“n\). Ablative plural in apposition with \sunag“gˆs\. On the construction of \heautous Ioudaious einai\ see on ¯2:9| (\Ioudaious einai heautous\, the order of words being immaterial). {But do lie} (\alla pseudontai\). Present middle indicative of \pseudomai\, explanatory positive, addition here to \kai ouk eisin\ of strkjv@2:9|, in contrast also with \ho alˆthinos\ of verse 7| and in Johannine style (John:8:44; strkjv@1John:1:10; strkjv@2:4|). {I will make them} (\poiˆs“ autous\). Future active indicative of \poie“\, resuming the prophecy after the parenthesis (\t“n--pseudontai\, which say--but do lie). {To come and worship} (\hina hˆxousin kai proskunˆsousin\). "That they come and worship" (final clause, like _facio ut_ in Latin, with \hina\ and the future active of \hˆk“\ and \proskune“\). The language is based on strkjv@Isaiah:45:14; strkjv@60:14|. The Jews expected homage (not worship in the strict sense) from the Gentiles, but it will come to the Christians at last (1Corinthians:14:24|). Later Ignatius (_Philad_. 6) warns this church against Judaizing Christians, perhaps one result of an influx of Jews. {And to know} (\kai gn“sin\). Continuation of the purpose clause with \hina\, but with the second aorist active subjunctive rather than the less usual future indicative. See both constructions also with \hina\ in strkjv@22:14|. Probably a reminiscence of strkjv@Isaiah:43:4| in \eg“ ˆgapˆsa se\ (I loved thee), first aorist active indicative.

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