
rwp@Revelation:4:11 @{Our Lord and our God} (\ho kurios kai ho theos hˆm“n\). The nominative form here used as vocative as in strkjv@John:20:28| and often. {To receive} (\labein\). Epexegetic second aorist active infinitive of \lamban“\ with \axios\ (worthy). {The glory} (\tˆn doxan\). The article referring to \doxan\ in verse 9| and so with \tˆn timˆn\ (the honour), though \tˆn dunamin\ (the power) is not in verse 9|, but is the power due to be ascribed to God. {Thou didst create} (\su ektisas\). Emphasis on \su\ (thou), first aorist active indicative of \ktiz“\, the verb used about the act of creation by Paul in strkjv@Colossians:1:16| (\ektisthˆ, ektistai\), constative aorist giving a summary picture of the whole (not as a process). {Because of thy will} (\dia to thelˆma sou\). Reason for creation of the universe as in strkjv@Hebrews:2:10| (\di' hon\). {They were} (\ˆsan\). Imperfect tense with a cursory glance at the universe as a fact, possibly a potential existence in God's purpose in the eternal past before the actual creation in time. {And were created} (\kai ektisthˆsan\). First aorist passive indicative of the same verb, \ktiz“\, just used and in the plural, while Paul (Colossians:1:16|) uses the singular \ektisthˆ\. See strkjv@1Corinthians:8:6|. God's will wrought through the Logos (Christ).

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