
rwp@Romans:15:16 @{That I should be} (\eis to einai me\). The \eis to\ idiom with the infinitive again (verses 8,13|). {Minister} (\leitourgon\). Predicate accusative in apposition with \me\ and see strkjv@13:6| for the word. "The word here derives from the context the priestly associations which often attach to it in the LXX" (Denney). But this purely metaphorical use does not show that Paul attached a "sacerdotal" character to the ministry. {Ministering} (\hierourgounta\). Present active participle of \hierourge“\, late verb from \hierourgos\ (\hieros, erg“\), in LXX, Philo, and Josephus, only here in N.T. It means to work in sacred things, to minister as a priest. Paul had as high a conception of his work as a preacher of the gospel as any priest did. {The offering up of the Gentiles} (\hˆ prosphora t“n ethn“n\). Genitive of apposition, the Gentiles being the offering. They are Paul's offering. See strkjv@Acts:21:26|. {Acceptable} (\euprosdektos\). See strkjv@2Corinthians:6:2; strkjv@8:12|. Because "sanctified in the Holy Spirit" (\hˆgiasmenˆ en pneumati hagi“i\, perfect passive participle of \hagiaz“\).

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