
rwp@Romans:15:9 @{And that the Gentiles might praise} (\ta de ethnˆ doxasai\). Coordinate with \bebai“sai\ and \eis to\, to be repeated with \ta ethnˆ\, the accusative of general reference and \ton theon\ the object of \doxasai\. Thus the Gentiles were called through the promise to the Jews in the covenant with Abraham (4:11f.,16f.|). Salvation is of the Jews. Paul proves his position by a chain of quotations from the O.T., the one in verse 9| from strkjv@Psalms:18:50|. For \exomologe“\, see strkjv@14:10|. {I will sing} (\psal“\). Future active of \psall“\, for which verb see on strkjv@1Corinthians:14:15|.

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