
rwp@Romans:2:4 @{Or despiseth thou?} (\ˆ kataphroneis?\). Another alternative, that of scorn of God's kindness (\chrˆstotˆtos\, strkjv@2Corinthians:6:6|) and forbearance (\anochˆs\, old word, holding back from \anech“\, only here in N.T.) and longsuffering (\makrothumias\, late word for which see strkjv@2Corinthians:6:4,6|). \Kataphrone“\ is old verb to think down on (\kata, phrone“\) as in strkjv@Matthew:6:24; strkjv@1Corinthians:11:22|. This upstart Jew actually thinks down on God. And then "the riches" (\tou ploutou\) of all that comes from God. {Leadeth thee to repentance} (\eis metanoian se agei\). The very kindness (\to chrˆston\, the kindly quality) of God is trying to lead (conative present \agei\) thee to a right-about face, a change of mind and attitude (\metanoian\) instead of a complacent self-satisfaction and pride of race and privilege.

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