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* Having , therefore , been declared righteous by faith , let us have , peace , towards God , through our Lord Jesus Christ , * Through whom also we have had , our introduction , by our faith into this favour wherein we stand ; and let us boast in hope of the glory of God . * And , not only so , but let us boast also in our tribulations ; knowing that , our tribulation , worketh out endurance . * And , our endurance , a testing , and , our testing , hope , * And , our hope , putteth not to shame . Because , the love of God , hath been poured out in our hearts , through the Holy Spirit that hath been given unto us : * Seeing that , Christ , we being weak as yet , seasonably , in behalf of such as were ungodly , died . * For , scarcely in behalf of a righteous man , will one die , in behalf of the good man indeed , peradventure one even dareth to die ; * But God commendeth his own love unto us in thatwe as yet being sinners , Christ in our behalf died . * Much more , then , having now been declared righteous by his blood , shall we be saved through him from the anger . * For , if being enemies we were reconciled unto God through the death of his Son , much more , having been reconciled , shall we be saved by his life . * And , not only , so , but are even boasting in God , through our Lord Jesus Christ , through whom , now , the reconciliation we have received . * For this cause , just as , through one man , sin into the world entered , and through sin , death , and , so , unto all men death passed through , for that all had sinned ; * For , until law , sin was in the world , although sin is not reckoned when there is no law , * Yet still , death reigned from Adam until Moses , even over them who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression of Adam , who is a type of the Coming One ; * But , not as the fault , so , also the decree of favour , for , if , by the fault of the one , the many died , much more , the favour of God and the free-gift in favour , by the one man Jesus Christ , unto the many superabounded ; * And , not as through one that sinned , is that which is freely given , for , the sentence of judgment , indeed , wasout of one into condemnation , whereas , the decree of favour , isout of many faults , into a recovery of righteousness . * For , if , by the fault of the one , death reigned through the one , much more , they who the superabundance of the favour and of the free-gift of the righteousness do receive , in life , shall reign through the one , Jesus Christ . * Hence then , as through one fault , is unto all men for righteous acquittal unto life ; * For , just as , through the disobedience of the one man , sinners , the many were constituted , so , also , through the obedience of the one , righteous , the many shall be constituted * Law , however , gained admission , in order that the fault might abound , but , where the sin abounded , the favour greatly superabounded : * In order thatjust as sin reigned in death , so , also , favour , might reign through righteousness unto life age-abiding , through Jesus Christ our Lord .

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