
rwp@Romans:6:6 @{Our old man} (\ho palaios hˆm“n anthr“pos\). Only in Paul (here, strkjv@Colossians:3:9; strkjv@Ephesians:4:22|). {Was crucified with him} (\sunestaur“thˆ\). See on ¯Galatians:2:19| for this boldly picturesque word. This took place not at baptism, but only pictured there. It took place when "we died to sin" (verse 1|). {The body of sin} (\to s“ma tˆs hamartias\). "The body of which sin has taken possession" (Sanday and Headlam), the body marked by sin. {That so we should no longer be in bondage to sin} (\tou mˆketi douleuein hˆmas tˆi hamartiƒi\). Purpose clause with \tou\ and the present active infinitive of \douleu“\, continue serving sin (as slaves). Adds "slavery" to living in sin (verse 2|).

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