
Seeker Overlay ON

* Or are you ignorant , brothers , (for I speak to those knowing law ), that the law lords it over the man for as long a time as he lives ? * For the married woman was bound by law to the living husband ; but if the husband dies , she is set free from the law of the husband . * So then , if the husband is living , she will be called an adulteress if she becomes another man 's . But if the husband dies , she is free from the law , so as for her not to be an adulteress by becoming another man 's . * So that , my brothers , you also were made dead to the law through the body of Christ , for you to become Another 's , to One raised from the dead , so that we may bear fruit to God . * For when we were in the flesh , the passions of sin were working in our members through the law for the bearing of fruit unto death . * But now we have been set free from the law , having died to that in which we were held , so as for us to serve in newness of spirit , and not in oldness of letter .

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[BookofRomans] [Romans:6] [Romans:7] [Romans:8] [Discuss] Tag Romans:7:1-6 [Audio][Presentation]