
rwp@Romans:7:2 @{The wife that hath a husband} (\hˆ hupandros gunˆ\). Late word, under (in subjection to) a husband. Here only in N.T. {Is bound} (\dedetai\). Perfect passive indicative, stands bound. {By law} (\nom“i\). Instrumental case. {To the husband while he liveth} (\t“i z“nti andri\). "To the living husband," literally. {But if the husband die} (\ean de apothanˆi ho anˆr\). Third class condition, a supposable case (\ean\ and the second aorist active subjunctive). {She is discharged} (\katˆrgˆtai\). Perfect passive indicative of \katarge“\, to make void. She stands free from the law of the husband. Cf. strkjv@6:6|.

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