
Seeker Overlay ON

* What shall we say then ? [is ] the law sin ? Far be the thought . But I had not known sin , unless by law : for I had not had conscience also of lust unless the law had said , Thou shalt not lust ; * but sin , getting a point of attack by the commandment , wrought in me every lust ; for without law sin [was ] dead . * But I was alive without law once ; but the commandment having come , sin revived , but I died . * And the commandment , which [was ] for life , was found , [as ] to me , itself [to be ] unto death : * for sin , getting a point of attack by the commandment , deceived me , and by it slew [me ]. * So that the law indeed [is ] holy , and the commandment holy , and just , and good . * Did then that which is good become death to me ? Far be the thought . But sin , that it might appear sin , working death to me by that which is good ; in order that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful . * For we know that the law is spiritual : but I am fleshly , sold under sin . * For that which I do , I do not own : for not what I will , this I do ; but what I hate , this I practise . * But if what I do not will , this I practise , I consent to the law that [it is ] right . * Now then [it is ] no longer I [that ] do it , but the sin that dwells in me . * For I know that in me , that is , in my flesh , good does not dwell : for to will is there with me , but to do right [I find ] not . * For I do not practise the good that I will ; but the evil I do not will , that I do . * But if what I do not will , this I practise , [it is ] no longer I [that ] do it , but the sin that dwells in me . * I find then the law upon me who will to practise what is right , that with me evil is there . * For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man : * but I see another law in my members , warring in opposition to the law of my mind , and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which exists in my members . * O wretched man that I [am ]! who shall deliver me out of this body of death ? * I thank God , through Jesus Christ our Lord . So then I myself with the mind serve God 's law ; but with the flesh sin 's law .

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[BookofRomans] [Romans:6] [Romans:7] [Romans:8] [Discuss] Tag Romans:7:7-25 [Audio][Presentation]