
rwp@Romans:8:20 @{Was subjected} (\hupetagˆ\). Second aorist passive indicative of \hupatass“\ (cf. verse 7|). {To vanity} (\tˆi mataiotˆti\). Dative case. Rare and late word, common in LXX. From \mataios\, empty, vain. strkjv@Ephesians:4:17; strkjv@2Peter:2:18|. {Not of its own will} (\ouch hekousa\). Common adjective, in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Corinthians:9:27|. It was due to the effect of man's sin. {But by reason of him} (\alla dia ton\). Because of God. {In hope that} (\eph' helpidi hoti\). Note the form \helpidi\ rather than the usual \elpidi\ and so \eph'\. \Hoti\ can be causal "because" instead of declarative "that."

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